Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 7.djvu/284

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240 C. 21. Anno vicefimo tcrtlo Georgii II. A. D. 1750. Pei-fonsliarbour- ingly harbour, keep or conceal, or {hall knowingly permit or Aiffer to be haiboiircd, kept or conceaU'J, in; anyoithofe fucli Candlcs, Soap or S'arcli, which have been fo unlawfully imported, or which been fhipped for Comm-'dities Exportation upon Debenture, and fo relandcd as aforefaid, the Party or Parties ofrcnding therein, whether unl-iwfully im- j^g^ £]^g q,. they, have or have not, or do, or do not claim or pretend to have any Property or Interefl in fuch to"forfeita)e Candles, Soap or Starch, fo harboured, kept or concealed, fhall, for every fuch OiFence, forfeit and!o;e Gurtds, all ("uch Candles, Soap or Starch, fo harboured, kept or concealed, with the Caflis, Veflels or other Pack- and 53!. for £ge containing the fame; and fliall forfeit and lofe the Sum of fifty Pounds, for every hundred Pounds, every c. Wt. Weight thereof;- and in the fame Proportion for a greater or lefler Quantity. , , , Method of Pro- XXXIII. Provided always, and it is hereby further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That in all Cafes, ceoding when no -where any fuch Candles, Soap or Starch fhall be feized as forfeited, and no Perfon or Perfons within twen- • Perion appears ^y j^^yg j^gj.;. gftej. fu^-h Seizure fhall appear to the Officer or Officers who made fuch Seizure, to claim the Goods wUhin fame, then, and in fuch Cafe, if fuch Seizure or Seizures fliall happen to be made within the Limits of the zo Days. Chief Excife Office in London, it fhall and may be lawful for the Officer or Officers who fhall make fuch Seizure or Seizures, from and after the Expiration of the faid twenty Days next after fuch refpeilive Sei- zure or Seizures, to caufe Notice in Writing to be figncd by his Majefty's Solicitor for the Revenue of Ex- cife for the time being, to be affixed at the Royal Exchange, fignifying the Day and Time of the Day, that the Commiffioners of the Excife for the time being, or three of them, will proceed to hear the Matter of - fuch Seizure or Seizures, and to the Condemnation of the Candles, Soap or Starch, fo feized as aforefaid, . and of the Cafks, Veflels or other Package containing the fame; and if fuch Seizure of Candles, Soap or Starch as aforefaid, fliall happen to be made as aforefaid, out of the Limits of the faid Chief Excife Office in London, it (hall and may be lawful for the Officers who fhall make fuch Seizure or Seizures, from and after the Expiration of twenty Days next after fuch refpeftive Seizure or Seizures, to caufe publick Notice to be given by Proclamation, at the next Market Town to the Place or Places where fuch refpective Seizure or Seizures fhall be made as aforefaid, upon the next Market Day after the Expiration of the faid twenty Days, of the Day and Place when and where the Juftices of the Peace will proceed to hear the Matter of fuch Seizure or Seizures, and to the Condemnation of the Candles, Soap or Starch (o feized as aforefaid; in which faid Cafes it fhall and may be lawful for the faid Commiffioners of Excife, and Juftices of the Peace rcfpeiSLively, within their refpeftive Jurifdi6lions to proceed to examine into the Caufe of fuch Sei- zure or Seizures, and to give Judgment for the Condemnation of fuch Candles, Soap or Starch fo feized, as upon due Exaniination fhall appear to be forfeited, and of the Cafks, Veflels or other Package containing yudgments to the fame, which Judgments fliall be good, valid and efi^ectual in the Law, and final to all Intents and Pur- bc .final, pofes whatfocver, as if the refpeflive Owner or Owners of the faid Candles, Soap or Starch, or the re- fpei-'Hve Perfon or Perfons in vvhofe Cuftody the fame were or was at the refpeftive Time or Times of the Seizure or Seizures thereof, had been refpeclively