Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/25

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The TITLES of the STATUTES. 27. An Act to enable John Gilbert Efquire, and the Heirs Male of his Body, to take and ufe the Surname and Arms of Cooper, purfuant to the Will of John Cooper of Thurgarton, Efquire, deceafed. 28. An Act to enable John Sinclair, cldeft Son of Henry izte. Lord Sinclair deceafed, to fue or maintain any Ac- tion or Suit, notwith (landing his Attainder, and to re- move any Difability in him^ by reafon of his faid At- tainder, to take or inherit any Real or Perfonal Eftate, that may or (hall hereafter defcend or come to him. 29. An Adt to enable William Murray to fue or maintain any Action or Suit, notwithftanding his Attainder, and to remove any Difability in him, by reafon of his faid Attainder, to take or inherit any Real or Perfonal E- ftate, that may have defcended or come to him fince his late Majcfty's molt gracious Pardon, dated the twentieth of July in the feventh Year of his Reign, or that fhall hereafter defcend or come to him. 30. An Act for naturalizing Friederick Felthufen. 31. An Act for making effedtual what has been agreed between Alan Lord Vifcount Midleton in the Kingdom of Ireland, and his four Nieces ; and for the fecuring the Payment of ten thoufand Pounds agreed to be paid them; and to enable him to make good the Agreements in his Marriage Articles. 32. An Act to enable John Freeman Efquire, heretofore called John Cooke, and his Heirs, to take and ufe the Surname of Freeman, purfuant to the Will of William Freeman Efquire deceafed ; and alfo to impower the faid John Freeman and others, to make Leafes of the Eftates devifed by the faid Will. 2i- An Act to enable the Guardians and Truftees of Sa- muel Pitt an Infant, to compound with Samuel Pitt Merchant, for a Sum of Money decreed to the faid In- fant by the Court of Chancery. 34. An Act for Sale of Part of the Eftate late of Thomas Vaux Efquire, deceafed, for difcharging his Debts and Incumbrances. 35. An Act for inclofing and dividing the Common Fields and Common Grounds in the Parifh of Weft Stafford cutn Froom Bellett in the County of Dorfet. 36. An Act for vefting in John Sallom Gentleman, and his Heirs, a Reverfion in Fee of Lands and Heredita- ments therein mentioned, in the County of Lancajler, forfeited by Gabriel Hejketh, attainted of High Treafon. 37. An Act to enable the Commiflioners of the Treafury, or the Lord High Treafurer for the Time being, to compound with Edward Randolph late of London Mer- chant, and his Sureties, a Debt due to the Crown for Cuftoms for Tobacco. 38. An Act for naturalizing David Putry and John An- thony Merle. 39. An Act for naturalizing John Reejfen. PUBLICKACTS. Anno 10 Georgii II. 1. A N Act for continuing the Duties upon Malt, Mum, jt Cyder and Perry, in that Part of Great Britain called England; and for granting to his Majefty certain Duties upon Malt, Mum, Cyder and Perry, in that Part of Great Britain called Scotland, for the Service of the Year one thoufand feven hundred and thirty-feven. 2. An Act for punifhing Mutiny and Deiertion ; and for the better Payment of the Army and their Quarters. 3. An Adt for granting an Aid to his Majefty by a Land Tax to be raifed in Great Britain, for the Ser- vice of the Year one thoufand feven hundred and thirty- feven. 4. An Act for continuing an Adt pafTed in the fifth Yea; of the Reign of his late Majefty King George the lirlt, intituled, An Ail for laying a Duty of tivo Pennies Scots, or one ftxth Part of a Penny Sterling, upon every Pint if Ale or Beer that Jhall be vended or fold within the Town of Dunbar, for improving and preserving the Harbour, and repairing the Town Houfe, and building a School, and other publick Buildings there, andforfupplying the faid Town with Frejl) Water. 5. An Act for enlarging the Term granted by an Act pafTed in the twelfth Year of the Reign of his late Ma- jefty King Gco'ge the Firft, intituled, An Ail for >,- pairing fevcral Roads therein mentioned, leading into tit City a/'Worcefter; and for repairing feveral other Roads lying contiguous to the fame ; and for reducing the Toll or Duties granted on Sheep and Lambs by the faid Act. 6. An Act for the better repairing and paving the High- ways, Streets and Watercourfes within the City of New Sarum, and for enlightning the Streets, Lanes, and.Paflages, and better regulating the nightly Watch within the faid City. 7. An Act for continuing an Act pafTed in the third Year of the Reign of his late Majefty King George the Firft, For laying a Duty oftiuo Pennies Scots, or one ftxtk Pari of a Penny Sterling, on' every Pint of Ale or Beer that Jhall be vended or fold within the Town of Dumfries, and Pri- vileges thereof, for paying the Debts of the faid Town, and for building a Church, and making a Harbour there , and for laying a Duty on the Tonnage of Shipping, and a Duty on Goods imported and exported into and out of the Port of the faid Town, for the better repairing of the faid Harbour. 8. An Act to make perpetual an Adt made in the feventh Year of the Reign of his prefent Majefty, intituled, An Aft to prevent the infamous Praclicc of Stock-jobbing. 9. An Act for making navigable the River or Brook, called Worfley Brook, from Wenfey Mill, in the Town- Ihip of Worfley, in the County Palatine of Lancqjler, to the River Irwell in the faid County. 10. An Act to impower the Juftices of the Peace for the County of Bucks, to raife Money to difcharge the Debts incurred on account of building a Gaol and Court Rooms, and for finifhing the fame for the Ufe of the County. 11. An Act for making more effectual two Acts of Par- liament, one of the fixth Year of the Reign of her late Majefty Queen Anne, and the other of the eleventh Year of the Reign of his late Majefty King George, For repairing the Highways from Old Stratford in the County ^/"Northampton, to Dunchurch in the County of War- wick. 12. An Act for repairing the Road from Hertford Bridge Hill, to the Town of Bafing/loke, and alfo the Road from Hertjord Bridge Hill aforefaid, to the Town of Odiham in the County of Southampton. 13. An Act for indemnifying Perfons who have omitted to qualify themfelves for Offices, or to take the Oaths required within the Time limited by Law, and for al- lowing further Time for thofe Purpofes. 14. An Act for colledting at the Port of Leghorn certain fmall Sums of Money, to which the Merchants trading there have ufually contributed, for the Relief of ihip- wreck'd Mariners, Captives and other diftreiled Per- fons, his Majefty's Subjects, and for other charitable and pubiick Uies. . c2 ij, Ao.