Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 7.djvu/164

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120 C, 3^' Anno vicefimo primo Georgi I 11. A. D. 174S. Officer to certify Planter or Planters, their known Agent or Faflor, had been produced to, and left with them, purfuant to fuchCcrtificates.the Dirpiiioiis of this A£k ; and no Perfon or Perfons whatfoever importing Indico into Great Britain, fhall be intitled to the PreeTtiiitm or Reward by this Act granted, unlels fuch Perfon or Perfons {ball pro- duce fuch Certificate to the Chief OfHcer of the Cuftoms at the Port in Great Britain, where the fame lliall be imported. Certifici'es to IV. Aiid bc it further ennflcd by the Authority aforefaid, That on the Importation of any Indico into be giv^n hy the Qfgfjt Britain^ s. Certificate ihall be gi^'en by the iVIafter or Commanding Officer of fuch 6!iip or VefTcl im- v^ffT^'/b"" porting fuch Indico, that the fame wos fhippcd on Board fuch S;iip or VefTcl, within fuch Britijh Colony or the Officers of Plantanon in America, as is mentioned in the faid Certificate ; and alfo a Certificate figncd by the Surveyors, theCuftjins. Land Waiteis or Searchers, or any two of them, OfHcers of the Cuftoms of the Port where the fame is en- tered and landed in Great Britain, fpecifying the Weight thereof, and that the faid Indico is good and mer- chantable free from falfe Mixtures, and of fuch Quality as to be intitled to the faid Pramium or Reward ; which Certificate the faid Officers are hereby required to grant within ten Days next after the Landing there- of unleis they can affjgn fufficient Caufe for their Refufal ; upon producing wh: :h feveral Certificates to the proper OiScer as aforefaid, fuch Officer fhall be, and is hereby required to pay the Praniimn to the Importer of the faid Indico. Penalty of ma- V. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid. That if any Perfon or Perfons fiiall make or caufe kingEntry of to be made an Entry or Entries of Foreign-made Indico, under the Name of Britijh Plantation-made In- Foteignmade jj^^ or fhall mix, or caufe to be mixed, any Foreign Indico, or other falfe Mixture or Matter, with that nr"^M'°t ^"^ made in the Britijh Plantations, in order to claim or recover the Pramium, as before-mentioned, every Pgj-fofj or Perfons fo making, or caufing to be made, fuch Entry or Entries, or mixing, or caufing furh A'lix- tures to be made, fhall forfeit all fuch Indico fo entered ; and in cafe of fuch Mixture, the Quantity fo mixed, both Foreign and Britifo Plantation-made, and likewiie double the Value thereof, fhall be forfeited by the Perfon or Perfons who fhall make or caufe fuch Mixture or Mixtures to be made. VI. And be it further enadtcd by the Authority aforefaid. That no Certificate fnall be made out to allow the Pramium for fuch Indico to be made in, and imported from the By-itifo Plantations, that is not good and merchantable, and free from any falfe Mixture. ,. Rfficers of ibe VII. And that the Officers of the Cuftoms may be the better able to di.tover.any Frauds intended for the Cuftoms to exa- feceivino- the aforefaid Pr.tmium, be it further ena<Sted by the Authority aforefaid. That it fhall and may he mine tiielndito. ]j^^^,f^,] ^^^ jj^g j-j^;,^ Officers, and they are hereby required, before they make out any fuch Certificate, to exa- mine the faid Indico, by opening each Package, and fnifring the fame, in fuch Manner as to fee the whole Contents, or by fuch other Means as they fliail think proper, to find out and difcover whether the Indico is good and merchantable,- and free from any fall'e Mixture. , _ _ Standard of In- VIII. And in order to fix the Standard of iuch Indico as fhal! be intitled to the Pramium aforefaid, be it dico