Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 5.djvu/83

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A. D. 1714. Anno primo Georgii Regis. Stat. 2. C. 16, 17. 43 ' of his Majefty, his Heirs and Succeflbrs, and the other ^Moiety to the Informer ; which general Liberty of/hall fue t!ic ' fuing hath, by Experience, been found to be very prejudicial :' Be it therefore enacted by the . lUthorityFaftor for not aforefaid, That no other Perfon than the Clothier, or Owner of Cloth unfatisficd, (hall be capable of fui.g 'T;' the Faftor, on account of not demanding Notes purfuant to the (aid Aft ; any Thing therein contained t ^°g C & ^v to the contrary in any wife notwithstanding : And that no Profecution (hall be brought or commi any the Penalties or Forfeitures mentioned in the faid Aft, or by Virtue thereof, by any Perfon or Per iced fOJTc. o. the Penalties or Forfeitures mentioned in the faid Aft, or by Virtue thereof, by any Perfon or Perfons, P .,x.-,,.; r . ,■ r unlefs fuch Profecution (hall be commenced or begun within twelve Months next the Offence; / committed. ("aid Aft <■ begun in ii Months after the Often -. XIV. Provided always, That any Thing herein before contained (hall not be conftrued to extend to This Aft ft II any Cloth made or manufactured within the County of York; or to repeal or any wife invalidate any of n° l 'extend to the Authorities mentioned or contained in an Aft made in the feventh Year of the Reign of her late Ma- $ : ,"' ,h ™ a jefty Queen Anne, intituled, An Aft for the better afcertaining the Lengths and Breadths of Woollen Cloth made toVc-p^i >i»' in the County of York. Authorities in ' XV. And for making the fame Aft more effeftual,' Be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid, the Aft of That from and after the nine and twentieth Day of September one thoufand feven hundred and fifteen, all 7 Ann. c. ij. Sorts of Yorkshire Cloths, called Whole thick Kerfeys, Whole thick Plains, Huggabags and Broken quilted JS p h h a & "- d Kerfeys (hall not be made under eighteen Yards in Length, and not lefs than three Quarters and an half in yorkfhire Breadth by the Standard Yard- Wand, when fully wet, and (hall be contented and feaied in fuch Manner Cloths, Kerfeys, as Yorkjlnre Cloths are directed to be by the fame Aft, under the Penalties therein mentioned ; and that if fee- any Clothier or other Perfon (hall, after the faid twenty-ninth Day of September, offer or expofe to Sale Forfeiture for any of the aforefaid Yorkjlnre Cloths, which (hall be made after the faid twenty-ninth Day of September, ftJling'clotha and not made according to the fame Length and Breadth, and be thereof convifted in fuch Manner as Of- j^n'th 8 &c fenders againft the fame Aft are to be convifted, he (hall, for every Inch the faid refpeftive York/hire Cloths e " B ' (hall be lefs than the faid Breadth, and for every Half- Yard they Shall be lefs in Length than eighteen Yards, as aforefaid, forfeit the Sum of twenty Shillings ; and that if any Perfon (hall, from and after the faid twenty-ninth Day of September, Stretch or (train any of the aforefaid Yorkjhire Cloths when wet, and for over- fcoured and milled, more than one Inch in every Quarter of a Yard in the Breadth, or more than Half- Etching them, Yard in every eighteen Yards in Length, and fo proportionably, or (hall offer or expofe to Sale any of the faid Yorkjlnre Cloths, or any other Yorkjhire Cloths mentioned in the fame Aft, that (hall not be contented or feaied in fuch Manner as Yorkjlnre Cloths are by the fame Aft directed to be contented and feaied, every fuch Perfon fo offending in any of thofe Cafes, and being thereof fo convifted, as aforefaid, (hall for every fuch Offence forfeit the Sum of twenty Shillings ; and that if any Maker of any Yorkjlnre Cloth, or fixing aMarfe or other Perfon concerned in that Manufacture, (hall at any Time after the faid twenty-ninth Day of Sep- other than his tember, fix, or caufed to be fixed, any Mark upon his Cloth, whereby to diflinguifh the Maker thereof, own - other than his own Chriltian Name and Surname, and Place of his Refidence, or the firft Letters of fuch Chriltian and Surname, and Place of Refidence, every fuch Perfon fo offending, and being thereof con- vifted, as aforefaid, (hall for every fuch Offence forfeit the Sum of forty Shillings, all which faid refpeftive Forfeiture?, how Forfeitures in relation to Yorkjhire Cloths (hall be levied and paid in fuch Manner, and to fuch Ufes, as to be recovered. Forfeitures incurred by the fame Aft are to be levied and paid, and any Perfon offending in any of the Cafes aforefaid relating to Yorkjhire Cloths, upon whom fuch Forfeitures cannot be levied for want of fuf- ficient Diitrefs, (hall be liable to fuch Imprisonment and hard Labour, for fuch Time, and in fuch Man- ner, as Offenders againfc the feme Aft are (for want of fuch Diffrefs) made liable to. XVI. Provided always, That the Penalties incurred by reafon of the fame Aft, or of this Aft, in Penalties to be any Matters relating to Yorkjhire Cloths, be inflifted within twenty-one Days next after the Offences J" fll,ftec ! in 2I are committed or difcovered ; and that if any Perfon finds himfelf aggrieved by any Order or Warrant offence" made by any Juftice or Juftices of the Peace upon any fuch Conviftion, as aforefaid, in any Matters rela- ting to Yorkjlnre Cloths, fuch Perfon may appeal to the Juftices of the Peace at the next General Quarter- Appeal to th> Seffions of the Peace to be held for the County, Riding or Corporation where fuch Conviftion (hall be Sefll0ns ' who( " e made, giving Sufficient Notice of fuch Appeal, and the Determination of fuch Juftices in fuch Seffions fl^ibe'fina) " (hall be final ; and the faid Juftices (hall allow fuch Cofts and Charges to the Party, on whofe Behalf fuch with CoftsVnd Appeal (hall be determined as they (hall think reafonable, to be levied and paid in fuch Manner as is ufual Charges. in other Cafes of Appeals from the Orders of any Juftices of the Peace to the Quarter- Seffions. Farther Pro- •vi/tons re/cling hereto, I Geo. I< fiat, 2. c. 4.1. 11 Geo. I. c. 24. 7 Geo. 2, c. 25. II do. 2. c. 28. and 14 Geo, z. c. 3 5. CAP. XVI. An Aft for the Attainder of Henry Vifcount Bolingbroke of Pligh Treafon, unlefs he (hall render himfelf to Juftice by a Day certain therein mentioned. P R. CAP. XVII. An Aft for the Attainder of James Duke of Ormonde of High Treafon, unlefs he (hall render himfelf t» Juftice by a Day certain therein mentioned. P R, G % ■ CAP.