Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 5.djvu/758

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oo C, 46. Anno fecundo Georgii II. A. D. 1729. o fHnll b° unpaid, contrary to the Intent and Meaning of this Ad, twenty Shillings over and above the W.ices'thatlnall be due to each Perfcn, to be recovered by the fame Means and Methods as the Wages may"be recovered ; and fuch Payment of Wages aforefaid (hall be good and valid in Law, notwithftanding Adion, Bill 'of Sale, Attachment or Incumbrance whatfoever. In rafe of S'.iit for Wages, Ma iter oblifc'il to , ':,, coviyor vv ages agamu any um K , ^ *.«»» ». — ....„>.,_._„., v 7^ YT 1 w j - V Vf • • pfducc tiie of . ^ tbat jn a jj Cafes wnere ] t f. la n or may be neceflary that the v^ontrad or Agreement in Writing Ard's'e^n not' aforefaid fhould be produced in Court, no Obligation (hall lie on any Seaman or Mariner to produce the deprive 1 1 f other lame but on the Mafter, Owner or Owners ot the Ship for which the Wages (hall be demanded ; and no Remedies. Seaman or Mariner (hall fail in any Suit, Adion or Procefs for Recovery of Wages for want of fuch Agree- ment or Contract being produced ; any Law, Ufage or Cuftom to the contrary notwithftanding. IX And be it further enacted, That the Mailers or Commanders,- or Owners of any Ships or Veffels duel oi't of Sea- (hall and they hereby have full Power to dedud, out of the Wages of any Seaman or Mariner, all the Pe- me-ns Wages ail nalties and Forfeitures to be incurred by this Ad, and to enter them in a Book or Books to be kept for Penalties due to j^at Purpofe, and to make Oath, if required, to the Truth thereof; which Book or Books (hall be figned Greenwich , ' {he ft;d ^ a fl- er or Commander of each Ship or Veflel refpedively, and two or more principal Officers, beIon<*in°- to fuch Ships or Veffels, fetting forth that the Penalties and Forfeitures contained in fuch Book or Books" are the whole Penalties and Forfeitures ftopt from any Seamen or Mariners during the whole Voyap-e -'which Penalties and Forfeitures (except the Forfeiture of Wages to the Owners on the Defertion of any Seaman or Mariner, or on refilling to proceed on the Voyage) (hall go to and be applied to the Ufe of Greenwich Hofpital, and not otherwife, to be paid and accounted for by the Mafters and Commanders of Ships and Veffels coming from Parts beyond the Seas, to the fame Officer or Officers, at any Port or Place, who colleds the Six-pence per Month, deducted out of Seamens Wages, for the Ufe of the faid Hofpj'tal ; which Officer (hall have and hereby hath full Power to adminifter an Oath to every Commander or Mafter reflectively touching the Truth of fuch Penalties and Forfeitures, to be paid, applied and difpofed of as aforefaid. * , n ^ , ^ . „, . Forfeitures to be X. And be it further enaded, That in cafe any Mafters or Commanders, or Owners of any Ships or paid to the Ho- Veffels (hall deduct out of the Wages of any Seamen or Mariners, any of the Penalties and Forfeitures, fpitd within 3 which by this Ad are directed to be deduded and applied to and for the Ufe of Greenwich Hofpital, and Months. £k a ]f not p t b e Money fo deduded to fome Officer or Officers who colled the Six-pence per Month, de- duded out of Seamens Wages, for the Ufe of the faid Hofpital, in the Port or Place where fuch Deduc- tion (hall be made, within three Months after fuch Dedudion ; every Perfon fo negleding to pay the Money deduded as aforefaid, (hall forfeit and pay treble the Value thereof to the Ufe of the faid Hofpital ; which, together with the Money deduded as aforefaid, (hall and may be recovered bv the fame Means and Methods as any Penalties and Forfeitures for not duly paying the laid Six-pence per Month can or may be recovered. Publitk Aft. XL And be it further enaded, That this Ad (hall be deemed and taken to be a publick Act; and ail Judo-es and Juftices are hereby obliged to take Notice of it as fuch, without fpecial pleading the fame. Continuation of xll. Provided always, and it is hereby enaded, That this Ad (hall continue and be in Force for the the Aft. Space of five Years, to be reckoned from the faid twenty-fourth Day of June one thoufand (even hundred < Continued by anc j twen ty-nine, and from thence to the End of the then next Seffion of Parliament, and no longer. 23 Geo. 2. c.26. xill. Provided, That nothing in this Ad contained (hall extend or be conftrued to extend to debar any Aa not to debar Seaman or Mariner belonging to any Merchant Ship or Veflel, from entring or being en t red into the Ser- Seamenfromen- vice of his Majefty, his Heirs and Succeffors, on board any of his or their Ships or Vedels j nor (hall fuch tring into his Seaman or Mariner, for fuch Entry, forfeit the Wages due to him, during the Term of his Service in fuch Majefty "s Ser- ]y[ erc hani Ship or Veffel ; nor (hall fuch Entry be deemed a Defertion. C^ewKtr S-am-B fee farther 6 Geo. z. c. 25. 3 Geo. z. c. 29. Ji Geo. 2. c. 30. 13 Geo. %. c. 3 & 17. 14..GW.2. e. 38. 17 G<w. a. c. 34. 18 Geo. a. S. 3 J, zoGco. 1. c. 38. zzGeo.z.c. 52. 2+ Geo. 2. c. 47. 31 Cftv2. c jo, and z Geo. 3. c. 31. by which tins 48 is made fcrfe-unl. END of the FIFTH V O L U M E.