Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/597

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A. D. 1744: Anno decimo feptimo Georgii II. C. 11. 531 burgh, who is, or {hall then be a Truftee, to call other Meetings of the faid Truftees, srs Occa- fion fliall require, at fuch Times and Places as he fhall judge proper: and the faid Prefes, Mode- rator of the Presbytery of Edinburgh, and eldeft Miniftcr of the laid City refpeftfvely, are hereby required, upon the requeft of any five or more of the laid Truftees, to call fuch Meetings from lime to time. XLVI. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That it fliall and may be lawful for the Truftees toelfft faid Truftees, at their faid firft Meeting, on the fecond Tuefday in April one thoufand (even hundred and ? c !" k '. and forty-four, to elect a Clerk, and to appoint him a Salary, not exceeding the Sum of fifty Pounds of law- e to'Salny. ful Money of Great Britain, yearly; which faid Clerk fhall give Bond to the faid Truftees, with one or more fufficient Sureties, for the faithful Difcharge of his Office, under the Penalty of one hundred Pounds of like Money : And the faid Clerk fliall, at his own Charge, provide proper Books, and fliall infeit Clerk'i Do(y. therein, from time to time, the Proceedings of the Truftees ; and fliall write an caufe to be written their Orders ; and fhall have an Officer for advertifing the Truftees of their dated and occafional Meetings, and for attending the fame; for which Officer the faid Clerk fliall be allowed a Sum, not exceeding live Pounds per Annum, of lawful Money of Great Britain. XLVil. Provided always, That the Clerk fo to be elected, fliall be approved by the next Meeting of Clerk to be ap- the General AlTembly of the Church of Scotland; and in cafe he fhall be difallowed of by the faid next proved at the Meeting of the General Aflembly, fuch Meeting fliall elect a Clerk for the faid Truftees. next AffemWy. XLVIII. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That it fhall and maybe lawful to Trufiees may re- the faid Truftees, for reafonable Caufes, to fufpend or remove the faid Clerk ; and thereupon, or upon ">o»e the Clerk, the Death, Refignation, or Removal of the faid Clerk, to appoint his Succefibr in the Manner before *°^PP 0U " an - directed, who fliall be approved or difapproved by the next Meeting of the General Aflembly of the Church of Scotland, who have hereby Power to hear and finally determine the Caufes of the Deprivation or Sufpenfion of the faid Clerk ; and to allow or difallow of the fame ; and to affirm or reverfe the Judg- ment of the faid Truftees, as they fliall fee Caufe. XLIX. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That it fliall and may be lawful for AflVmbiy to the General Aflembly of the Church of Scotland, that fliall firft meet after the faid twenty-fifth Day of cXaoT" March one thoufand feven hundred and forty-four, to elect and choofe a General Collector or Receiver of the aforefaid annual and other Rates ; and the faid General Collector or Receiver fo chofen, fliall Collector's Duty, have full Power, and is hereby authorized to carry on all Suits and Actions for Recovery of the faid annual and other Rates, and to iflue the Annuities to the Widows, and Provifions to the Children, and to lend out the Surplufies to the Minifters of the Church, and to the Members of the faid three Univerfities, in the Manner before directed, and alfo the After^furplufles upon Intereft, as he fliall be directed from time to time by the Truftees aforefaid ; and the faid General Collector or Receiver is hereby further authorized and impowered to ufe all proper Diligence for fecuring all and every the aforefaid Sums. • L. Provided always, That it fliall not be in the Power of the faid General Collector or Receiver to lend Provifo. out any Part of the aforefaid Capital of thirty-five thoufand Pounds, or to uplift or re-employ the fame, without a particular Appointment of the faid Truftees. LI. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the faid General Collector or Receiver Collector may fliall and may appoint one or more Deputies, for whom he fliall be anfwerable, for levying the annual a P pomt aDe ~ Rates, and other Sums herein before directed to be paid to him, at his Office in Edinburgh, in cafe the puty " lame fliall not be paid within the Times before limited. LII. And it is hereby further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the full Expence that fliall Penalty on Col- be incurred by the faid General Collector or Receiver, and his Deputies, in recovering Payment of the r s Dc!au!t * refperftive Sums from the Debtors therein, or out of their Effects, through their Default in not making regular Payment as aforefaid, fhall be recovered out of the refpective Debtors Eftates, without any Abate- ment or Mitigation. LIII. And be it further enafled by the Authority aforefaid, That the f; id General Collector or Re- Collector to give ceiver fliall, at or before his Admiffion, give Bond, with one or more fufficient Sureties, to the aforefaid • Truftees, for the Sum of feven thoufand Pounds of lawful Money of Great Britain, that he fliall faith- fully difcharge his Truft, and that he fliall effectually levy and make good the annual and other Rates, payable by the Minifters of the Church of Scotland, and by the Heads, Principals, and other Matters in the aforefaid three Univerfities. LIV. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the faid General Collector or Re- Collector to kee? ceiver fliall keep a publick Office within the City of Edinburgh, in which Attendance fliall be given from a office' the Hour often to twelve in the Forenoon of every lawful Day, for thirty Day's immediately following ln Ed,nbu 'S h> the iffulne of the Warrants to him in the Manner herein after mentioned ; and from the Hour often to twelve in the Forenoon, every Wednejday throughout the reft of the Year. LV. And 'be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the faid General Collector or Re- Collec'or to .ceiver fhall annually, on the fecond Tuefday in May, exhibit to the Truftees, at their Meeting, a parti- ma! « Account. cular Account of the Sums that have come into his Hands in the Year preceding, diftinguifhing by vvhom paid, and upon what Account. LVI. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the faid General Collector or Re- Collector's ceiver fhall, in Consideration of his whole Trouble and Expence, be allowed an Annual Salary, not ex- Salai y- cceding the Sum of one hundred and fifty-five Pounds of lawful Money of Great Britain, Y y y 2 I, VII. And