Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/320

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JP58 C. 17. Anno decimo Georgii II. A. D. 1737.

  • expofe the fame to Sale on any Bulk or Bulks, Stall or Stalls, or in any Shed or Sheds, or on o*.
  • in any other Place or Places, other than in fuch Place or Places as are in the laid Act mentioned or
  • allowed, upon Pain of forfeiting for every fuch Offence the Sum often Pounds; and it (hall and
  • may be lawful to and for any one or more Juftice or Juftices of the Peace for die County, Riding,
  • Divifipn, City or Liberty refpectively, wherein fuch Offence fhall be committed, on his or their own.
  • View, or on Confeffion of the Party, or by Proof on the Oath of one or more credible Witnefs or
  • Witneffes made of fuch Offence, to convict any Per.fon or Perfons fo offending as aforefaid; and fuch;
  • Perfon or Perfons fo offending and convicted fhall immediately on fuch Conviction pay the faid Sum
  • often Pounds into the Hands of the Churchwardens and Overfeers of the Poor of the Parifh where

1 fuch Offence fhall be committed, or one of them, and on fuch Offender or Offenders refufing or neg- 4 lecting to pay the faid Sum, the Juftice or Juftices fo convicting as aforefaid fhall and may by War-.

  • rant or Warrants under his or their Hand and Seal, or Hands and Seals, commit the Offender or Of-

' fenders to the Houfe of Correction for the faid County, City or Liberty refpectively, there to remain

  • and be kept to hard Labour for the Space of two Months, to be reckoned from the Day of the faid

' Commitment, and the Perfon or Perfons fo committed (hall not be difcharged until he, (lie or they ' (hall have paid the faid Sum of ten Pounds, or until the full Expiration of the faid two Month?; and

  • every Sum or Sums of Money arifing from the Conviction of any Perfon or Perfons as aforefaid, in

' cafe there be no Informer, (hall be wholly applied to the Ufe of the Poor of the Parilh wherein the ' Offence was committed •> but if there (hall be an Informer, one Moiety of fuch Money (hall be paid ' to the Informer, and the other Moiety fhall be paid to the Overfeers and Churchwardens as afore-

  • faid, or one of them, and applied to the Ufe of the Poor of the Parifh as aforefaid : And whereas;

'• fuch Perfons as are willing and defirous of putting the faid falutary Law in Execution, have not the

  • Encouragement which is due to them, and which they j.uftly deferve, where the Perfons incurring-

' the pecuniary Penalties of the faid Act are not able to pay the fame, but in lieu thereof are fent to 1 ' the Houfe of Correction, as by the faid Act is directed;' For Remedy whereof, be it enacted by the Commiffioners Authority aforefaid, That from and after the faid twenty-fourth Day of 'June one thoufand feven hun- reward Perfons ^ rec * anc * thirty-feven, in all fuch Cafes as aforefaid it fhall and may be' lawful for the Commiffioners who are inti- of Excife in England and Scotland refpectively to caufe fuch Rewards as aforefaid to be paid to the feveral. tied thereto out and refpective Perfons who fhall appear to them to be intitled thereto as aforefaid, out of any Money- in their^Hands tnat mal1 be m tneir Hands,, or any Officers belonging to them, that hath arifen or fhall arife by virtue &c ' of any Penalties or Forfeitures incurred by the faid Act as aforefaid, and the Money fo paid (hall be accepted of and allowed in their Accounts, as fo much Money paid to. his Majefty; and the faid Com-' Offendercon- miffioners are and fhall hereby be difcharged thereof accordingly; and every Offender convicted as. vifted, and not aforefaid,. and upon Ins or her Refufal or Neglect to pay the faid Penalty of ten Pounds, committed to- Fme, 1S (haU be the Houfe of Correction as aforefaid, fhall, before his or her Difcharge therefrom, be llript naked front committed, &c the Middle upwards, and whipt until his or her Body be bloody. No Perfon to X. Provided alfo, and it is hereby enacted and declared, That nothing in this Act contained (hall without Lice"" exten d or ^ e confirmed to enable any Perfon or Perfons to fell fuch made Wines to be drunk in his or i'rom.two Ju- ^eir Houfe or Houfes, unlefs fuch Perfon or Perfons be firft licenfed by two or more of his Majefty's itices of Peace, Juftices of the Peace of the County, Riding, Divifion, City or Liberty wherein fuch Perfon or Perfons IftalLpay their * na11 ^ e11 the f aic * mac * e Wmes? under the Hands and Seals of the faid Juftices, for which Licence or Clerk zs. 6 d. Licences the Sum of two Shillings and fix Pence, and no more, (hall tie paid to the Clerks of fuch to. Juftices, and no Fee or Sum of Money or other Reward whatfoever to the Clerk or Clerks of the Peace for entering the fame, or on any other Account; on Pain of five Pounds in cafe any of the faid juftices Clerks, or any Clerk of the Peace, (hall afk, receive or demand any more or other Fee or Fees on Account of fuch Licences under any Pretence whatfoever; and if the Licence is not found' and pro- vided by the faid Juftices Clerks, then no Fee whatfoever fhall be due or received by them. None to be XI. Provided always, and be it further enacted, That no Licence (hall be granted to any Perfon or Kee^sof' t0 P er ^ ons whatfoever for felling by Retail any made Wines whatfoever, except to fuch Perfons only who Coffee-houfes, (hall keep publick Viclualling-houfes, Inns, Coffee-houles or Ale-houfes; and if fuch Licences fhall to. be granted, the fame are hereby declared void to all Intents and Purpofes^ p«ty of fpiritu- XII. Provided, That nothing in this Act (hall extend, or be conftrued to extend, to alter or take ti5 Liquors ftill away any Duty chargeable on diftilled fpirituous Liquors, or any other Liquors, by the faid Act of' to continue. Parliament made in the ninth Year of the Reign of his prefent Majefty. XIII. And it is hereby alfo enacted-, That there (hall be provided and kept in tire Office of the Au- ditor of the Receipt of the Exchequer; one Book or Regifter, in which all the Orders for Money payable upon this Act (hall be entered and regiftered; and that it (halt and may be lawful to and for any Perfon or Perfons, Natives or Foreigners, Bodies Politick or Corporate, to advance and lend to his Majefty at the faid Receipt, upon Credit of the faid Duties by this Act granted, any Sum or Sums of' Money, not exceeding in the whole the Sum of five hundred thoufand Pounds, which Lenders fhall Cbufeof Loan have Intereft for the Forbearance of their refpective Loans, not exceeding the Rate of three Pounds pen at 3 1. per Cent. Centum per Annum, fo as fuch Loans be allowed to be made by the Commiffioners of the Treafury, or any three or more of them, or by the high Treafurer, or any three or more of the Commiffioners of the Treafury for the time being, who are hereby authorized to iffue their Warrants- for that Purpofe, as fait as fuch Loans (hall be wanted for the publick Service, the faid Intereft to be paid half yearly from the making of fuch Loans, until the Satisfaction of the principal Sums refpectively, and that no Monies Tr.Uies and f i0 De j eilt fhallbe rated or affefied in any Tax or Affeffment whatfoever; and that every fuch .. payment"/ e " Lender (hall immediately have a Tally of Loan (truck for the Money by him, her or them lent, anil an Order of the fame Date for Repayment thereof with fuch Intereft as aforefaid; and that all fuch ' Orders. .