intitled to fm-fher enadfed liy the Authority aforefaid, That no Certificate fhnll be granted by any Surveyor, or other the Prajmium. Qfficer of his Majefty's-Cufloms,' for any Indico, which is not worth thj;^ee Shillings the Pound Weight, when- the heft i^/«77cZ), or other Indico, of equal Goodnefs v/ith the befl i^/tv.vZ', is worth four Shillings the Pound Vv"ei[;ht ; and fo in the fame Proportion, in cafe the Price of the beft French, or other Indico of equal Goodnefs, ihall be at a hi:her or lower Price. _ . Method of ftt- IX. Provided always. That in cafe any Doubt or Difpute fhall arife between the Surveyors, or Officers of tiing Difputes tlie Cuftoms and the' Owners or Importers of fuch Indico as is imported into the Port of London, as to the about the 'jha- Q^ji[,y pf (]-,£ fgnie, it fliall and may be lawful for the Commiffioners of his Majefty's Cuftoms, to call two '"y* or more Dyers, Dry Salters, Brokers, or others, v,-cll flcilled in that Commodity, who fhall declare upon Oath, if required, their Opinion, as to the Quality of the fame, and according to the beft of their Judg- ment determine whether the faid Indico is intitled to the Praniiiim hereby granted or not ; and if any Doubt or Difpute fliall aiife, as to the Quality of the Indico imported as aforefaid, into the Out-pcrts in En^lur,^, Samples thereof fnall be taken and fent up to the Commilfioners of the Cuftoms at Lortilon, and into the Out-ports in Scotland, to the Ccmmiffioners of the Cufvoms stEdlnl/iirgb, in iuch Manner, as the refpe>ilive Commiflioncra flmll direft, in order to be infpeifled and adjudged there as before mentioned. No Fee to bc X. And be it further enaded by the Authority aforefaid, That no Fee, Gratuity or Reward flisll be d:- paidtotheOf- mandcd, taken or received by any Officer of his Majefty's Cuftoms, for the examining, viewing or dtliver- ficers. j_,g (-^(,]^ intlico, with rcfpcdi to the Pra7niti;n or Reward allowed by this A3:, or for the figning any of the Certificates, in order to the receiving fuch Pramium or Reward, or for paying the fame ; and any fii;h Of- ficer dcmandino- or taking iuch Fee cr Reward, ihall, for fuch Offence, forfeit his 0.*fice, and fuch Officer fhall alfo be incapable of fervi/ighis Maj-.fty, his Heirs and Succeffors, and fliali forfeit the Sum of one hun- dred Pounds. . _ , ^ ._ _ Certificates not XI. And be it further en.iiSfcd by the Authority aforefaid. That all Certificates m.ade, or Debentures made charge.ble without piufuaiit to this AiSf, fhall not be chargeable with any of the Stamp Duties ; any Law or Statute to the Stamp Duties, contrary n-otwithffanding. Exrorters to re- XII. And be it further enaded by the Authority aforefaid, That if any Indico, made in the Britlfi Co'o- pay the I'lami-nies or Plantatiims in America, fhall, after the twenty-fii"th Day of y]/i;rc/', which fhall be in the Year of um. ouf Lord one thoufand feven hundred and forty-nine, be exported from Great Britain, that then, and in every fuch Cafe the Perfon or Perfons fo exporting the fame, fhall, before the Entry thereof, pay unto the Colledor of the Cuftoms at the Port where the fame ftiall be exported, or to the Chief Officer of tiie Cufloms there, the full Sum of fix Pence for every Pound Weight, which is allowed as a Pramium by this A&. on all fuch Indico as he intends to export, over and above any Duty the fame is nov/ by Law fubjc£t to pay at Exportation by any former Act. ..,„,.. -^ . _, ^ Tenaltyof ex- XIH. And be it further enabled by the Authority aforefaid. That if any Perfon or ferfons, his or their porting Indico A „g.,f " AffCHts, Alfignce 01 Affigns, ihall be found fraudulently to cxpo;t fuch Indico, without paving ■without psymg -"S^'"- "' i»i,^. ■•..-, & o ^ • fuCJ the I'lamjuni,