Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 7.djvu/213

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A. D. 1749. Annovlcefimo fecundo Georgii II. C. 41, 42. 169.

  • whence larger Ships in DUlrefs in the Doivns may be fupplied with Pilots, Anchors, Cables, and other

' Afliftance and other Neceffaries ; and by the fmaller Ships taking fhelter in this Harbour, the larger Ships

  • may take the Anchorage, which at prefent is occupied by the fmaller, and by that Means their Anchors

' will be fixed in more holding Ground, and the Ships not be To expofed to the Ocean :' For carrying there- fore a Work of fuch publick Utility into Execution, and that the laid Flarbour may be enlarged, conftructed, finifhed and maintained in fuch a Manner, as to be rendered of Service to the Trade and Navigation of this Nation ; may it pleafe your moll Excellent Majefty, that it may be enaiSted, &c.' " The Truftees are to fettle the Duties ; viz. Not exceeding 6 <■/. per Ton, to be paid by every Veflel of " 20 Tons and not exceeding 300 Tons, coming into the Harbour ; and on every Ship which fliall exceed " ^00 Tons, not exceeding 2 d. for each Ton (except Ships laden with Coals or Stones) and on every Chal- " der of Coals, or Ton of Stones, not exceeding 3 c/. Duties to be publifhed in the London Gazette. No " Vefill to be cleared till Information on Oath of her Burthen. Merchanrs to make an Allowance of the " Duty to the Mafters. Collector to keep the Accounts of the Monies rcceiv ed. Copies of which to be " trai'fmitted to the Receiver General ; and alfo of Receipts and Difburfements, Uc. No Coaftiiig Vef- " fel to pay but once a Year. Truftees to agree with Workmen for building, isc. the Harbour ; impower- " ed to purchafe Buildings, fcff. In cafe of Refufal to treat, Truftees may fettle the Damages, upon Oath "of a jury. Sheriff to fummon the Jury- 20 Days Notice to be given to the Parties interefted, of their " Meeting. Truftees may borrow Money at 5 /. per Cent. Intereft. Or by granting Annuities at S /. 10 .f. " per Cent. Rates not liable to pay Intereft for more than 50,010 /. at one Time. Annuities to be free " from Taxes. Truftees to meet once in every Year, and to give Notice in the London Ga%ette, is'c. and " publifh the Rates for the fucceeding Year, ifc. After Determination of Annuities Rates fliall ceafe. " Truftees to appoint proper Officers. Truftees to meet once in every Year at Guildhall, and to ftate the " Accounts, (sc. Accounts of Colleflors to be laid before the Lord Mayor, fc't. who may examine the " fame, and impofe Fines on Perfons making Concealment or Imbezzlements. In Default of Payment Per- " fons to be committed. Accounts when allowed, to be tranfmitted to the CommifHoners of the Navy. " No Perfoii fhall empty any Ballaft, Isfc. in the Harbour, on Pain of 40 s. Ships not to fail into the Ba- " fon. Penalty 10 /. Truftees inipowered to remove Ships out of the Bafon. On Death, &e. of Truftees, " others to be chofen. Truftees fhall fettle the Demands to be taken for Wharfs, t^c. by their Tenants " and Leffees. All former Duties to ceafe. Ship bound to or from Sandwich, being the Property of the " Inhabitants, not liable to the Rates. 200 /. per Ann. to be paid out of the Rates to the Mayor, izfc. of " Sandivich. Application of the Money fi r repairing their Harbour. 10 /. Penalty of throwing Ballaft or " Rubbifh into the River, or fixing Piles within the Channel without Licence. No more than 2 Ships to " lie abreaft, longer than one Tide. The Truftees impowered to apply 10,000/. for erefting fuch Works " as they fhall judge neceflary at the Haven of Sandivich. Judgments to be final, without Appeal. VefTels " belonging to Dover exempted from Duties. Vefl'els belonging to IFeynwuth and Mekombe Regis, and Lyme " Regis, exempted, Veflels belonging to Great y'armouth exempted." CAP, XLL An Aft for reftifying Miftakes in the Names of feveral of the Commiffioners appointed to put in Execu- tion the Aft for granting a Land Tax for the Year one thoufand feven hundred and forty-eight, and for appointing other Commiffioners, together with thofe named in the faid Aft, to put in Execution an Aft for granting a Lmd Tax for the Year one thoufmd feven hundred and forty-nine, and for direfting the Names of Colleftors of the faid Tax to be certified to the Receivers General; and for the Relief of the Borough oi Honiton as to Arrears of the Land Tax, and the Houfe and Window Taxes for the Years one thoufand feven hundred and forty-feven and one thoufand feven hundred and forty-eight. EXP. CAP. XLII. An Aft for granting to his Majtfty the Sum of one million out of the Sinking Fund, for the Service of the Year one thoufand feven hundred and forty-nine ; and for enabling his Ma- jefty to raife a further Sum of one million for the Uics and Purpofes therein mentioned ; and for further appropriating the Supplies granted in this SefTion of F'arliament -, and for applyino- a certain Sum for defraying certain Charges and Allowances to the Officers and private Gentlemen of the reduced Troops of Horfe Guards -, and for continuing the Bounties on the Exportation of Erit'ifo and Iriflo Linnens ; and for making forth Duplicates of Exche- quer Bills, Lottery Tickets, Receipts, Annuity Orders, or other Orders loft, burnt, or other- wife deftroyed. Mojl gracious Sovereign, 'E your M:ijefty'smoft dutiful and loyal Sabjefts, the Commons of Great Britain in Parliament afiem- blcd, being riefirous to raife the neceffary Supplies which we have chearfully granted to your Majefty in this Sefllon of Parliament, for the Service of" the Year one thoufand feven hundred and forty-nine, iii the eafieft Manner wc are able, for the Benefit of your Majefty's Subjefts, and alfo to ufe fuch Ways and Means therein, as that your Majefty may have the better and more fpeedy Eff"eft of the faid Supplies, have refol- ved to give and grant unto your Majefty the Sum of one million, out of the Surplufles, Excefles, and Over- plus Monies, common]^ zdMtii. The Si7ihing Fund : And to that End and Purpofe do moil humbly befeech Vol. VIL Z yotur