fummoned to attend the faid Commiffioners of Excife or Juftices of the Peace, in the Manner herein before prefcribed, and fliall not be liable to any Appeal, or to be and not remove- removed by Certiorari; anything in this prcfent Aft contained, or any Law, Statute or Provifion to the aMe by Certio- ^gntrary thereof, in any wife notwithftanding. Tan. Wef'hodofPro- XXXIV. And be it further enafled by the Authority aforefaid. That in cafe any Officer or Officers for cei'dini; when the faid Duties of Excife, fhall have Caufe to fufpeft that any Candles, . Soap or Starch fliall be fraudulently Officers fufpea hid or concealed in any Place whatfoever, either entered for kctpi-g the fame, or not entered, with an In- fuch Commodi- tent to defraud his Majefty of the Duties thercoi"-, then and in fuch Cafe, if fuch Place fliall be within the !^V.d'"^ ™"" Cities of London or Weftminjler, or within the Limits of the weekly Bills of Mortality, upon Oath mid.' by '" ^ ' fuch Officer or Officers before the Commiffioners of Excife for the time being, or any two or more of tlicm, or in cafe the fame fliall be in;iny other Part o^ Great Britain, upon Oath made by fuch Officer or Officers, before one or more Juflicc or Juftices of the Peace for the County, Priding, Divifion or Place where fuch Officer fliall fufptfl the fame to be hid or concealed, fetting forth the Ground of his or their Sufpicicn, it fliall and may be lawful to and for the faid Commiffioners, or Juflice or Juftices oftheP> ace refpe£liely, before whom fuchAffidavit or Affidavits fliall be made, if he or they fhall judge it rcafonable, by fpecial 'Warrant or Warrants, luider his or their refpetfive Hands and Seals, to authorize and impower fuch Officer or Officers ill by Day or by Night, lut if in the Night, in the Prefence of a Conftable or other lawful Officer of the r|j Peace, to enter into all and every fuch Place or Places, where he or they fliall fo fufpcifl fuch Candles, Soap or Starch to be fo fraudulently hid or concealed, and fcizeand carry away all fuch Candles, Soap or Starch, which he or they fliall then and there find fo fraudulently hid and concealed, as forfritcJ, together with all the Coflcs, Chefls, Boxes, Bags or other Package whatfoever, wherein the fame flir.ll be contained; and if Pcnilty of oil- any Perfon or Perfons whatfoever, fhall obftrutt, oppofe, moleft, lett or hinder any Officer or Officers of or • ffruflingOf- for the faid Duties, or any of them, in the doing, performing or executing any of the Powers or Authori- ••"^- lies by this Afl: given to fuch Officer or Officers; every fuch Perfon or Perions offending therein, fliall, for every fuch Offence, forfeit and lofe the Sum of one hundred Pounds. On Seizure for XXXV. And be it declared and enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That if any of the fliid Candles, Nofipjiment f.f Soap or Starch fhall be fo feized for Non-payment of the Duties or Non-entry, and any Difputc fiuH p'Tiolle ^f"? whether the Cuftonis, Excife or Inland Duties have been paid for the fame, or the fame have been the Ciaimer. duly entered, then, and in fuch Cafes, the Proof thereof fhall lie on the Ov/ner or Clainier of fuch Goods>, . and not on the Officer who fhall feize or'flop fuch Goods. No Drawback XXXVI. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That from and after the faid firft Day of en CaiKiiet, Jl-'^ay One thoufand feven hundred and fifty, no Peifon who fliall export from any Part of Grtv;/ ^'/W'"* ^"d'einl'dand '^^"'J'"^^' O'lp o"" Starch made in L-elaiul, or in the IJJc of Alan, or in any other Place or Places whatfoever l^l^ ' beyond the Seas, fliall, on Exportation thereof, be intitled to receive any Drawback, or be repaid theDu-. ti;s, Cuftoms or Impofitions, paid, payable or fecu red on Importation of the fame, or any Part thereof i • any Law, Statute, Cuftom or Ufage to the contf.iry notwithftanding. ^ . XXXVII. :