Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/469

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A. D. 1740- Anno decimo tertio Georgii II. C. 23. 403 ■Garilbns at Annapolis Royal, Canfo, Phuentia, Gibraltar and Georgia, for the Year one thoufand (even ■hundred and forty; and any Sum or Sums of Money not exceeding ten thoufand three hundred forty- >o.;;-!. 6s. fcven Pounds and fix Shillings, upon Account, for the Out-Penfioners of Chelfea Hofpital, for the !<, „ C i h " Year one thoufand feven hundred and forty ; and any Sum or Sums of Money not exceeding nine thou- P ' fand four hundred feventy-feven Pounds thirteen Shillings and one Penny three Farthings, for dc- ?4".';,'." 5 V ! ; fraying feveral extraordinary Expences and Services incurred in the Year one thoufand (even hundred c. and thirty-nine, and not provided for by Parliament ; and any Sum or Sums of Money not exceeding Expen thirty-four thoufand five hundred eighty-feven Pounds, upon Account of Half-pay to the reduced Or- i4.<«ri- fot ncers of his Majefty's Land Forces and Marines, for the Year one thoufand i'u-jin hundred and forty, ! ' J/ ' fubject neverthelefs to fuch Rules to be obferved in the Application of the laid Half-pay, as are herein Money not exceeding two thoufand four hundred and fifty Pounds thirteen Shillings and fix Pence, for , " ■ ,. maintaining one Company of Invalids, to be forthwith raifed ; and for making an Addition or twenty for one ' Men to each of the four Companies of Invalids raifed in November one thouiand feven hundred and "y ot '■■■ ■ Men to each of the tour Companies thirty-nine, in all to one hundred eighty-one Men, for the Service of the Year one thoufand feven hun- dred and forty; and any Sum or Sums of Money not exceeding three thoufand nine hundred ninety- ^,9981. tore- eight Pounds, for paying of Penfions to Widows of fuch reduced Officers of his Majefty's Land Forces ™. c , ed ofT! «" and Marines, as died upon the Eftablifhment of Half-pay in Great Britain, and who were married ' ows " to them before the twenty-fifth Day of December one thoufand feven hundred and iixteen, for the Year one thoufand feven hundred and forty ; which faid Sum of three thoufand nine hundred ninety- eight Pounds ihall be ilTued to fuch Perfon or Perfons, as his Majefty (hall, by Warrant or Warrants under his Royal Sign Manual, direct or appoint to receive the fame, to be by him or them paid over to fuch Widows of Half-pay Officers, or their Aifigns, according to fuch Eftabliihments, Lifts or other Directions, and with and fubject to fuch Conditions, Qualifications, Deductions, or other Al- lowances for the fame, as his Majeity, by fuch and the like Warrant or Warrants, (hall be gracioully pleafed to direct and appoint. XVIII. And it is alfo hereby enacted, That out of all or any the Aids or Supplies provided as afore- 5 ,S6<;1. iSs. 9 d. faid, there (hall and may be iffued and applied any Sum or Sums of Money not exceeding five '<"■ Deficiency thouiand eight hundred (ixty-five Pounds eighteen Shillings and nine Pence, to replace to the Sink- D f u t t 'j'e S Stamp ing Fund the like Sum paid out of the fame, to make good the Deficiency of the additional Stamp Duties at Chriftmas one thoufand feven hundred and thirty-eight, purfuant to a Claufe in an Act of Parliament paffed in the fourth Year of his Majefty's Reign, for raifing one million two hundred thou- fand Pounds by Annuities and a Lottery for the Service of the Year one thoufand feven hundred and thirty-one ; and any Sum or Sums of Money, not exceeding twenty thoufand Pounds, to replace to the z °>°° o1 - *° re- laid Sinking Fund the like Sum paid out of the fame to the Governor and Company of the Bank of sinking Fund. England for one Year's Intereft due on or before the eighth Day of September one thoufand feven hun- dred and thirty-nine, being after the Rate of four Pounds per Centum on the principal Sum of five hundred thoufand Pounds by them lent on the Credit of the Salt Duties, towards the Supply of the Year one thouiand feven hundred and thirty-five, purfuant to a Claufe in an Act of Parliament paffed in the eighth Year of his Majefty's Reign, for granting and continuing the Duties upon Salt, and upon Red and White Herrings, for the further Term of four Years; and any Sum or Sums of Money 10,000 1. to- - not exceeding ten thoufand Pounds, towards the Maintenance of the BritiJ]} Forts and Settlements be- w ? rds main- longing to the Royal African Company of England, on the Coaft of Africa ; and any Sum or Sums of African Forts. Money not exceeding four thoufand Pounds, towards repairing and finifhing the Collegiate Church 40C0 1. to the of Saint Peter, Wefminfter; and there (hall and may be iffued to the Trultees for eftablifliing the Colony ^ft""^^.' 1 " of Georgia in America, any Sum or Sums of Money, not exceeding four thoufand Pounds, by them to 4,0001. to ^ Y ' be applied for the further fettling and improving the faid Colony ; and any Sum or Sums of Money, the Colony of not exceeding fifty-eight thoufand three hundred thirty-three Pounds fix Shillings and eight Pence, on Georgia. Account of the Subfidy payable to the King of Denmark, purfuant to the Treaty bearing Date the $d. 3 siMdy tomato. Day of M'irch one thoufand feven hundred and thirty '£*] for the Year one thoufand feven hundred to the King of and forty. . Denmark. . XIX. is hereby alfo enacted, That out of all or any the Aids or Supplies as aforefaid, there 200,0001. for (hall and may be iffued and applied any Sum or Sums of Money, not exceeding two hundred thoufand ["n ofh e ^Var" Pounds, upon Account, towards enabling his Majefty to carry on in the molt effectual Manner, fuch Meafures as his Majefty (hail judge neceffary in the further Prolecution of the juft War in which his Ma- jefty is engaged. XX. And be it enacled, That the faid Aids or Supplies provided as aforefaid (hall not be iffued or The Aids not applied to any Ufe, Intent or Purpofe whatfoever, other than the Ufes and Purpofes before mentioned, , °^ emiu P- or for the feveral Deficiencies or other Payments directed to be fatisfied thereout, by any Act or Acts, pl6 or any particular Claufe or Claufes for that Purpofe contained in any other Act or Acts of this pre- fent Seflion of Parliament. XXI. And as to the laid Sum of thirty-four thoufand five hundred eighty-feven Pounds, by this Act appropriated on Account of Half-pay as aforefaid ; it is hereby enacted and declared by the Authority aforefaid, That the Rules herein after prefcribed (hall be duly obferved in the Ap- Rules- for the plication thereof; that is to fay, That no Perfon ihall have or receive any Part of the fame, who Application of was a Minor, and under the Age of iixteen Years, at the Time when the Regiment, Troop or s ^ j^gw. 2. Company, in which he ferved, was reduced; That no Perfon (hall have or receive any Part of the ..-.41. F f f 3 fame.