Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/196

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134 be free from Taxes, he deemed a Perfonal Eftate, ■C. 28. Anno fexto Georgii II. A. D. x 733- and transferna- ble; Method of transferring. Annuities may be bequeathed. No Stamp Du- ties for Trans- fbro. The aforefaid Divilion not to lefTen the Com- pany's former Powers or Im- munities. XII. And it rs hereby enacted, That the faid new Joint Stock of South-Sea Annuities created by this Act, and all and every the Principal Sums for which the faid feveral Annuities are to be payable, and whereupon they fhall be computed purfuant to this Act, and every of them, mall be free from all Taxes, Charges and Impofitions whatfoever. XIII. And be it further enacted, That the faid new Joint Stock of South-Sea Annuities (hall, to all Intents and Purpofes, be and be deemed a Perfonal Eftate, and not to be defcendable to the Heir, nor be liable to any foreign Attachment by the Cuftom of London^ or otherwife ; any Law,, Statute or Cuftom to the contrary notwithstanding. XIV". And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That all the Principal Monies in the faid new Joint Stock of South-Sea Annuities, for which the faid feveral and refpective Annuities (hall pur- fuant to this Act be payable as aforefaid, (hall be deemed, reputed and taken to be a Joint Stock, on which the fame Annuities (hall be attending ; and that all and every Perfon and Perfons, Body and Bodies Politick and Corporate, in Proportion to fnch their refpective Annuities, (hall have and be deem- ed, reputed and taken to have a Share in fuch Joint Stock, and that the fame Joint Stock, or any Share or Shares therein, and the proportional Annuity and Annuities attending the fame, (hall be af- fignable and transferrable, as this Act directs, and not otherwife ; and that the faid South-Sea Company (hall caufe to be constantly kept, within fome convenient Place within the City of London, an Office and a Book or Books, in which all Affignments or Transfers of the faid new Joint Stock of South-Sea. Annuities as aforefaid, and of the proportional Annuities attending the fame, or any Part or Parcel thereof, (hall be fairly entred and regiftred, which Entry fhall be conceived in proper Words for that Purpofe, and (hall be (igned by the Party making fuch Affignment or Transfer, or, if the Party be abfent, by his, her or their Attorney, thereunto lawfully authorized, by Writing under his, her or their Hands and Seals, to be attefted by two or more credible Witneffes, and that the Perfon or Per- fons to whom fuch Transfers (hall be made, his, her or their Attorney do underwrite his, her or their Acceptance thereof, and that no other Method of affigning or transferring the faid Stock and Annuities to attend the fame, or any Part thereof, or any Intereft therein, (hall be good and available in Law. XV. Provided always, That any Perfon or Perfons pollened of fuch new Joint Stock of South-Sea Annuities, or any Intereft therein, may bequeath the fame in the fame Manner as any other perfonal Eftate may be bequeathed. XVI. And it is hereby enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That no Stamp Duties whatfoever (hall be chargeable upon any the Transfers or Affignments of the faid new Joint Stock of South-Sea Annuities. XVII. And it is hereby further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That as well the faid South-Sea Company, and their General Courts, their Courts of Directors, and Committees, and all their Officers and Minifters whatfoever, as alfo all the respective Members of the faid Company, their Executors, Adminiftrators, Succeffors and Assigns for the Time being, in Respect of the faid remaining fourth Part, or one Part in four, of the laid Capital Stock, to be continued in and to the faid Company as a Trading Stock as aforefaid, and in Refpeet of the faid Refidue of the faid Annuities or Funds attending or to attend the faid Trading Stock, and in Refpeet of the faid Allowances for Charges of Manage- ment, and in Refpeet of all the Shares and Interefts of the faid Members and Proprietors of and in the fame, and every of them, and in Refpeet of all Monies, Effects, Debts, Dependencies, Demands, Di- vidends, Profits and Advantages which are to belong and remain to the faid South-Sea Company in their own Right as aforefaid, fhall and may have, exercife and execute, and fhall be intitled, by Force and Virtue of this Act, to have, exercife and execute all fuch and the like Powers, Authorities and Capaci- ties, and to have, receive and enjoy fuch and the like Freedoms, Immunities, Exemptions from Taxes, and other Exemptions and Privileges, and fuch and the like Benefits of Trade, and other Benefits, Profits and Advantages (other than in Cafes touching which different or other Provisions or Directions are made and given in and by this Act) as the faid South-Sea Company, or their General Courts, Courts of Dire : ors, Committees, Officers or Minifters, or the Members of the said Company, their Executors, Adminiftrators, Succeffors or Affigns respectively might have had, exercifed or executed, or might have received or enjoyed, if this Act had not been made ; subject nevertheiefs to fuch and the like Restrictions, Savings, Rules and Directions as they refpectively were fubject to before the making of this Act; and all and every the Powers, Authorities,- Privileges, Freedoms, Immunities, Exempti- ons, Benefits of Trade, and other Benefits, Profits and Advantages, and all Pains of Death, Penalties, Forfeitures and Disabilities, and all Restrictions, Savings, Rules and Directions, -and all Claufes, Con- ftitutions, By-laws, Orders, Matters and Things whatfoever, which were enacted or lawfully provided or eftablifbed in, by or purfuant to any Act or Acts of Parliament, Laws or Provisions whatfoeve'-, which were in Fore at or until the Time of making of this Act, for better fecuring the whole Capital Stock of the faid South-Sea Company, or for fecuring and paying their whole Annuities or Funds at the Exchequer, by weekly or other Payments, or. for, touching or concerning the Affigning or Transfer- ring the fame, or any Shares therein, or for Payment of the faid Allowance for Charges of Manage- ment, or for preventing or punilhing the Fc rging or Counterfeiting any Transfer or Transfers, Affign- ment or Affignments, or any Letters of Attorney to transfer or assign any of the Stock of the faid South-Sea Company, or for perfonating any Perfon, or demanding fuch Stock, by Virtue of any fuch forged Writing, or for Forging or Counterfeiting any of the faid Company's Bonds or Indorfements thereon, or any Dividend Warrants made for the fame, or for pubhfhing any fuch forged or counterfeit Writings, knowing the fame to be fuch, or any Powers relating thereto, or the Bonds or Obligations of the faid Company, or for fecuring the Trade thereof, or any ways relating thereto, are and (hall, by Force