Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 5.djvu/703

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A. D. 1728. Anno primo 'Geokgii IF. Stat. 2. C. i.3, ig<. §£| ' any Matter of" Miftrefs, to learn any Profeflion, Trade or Employment, and to have fucfi Indentures; or . ' ' other Writings, yhich ihall contain the Covenants, Articles, Contracts or Agreements relai o ' vice of fuch Clerk, Apprentice or Servant, ftampt within the Times by the feveral Acts of P nt for thole Purpofes refpedtively limited, or who have alio in like Mannei omitt id to inl a, and write in Word, ' at Length, in fuch Indentures or other Writings as aforefaid, the full Sum or Sums of Money, or any Part ' thereof received, or in any wife dheelly or indirectly given, paid, agreed or contra* ted for, with or in ' Relation to every fuch Clerk, Apprentice or Servant as aforefaid : lie it enacted by the Authority afore- faid, That upon Payment of the Rates and Duties upon Monies, or fuch Part of fuch Monies fo neglected CUufefoi or omitted to be paid as aforefaid, on or before the twenty-fourth Day of 'June one thoufand feven hundred furthci T and twenty-eight, to fuch Perfon or Perfons to whom the fame ought to be paid, and tendring the faid In- a ';' 1 dentures or other Writings,' to be fhunped at the fame Time, or at any Time on or before the twenty-ninth ^"j'J" Day of September one thoufand feven hundred and twenty-eight (of which timely Notice is to be given in the Cmteriiing .<;<-- London Gazette) the fame Indentures or other Writings, fhall be good and available in Law and Equity, prmi faid, (hall be acquitted and difchafged from the faid Penalties ; any Thing in any of the faid former Acts to the contrary in any wife notwithftanding. CAP. XVIII. An Act to explain and amend an Act made in the twelfth Year of the Reign of his lateMajefty King Georg e the Firft, for building a Bridge crofs the River of Thames, from the Town of Fulham in the County of Middle/ex, to the Town of Putney in the County of Surrey, and for making the faid Act more effec- tual. P R. Commiflioners for building the Bridge at Fulham, may contract: with any Perfons, as well CommifTioners as others, for erecting the Bridge. May affign over in Perpetuity the Tolls to Contractors for building the Bridge. CommifTioners not to build till Satisfaction be given to the Proprietors of the Horfe Ferries. CAP. XIX. An Aft for punifhing fuch Perfons as fhall wilfully and malicioufly pull down or deftroy Turn- pikes for repairing Highways, or Locks or other Works, erected by Authority of Parlia- liament, for making Rivers navigable. HEREAS feveral ill defigning and diforderly Perfons have in feveral Parts of this Kingdom affb- ciated themfelves together both by Day and Night, and cut down, pulled down, burnt, and other-

  • wife deftroyed feveral Turnpike Gates and Houfes, which have been erected by the Authority of feveral

' Acts of Parliament, made for repairing divers Roads within this Kingdom, by Tolls taken or to be taken ' at fuch Turnpikes, and thereby prevented the Toll from being received, which has leffened the Security

  • of divers of his Majeity's good Subjects, for conftderable Sums of Money, which they have advanced or

' lent on the Credit of the faid Acts, and deterred others from lending any Money on the fame, and thereby ' the faid Acts are become ineffectual, the Laws now in Force not inflicting any Punifliment on fuch Of- ' fenders fuitable to their Offences ; and whereas other evil difpofed Perfons have threatned the pulling ' down and deftroying of Locks, Sluices and Floodgates erected to preferve and fecure the Navigation of ' Rivers made navigable purfuant to Acts of Parliament for that Purpofe ;' For preventing fuch wicked and unlawful Practices for the future, and for rendring the faid Acts more effectual ; Be it enacted by the King's moft Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament aflembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That if any Perfon or jf anv p er ron Perfons whatsoever, from and after the twenty-fourth Day of June in the Year of our Lord one thoufand (hall break down feven hundred and twenty-eight, fhall either by Day or Night wilfully and malicioufly break down, cut any Turnpike, down, pluck up, throw down, level, or otherwife deftroy any Turnpike Gate or Turnpike Gates, or any lle * a " be fent Poll or Polls, Rail or Rails, Wall or Walls, or other Fence or Fences, belonging to any fuch Turnpike £ a l o , ™H ™fe Gate or Turnpike Gates, erected or to be erected, to prevent PaiTengers from palling by without paying the of Con-eftion, Toll directed to be paid by any Act or Acts of Parliament made or to be made for that Purpofe, every and for 3 Months, all fuch Perfon or Perfons fo offending, being lav/fully convicted thereof, upon the Oath or Oaths of one or ' Bieakingdown more credible Witnefs or Witneffes, before any two or more Juffices of the Peace of the County, Riding, J e " npi u es made Divifion, City, Town, Borough or Corporation, wherein any fuch Offence or Offences fhall be committed, , G "/. zc 1- ' or before the Juffices of the Peace in open Seffions (who are hereby authorized and impowered fummarily and finally to hear and determine the fame) fhall be lent to the common Gaol, or elfe to the Houfe of Correction, there to continue and be kept to hard Labour for the Space of three Months, without Bail or Mainprize ; and the faid Juffices fhall alfo order and adjudge, that fuch Offender and Offenders fhall be, by the Mafter and be wh 'pt at or Keeper of fuch Gaol or Houfe of Correction as aforefaid, on the firft convenient Market Day, once pub- ^Market lickly and openly whipt in fuch City, Town, Borough or Corporation, wherein or near which fuch Of- ros " fence fhall be committed, at the Market Crofs or Market Flace there, between the Hours of eleven and two of the Clock. II. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That if any fuch Perfon or Perfons fo convicted Convi&ed afe- fhall, from and after the faid four and twentieth Day of fune, commit any of the Offences aforefaid a fe- cond Tln ? c >. cond Time, or if any Perfon or Perfons fhall, either by Day or Night, wilfully and malicioufly pull down or demol!fllin s Vol.V. 4 Q, or ■