Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 7.djvu/175

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A. D. 1749. " ' C. I— 4. 131 Anno vicefirno fecundo GEORGII II. Reo-is. D T the Parliament begun and holden at TFeJiminfter, the tenth Day of Novemhei Anno Dom. 17475 in the twenty-firft Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord GEORGE the Second, by the Grace — — of God, of Great Britain, France and Ireland, King, Defender of the P'aith, &c. And from thence continued by feyeral Prorogations to the twenty-ninth Day of November, being the fecond Seffion of this prefent Parliament. C A P. I. An Afit for continuing and granting to Ms Majefty certain Duties upon Malt, Mum, Cyder and Perry, for the Service of-the Yeff one thoufand feven hundred and forty-nine. EXP. CAP. II. ^n A61: for granting an Aid to his Majefty by a Land Tax to be raifed in Great Britain, for the Service of ^^ the Year one thoulalid feveh hundred and forty-^niaie. 'EXP. At 4s. in the Pound. c A P. nx. An Acl declaring the Authority of the Commiffioners- appointed by his Majefty under the Great Seal"t>f Great Britain, for receiving, hearing and determining Appeals in Caufes of Prizes. ' ■•'

  • 'TT THERE AS his Majeftjr, in order to bring the I'ttsny-A^'eals that were or fhould be depending

' VV from Sentences in Caufes of Prizes, pronouhced in the Courts of Admiralty in this Kingdom,^ - ' and in any of the Courts of Admiralty in his Majefty 's Plantations in America, and alfo in the Courts of ' Admiralty in /?v/ff«^, and all other his Majefty's Dorninions abroad, to a fpeedy Determination, did by

  • his-Commiffion under the Great Seal, bearing Date at Wejiminjler the eleventh Day o^ July in the twenty-

' fecond Year of his Reign, revoke a former Commiflion for receiving, hearing and determining fuch Appeals

  • granted to all his Majelty's then Privy Counfellors, and all others his Majefty's Privy Counfellors then and
  • for the time being, during his Pleafure ; and did alfo, by the fame Commiflion of the eleventh Day of July

' laft, conftitute and appoint all his Majefty's Privy Counfellors then and for the time being, as alfo Sir Thomas

  • Parker, Knight, Lord Chief Baron of his Majefty's Court'of Exchequer; Sir Martin JVright, 'iAx Thomas
  • Denifon and Sir Michael Fojier, Knights, Jufti'ces of his Majefty's Court of King s Bench ; Sir Thomas Ah-
  • ney. Sir Thomas Burnett and Sir Thomas Birch, Knights, Juftices of his Majefty's Court of Common Pleas;
  • Charles Clarke, Echvarcl Clive and Hencage Leggt, Efquires, Barons of his Majefty's Court of Exchequer ;
  • and the Chief Baron of his Majefty's Court of Exchequer, Juftices of his Majefty's Courts of King's Bench
  • and Common Pleas, and the Barons of his Majefty's Court of Exchequer for the time being, to be his Ma-

' jefty's Commiffioners for receiving, hearing and determining fuch Appeals during his Majefty's Pleafure, •f.with fuch Powers and Authorities as are therein contained : And whereas fome Objeflions have been

  • ' raifed againft the laft mentioned Commiffion, on account of the Lord Chief Baron of his Majefty's Court '

' of Exchequer, the Juftices of his Majefty's Courts of King's Bench and Common Pleas, and tlie Barons of

  • his Majefty's Court oi. Exchequer, who were not of his Majefty's moft Honourable Privy Council, being

' joined therein :' Now, for removing and avoiding the faid Objetflions, and all other Objeiftlons and Doubts whatfoever relating to the faid Commiffion; Be it enafced and declared by the King's moft Excel- lent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament aiTembled, and by the Authority of the fame. That the faid Commiffion, and all the The Commif- Powers, Jurlfdidtions and Authorities therein contained, are and {hall be deemed, conftrued and adjudged fion fr.imeJ by to be good and valid in Law, to all Intents and Purpofes, according to the true Intent and Meaning there- '"^ Majeflyde- of ; and that the faid Commiffioners, as well the faid Lord Chief Baron, and the faid Juftices and Barons ^ ^l ^p' therein named,, and the Lord Chief Baron of the faid Court of Exchequer, and the Juftices of the faid Courts rniffionc-r» of King's Bench and Common Pleas, and the Barons of the faid Court of Exchequer for the time being, al- thcueh nc't of though they, or any of them, fhould not be of his Majefty's moft Honourable Privy Council, as other his the Privy Coun- Majefty's faid Commiffioners, fiiall and may, during his Majefty's Pleafure, have, ufe and exercife full '^ '"'F°w'='E'i to Power, Jurifdi'flion and Authority to receive, hear and determine all fuch Appeals, and have, ufe and ex- ercife all other Powers, Jurifdiftions and' Authorities, according to the true Intent and Meaning of his Ma- jefty's faid Commiffion. II. Provided-always neverthelefs. That no Judgment or Sentence, to be given upon the Hearing of any No Sentence to fuch Appeal, fhall be valid, unlefs the major Part of the Commiffioners, who lliall be prefent at fuch Judg- be valid, unieis mentor Sentence, fhall be of his Majefty's moft Honourable Privy Council. aMajoHtyof- t]ie Commii'- fioners prefent be of the Privy Coiinci). CAP. IV. An A<£t for repairing and widening the Road leading from the- Well at the North-weft End of the Town or Village of Farniborough in the County of Kent, to a Place called Riverhill, in the Pariili of Scvenoaks, in the faid County. P R. Certain Tolls granted for 21 Years. S 2 C A P.