Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/457

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.D. 1740. Anno decimo tertio Georgii II. C. 12--14. 39* and Juries to be kept by the Town Clerk of Doncafter. On paying the Damages aflefted, Undertakers may pull down Mills, &V. Undertakers may furvey, &c. giving Notice to the Owner of the Land He. and paying Damage if exceeding 6d. No Perfon (hall act as a Commiffioner, unlets he has a Freehold Eftate, &c. of the yearly Value of ioo/. Damages unfettlcd by Agreement (if Parties, or Verdict of Commiffioners, may be afcertained by a Jury. If Titles of Lands are in Dilpute, Com- miffioners (on giving Notice) may proceed to Judgment. Satisfaction to be immediately paid after legal Determination. Dam above Bramwith upper Ford to be raifed 20 Inches from Low-water Mark. Banks to defend low Grounds from Damages to be raifed at the Charge of the Under- takers. Undertakers (hall make a Clough under the Cut of fuch Dimenfions as R. Porting/on, he. (hall direct, and build a Bridge crofs the Cut for Carts and Carriages ; and make a Wall againft the Orchards, &c. belonging to IV. Simpfon. Undertakers to build a Wood Bridge crofs Stainferth Ford, and maintain the fame. Undertakers may make Towing-paths, isle, but not on the South Side of the River. Undertakers may fet up convenient Gates in the Towing-paths ; and build Bridges over the new Cuts. Notice to be given 30 Days before Commiffioners Meeting. The Undertakers (hall have for every cuftomary Ton of Coals and Bark, Lime, Stone, Wood and Timber of Engli/h Growth, 2d. for all other Goods which (hall be carried up or down the River, through the lower End of the Cut at Barmby Dun, and through the Lock at Barmwitb and Stainforth, d. for every cuftomary Ton which is declared to be Z500 Weight. Goods of the neighbouring Growth, between Goole and the lower End of Barmby Dun, exempted. Goods landed in the Neighbourhood to pay no Duty; unlefs (hipped again. Inhabitants of Doncafter, &c. to pay zd. per Ton. Grain of any Kind carried down the River Dun to pay no Duty. A Bridge to be built at Stainforth. Boat- mafter's Name to be wrote in large Letters on the Out-fide of the Craft, on the Penalty of 40*. Boats to be meafured and marked on the Out-fide, on Penalty of 6 /. CommilTioners to determine Differences. Opening Locks, &c. malicioufly and mif-fpending the Water, to forfeit 5/. River Dun deemed a navigable River, not fubject to the Infpection of Commiffioners of Sewers. No Bal- Iaft, &c. to be thrown into the new Cut, on Penalty of 20/. Ballad, &c. may be thrown on the Banks. Rights faved to the Mayor, csY. of York; and Commiffioners of Sewers, of Com' York, Lin- coln and Nottingham. Land Owners may ufe Pleafure Boats, and fifh and fowl, (Sc" CAP. XII. ^n Act for making a Chapel lately built by Robert Downes, Goldfmith, and others, in the Town of Sheffield, in the County of York, a perpetual Cure and Benefice ; and for making a Provifion for the I Maintenance of the Curate or Minifter of the faid Chapel, purfuant to an Agreement for that Pur-

pofe. PR.

CAP. XIII. An Aft for providing a Marriage Portion for the Princefs Mary. WHEREAS his Majefty hath received Propofals for a Marriage between his Daughter the preamble; Princefs Mary, and Prince Frederick of Hejfe, Son of Prince William, Landgrave of Hejfe, Bro- , : ther to the King of Sweden ; which his Majefty hath been gracioufly pleafed favourably to accept and r agree to the fame, not doubting that this Alliance with fo confiderable a Proteftant Family will be to ' the general Satisfaction of all his good Subjects : And his Majefty's faithful Commons thinking it [ highly juft and reafonable, that his Majefty fhould be enabled to give fuch a Portion to his Daughter ' as may be fuitable to the Honour and Dignity of his Crown and Family ;' May it therefore pleafe your moil Excellent Majefty that it may be enacted, and be it enacted by the King's moft Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, [in this prefent Parliament aflembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That out of all or any of the 40,0001. aliow-

Aids or Supplies granted to his Majefty for the Service of the Year one thoufand feven hundred and ed / or fhe <

forty, there (hall and may be iflued, paid and applied the Sum of forty thoufand Pounds, as a Mar- po^on. y s riage Portion to her Highnefs the faid Princefs Mary: And the Commiffioners of his Majefty's Trea- fury, or any three or more of them now being, or the high Treafurer, or any three or more of the Commiffioners of the Treafury for the time being, are hereby authorized and impowered to direel the Payment of, and to iflue the faid Sum of forty thoufand Pounds, at fuch Times and in fuch Manner as his Majefty, by Warrant under his Royal Sign Manual, fhall be gracioufly pleafed to direct and appoint. CAP. XIV. An Aft for making more effeftual two Afts of Parliament paffed in the feventh and tenth Years of her late Majefty Queen Anne, For preferving and enlarging the Harbour of White- haven, in the County of Cumberland ; and for repairing and amending the high Roads leading to the faid Harbour and Town of Whitehaven. P R. ' TT7HEREAS by an Act of Parliament made and pafied in the feventh Year of the Reign of Preamble, re- ' VV her late Majefty Queen Anne, intituled, An AEi for preferving and enlarging the Harbour <f CM ^ * e ^f s ' Whitehaven, in the County of Cumberland ; certain Rates and Duties upon Coals, and other Goods pr i n t" c j!' c » ' and