Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 7.djvu/13

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The TITLES of the STATUTES. ters, or Agents in the Law in Scotland to take the Oaths; and for rendering the Union of the two Kingdoms more complete. 4/). An Aft to extend the Provifions of an A(S made in the thirteenth Year of liis prefent Majefty's Reii,n, intituled, Jn Aft for Naturallz'uig fuch Foreign Protcjlants, and others therein mentioned, as are fettled, or fall fitle In any of his Majejlys Colonies in America, to other Fo- reign Proteftants who confcientioufly fcruple the taking of an Oath. 45. An Adt to continue feveral Laws relating to the Ma- nufaftures of Sail-cloth and Silk; to give further Time for the Payment of Duties omitted to be paid for the In- dentures or Contradls of Clerks and Apprentices, and for better fecuring the Payment of the faid Duties; and de- claring that Prize Ships lawfully condemned fhall be deem- ed Britiji) built Ships; and for allowing Prize Goods to be landed and fecured in proper Warehoufes, without , Payment of any Duty, until it can be determined whe- ther they are fit for Exportation or Home Confumption. 46. An ASt to prevent the Return of fuch Rebels and Traitors concerned in the late Rebellion, as have been, or fhall be pardoned on Cgndition of Tranfportation; and alfo to hinder their going into the Enemies Country. 47. An Afl: to continue feveral Laws for prohibiting the Importation of Books reprinted Abroad, and firft compo- fed or written and printed in Great Britain; for prevent- ing Exa6lions of the Occupiers of Locks and Wears upon the River of 77)i7»z_j Weftward, and for afcertaining the Rates of Water Carriage upon the faid River; and for better fecuring the lawful Trade of his Majefty's Subjefls to and from the Eaf Indies; and for the more effectual preventing all his JVlajefty's Subjefls trading thither un- der Foreign Commiffions; and relating to Rice, to Frauds in the Cuftoms, to the clandeftine Running of Goods, and to Copper Ore of the BritiJl) Plantations; and for the free Importation of Cochineal and Indico; and for Punifhment of Perfons deftroying Turnpikes, or Locks or other Works ereded by Authority of Parliament. 48. An Aft to indemnify Perfons who have omitted to qua- lify themfelves for Offices and Promotions within the Time limited by Law, and for allowing further Time for - that Purpofe. 49. An Aft for declaring valid fuch Afts as have been done by Thotnas Paidin, as one of the Principal Land Coal-meters of the City and Liberty of Wejhniri/ler, be- tween the twenty-ninth Day of September laft, and the eighth Day of November following. 50. An Aft for taking away the Tenure of Ward Holding in Scotland, and for converting the fame into Blanch and Feu Holdings; and for regulating the Cafualty of Non- entry in certain Cafes; and for taking away the Cafual- ties of Single and Life-rent Efcheats, incurred there by Horning and Denunciation for Civil Caufes; and for giving to Heirs and Succeflbrs there a fummary Proccfs againft Superiors; and for difcharging the Attendance of Vaflals at Head Courts there; and for afcertaining the Services of Tenants there; and for allowing Heirs of Tailzie there to fell Lands to the Crov/n for erefting Buildings, and making Settlements in the Highlands. 5'- An Aft to enlarge the Time limited by an Aft of the laft SeiTion of Parliament for reftraining the Ufe of the Highland Drefs, and to enable Heirs of Tailzie, Guar- dians, Tutors, Curators, and Truftees in Scotland to fell Lands to the Crown. iz. An Aft for the King's moft Gracious, General and xree Pardon. PRIVATE ACTS. Anno 20 Georgii II. N Aft to enable Richard Waynhoufe, and his HeiVs , Male, to take and ufe the Surname of Emmott, and no other, purfuant to the Will of Chri/lopher Enmiot Ef- quire, deceafed. 2. An Aft for Sale of Part of the fettled Eftate of Harry Earl of Stamford, in order to difcharge feveral Incum- brances aftefting the fame. 3. An Aft for fettling the Eftates of Thomas Earl of Lei' cefter, 2m^ EdvjardCoke'Sj{(xxz, commonly called Lord Coke, his only Son, in the County of Norfolk, on the Marriage of the faid Edward Lord Coke with the Lady Mary Campbell, one of the Daughters of John late Duke oi Argyll, deceafed. 4. An Aft for fettling the Eftates of William Lord Byron and Elizabeth Shaw Spinfter, an Infant, on their Inter- marriage. 5. An Aft to enable Sir Thomas Parkyns Baronet, and Jans Parkyns (with the Confent of their Guardians and Tru- ftees) to make a Conveyance by way of Settlement, on their Intermarriage, notwithftanding their Minority. 6. An Aft for raifing Money by Leafing or Sale of the Eftates late of Tho?nas Taylor Efquire the Father, and Thotnas Taylor Efquire the Son, deceafed, to difcharge the Debts and Incumbrances afFefting the fame, and for ma- king a Partition of fuch Eftates, or fo much thereof as fhall not be fold for the Purpofes aforefaid. 7. An Aft to enable Z////V Smith, and his Heirs by Valentina his Wife (formerly Valentina Aynfcombe) to take and ufe the Surname of Aynfcombe, purfuant to the Will of Tho- mas Aynfcombe "E^qmre, deceafed. 8. An Aft to enable Edmund Gar forth, formerly called Ed- mund Dri7ig, and his Heirs, to take, ufe, and bear the Surname and Arms of Garforth^ 9. An Aft to confirm a Decree of the Court of the Dutchy of Lancafter, concerning certain Marfti Lands, called Sutton Marjh, in the County of Lincoln, and a Convey- ance from Lafcclls Metcalfe Efquire, of the fame to the Corporation of the Prefident and Governors of the Ho- fpital founded at the fole Cofts and Charges of Tho7nas Guy Efquire. 10. An Aft for the Sale of the Reftory of Saint Botolph ivithout Aldgate, London, the Eilate of Thomas Kynaficn Clerk, comprized in his Marriage Settlement, and for purchafing another Eftate, to be fettled to the Ufes of the faid Settlement. 11. An Aft for vefting the Eftates of Doftor Simon Burton deceafed, in the Counties of IVilts and Southampton, in Truftees, to raife Money for the Payment of feveral Debts and Incumbrances, and for other Purpofes therein mentioned. 12. An Aft for confirming and eftablifhing certain Ar- ticles of Agreement between the Heirs at Law and Devi- fees of Joceline late Earl of Leicefler, deceafed, for the Settlement and Difpofition of the Real Eftate of the faid Earl, and for rendering the faid Agreement more effeftual for the Purpofes thereby intended. 13. An Aft for raifing Money out of the fettled Eftates of Richard Oakeley Efquire, in the Counties of Salop and Ox- ford, for the Payment of feveral Debts and Incumbrances, and for providing a Recompence for the fame, in fudi Manner as is therein mentioned. 14. An Aft for vefting Part of the fettled Eftate of Henry Talbot Efquire, in the County of Warvjtck^ in him, in Fee