Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 7.djvu/133

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A. D. 174^. Anno vlcefimo priioio Georgii If. C. 2. 89 King Charles the Second, or any other Aft or ASs of Parliament to be imported Duty free, nor to any hiblted Goods prohibited Goods or Merchandizes which may be imported by the United Eajl India Company. imported by the V". Provided alfo, and it is the true Intent and Meaning of this Ail, that the Importers of Tobacco fliall, ^'"^" Company, uuon paying down the Subfidy hereby granted, have the fame Allowance with refpeiSl to the Subfidy, as they Allowance to are intitled to by any Law now in Force upon Tobacco imported ; but in cafs the faid Subfidy hereby grant- ^p^^,'"^""'^ °^ ed fliall not be paid down as aforefaid, then the faid Importers fliall become bound to his Majefly, his Heirs Bondto^be "iven or SucceiTors, with one or more fufficient Sin'eties, to be approved of by the CoUeitor of the Port where o.i Non-pay- the Tobacco fhall be imported, with the Confent of the Comptroller of fuch Port, in one or more Bond or ment of the Konds, at the Eleftion of the Importer, for Payment of the faid Subfidy within eigh:een Months, to com- Duty- nience at the End of thirty Days after the Mafter's Report of the Ship, or to commence from the Merchant's ^ta^^olc'e^hrh Entry of the Goods within thofe thirty Days, which fhall firft happen ; any thing herein contained to the ^"Ge"iTc.A. Contrary thereof in any wife notwithftanding. - ... liGm.Li'xi. VI. Provided aUvays, and it is hereby enacted and declared by the Authority aforefaid. That in all Cafes Drawback al- ■where any Goods or Merchandizes that have paid the Subfidy hereby granted, fnall at any Time or Times lowed upon Ex- be again exported by any Merchant or Merchants, within three Years from the Importation thereof, the portaiion within Subfidy by this Ai9: granted, and which fhall have been aiSually paid for fuch Goods, Wares or Merchan- 3 Years. «3izes, iliall, without any Delay or Reward, be repaid unto fuch Merchant or Merchants who fhall export the fame, or the Security vacated; except for fuch Goods or Merchandizes, as by any former Aif or Afts Exception. of Parliament it is declared no Drawback fhall be paid or allowed upon Exportation, and except as is herein after excepted in relation to Prize Goods. VII. And be it further enabled by the Authority aforefaid. That for every hundred Weight of Sugar im- Drawback of ported into Great Britain, after the faid firlt Day of March one thouiand feven hundred and forty-feven, 3 =• p=i; Hun. and refined there (and fo in proportion for a greater orleffer Quantity) that fliall be exported out of this si^ar re^fiLd ^n Kingdom, after the faid firft Day oi March one thoufand feven hundred and forty-feven, during the Conti- Great Britain nuance of this Aft, there fhall be repaid at the Cuftom Houfe to the Exporter, within thirty Days after the and exported. Demand thereof, the Sum of three Shillings, over and above the prefent Bounties ; Oath being firft made ^'^■ by the Refiner, that the Sugar fo exported, was produced from Brov/n and Mufcovada Sugar, charged by ^""""""^ "" this Aft, and that as he verily believes the fame was imported from his Majefty's Plantations in America., and „°^q'^ J^'l " the Duty duly paid at the Time of the Importation thereof, the Exporter making Oath that the fame was ^^ Cio.z. 1. 18 duly exported, and his Majefty's Searcher alfo certifying the Shipping thereof, and all other Requifites be- G? 29. ing performed according to the refpeftive Books of Rates. jiGm.i. c 10. . VIII. And whereas by an Aft of Parliament made and pafied in the twentieth Year of his Majefty's Part of 20 Geo,

  • Reign (intituled, ^n A51 to continue Jeveral Laws relating to the MayiufaSiiires of Sail Cloth and Silk ; to give 2. c, 45, repeal-

^' further Time for the Payment of Duties omitted to be paid for the Indentures or QoniraSis of Clerks and Appren- ' tices^f and for better fecuring the Payment of the faid Duties ; and declaring that Prize Ships laivfully condemti- ' ed., Jhall be deemed SnuQi- built Ships ; and for allowing Prize Goods to be landed, and fecured in proper IVare- ' houfcs, without Payment of any Duty, until it can be determined whether they are Jit for Exportation or Home ' Confurnption) it was amongft other Things enafted, That all Goods and Merchandizes that then had

  • been or fhould, during the Continuance of the prefent War with France or Spain, be taken from his Ma-

' jefty's Enemies, and landed from any Ship or Veflel in any Port within the Kingdom o^ Great Britain,

  • after being fubjeft to the feveral Rules and Reftriftions prefcribed and mentioned in the faid Aft, might
  • be exported again to Foreign Parts by the Captors or other Owners thereof, without being liable to or

' paying any Duty of Cuftom or Excife for the fam.e, as by the faid Aft, Relation being thereunto had, ' will more fully and at large appear:' Be it therefore enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That fo much of the faid Aft as relates to the Nonpayment of the faid Duties of Cuftom or Excife on Prize Goods or Mer- chandizes lodged in Warehoufes, and fo exported as aforefaid, fliall, from and after the firft Day of March one thoufand feven hundred and forty-feven be, and is hereby repealed and made void ; and that the Subfidy No Drawback hereby granted fliall not be drawn back, on the Exportation of any Prize Goods or Merchandizes taken by allowed on Ex- any of his Ma.jefty's Ships or Vefl^els of War; any thing in the faid recited Aft, or any other Aft or Afts of p"'"/q" °/ Parliament to the contrary notwithftanding. "^^ ° ^' IX. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That there fliall be provided and kept in the Bioksto be Office of the Auditor of the Receipt of Exchequer at Wcflminfler, a Book or Books, in which all the Mo- kept for enter- njes hereby appointed to be paid into the faid Receipt as aforefaid, fliall be entered feparate and apart from '"8 'h= Monies all other Monies paid or payable there to his Majefty, his Heirs or SuccefFors, upon any Account whatfo- "^u^Ta'" ^^ ever ; and the faid. Money fo appointed to be paid into the faid Receipt of Exchequer as aforefaid, fliall be the yearly Fund for the feveral Purpofes herein after mentioned. X. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That all and every the Annuities- yhich by this Appropriation Aft fhall be granted and made payable, in refpeft of the principal Sum of fix millions three hundred thou- of the Duties, fand Pounds, to be raifed in Manner and Form as is herein after direfted ; as alfo the additional Capital of ten Pounds in Lottery Tickets, herein after directed to be added to every one hundred Pounds, advanced towards raifingthe faid Sum of fix millions three hundred thoufand Pounds, until Redemption thereof by Par- liament, fhall be charged and chargeable upon, and payable out of the feveral Subfidies, Rates and Duties by this Act granted to his Majefly; and the faid feveral Subfidies, Rates and Duties fhall be, and are hereby appropriated for that Purpofc accordingly. ' XI. And whereas feveral Perfons, Natives and Foreigners, Bodies Politick and Corporate, have fub- ' fcrib-d and agreed to advance the faid Sum of fix millions three hundred thoufand Pounds, for the Pub- ' lick Service, for the Purchafe of Annuities after the Rate of four Pounds per Centum per Annum ; and the ' faid Subfcribers or Contributors have, in purfuance of a Refolution of the Commons of Gr^^i' 5r/to;z in

  • Parliament afiTembled, dcpofited with and paid to the firft or Chief Cafliier or Cafliiers of the Governor
  • and Company of the Bank oi England for the time being, the Sura of ten Pounds per Centum in Part of

Vol. Vn. N • the