Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 7.djvu/304

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26o a, 28. Ahn6 vicefimo tertio Georgii II, A. D. 1750. iol. per Annnm U) be paid eaT- ly, to each of the four Council of the Court of Maribalfea. ' XXII. And whereas tlie four Council of the ancient Court of the ATnr/hal/ea, and Court of his Ma- ' jeily's Palace ofWe/lmifi/iei^, ' who hold their Offices for the Terms of their natural Lives refpedtivelj'-, and ' who have been made chargeable by Parliament, and aftually affefied to the Land Tax for their Freeholds ' in their faid Offices, will fu'ftain great Lofs' by this prefent Act, unlefs a Compenfation (hall be made to ' thefn for the fa'me ;' Be it therefore enaiSled by the Authority aforefaid. That the ifaid High BaiiifF, and the Clerks of the faid Court of Requefls for the time being, (hall, and they are hereby required, out of the Fees limited or to be limited to him and them, by virtue of this prefent Aft, to pay, or caufe to be paid, in ' equal Proportions, unto jfohn, Lazvfon, Lomtix Martyn, George Welter and John Le Grofs Spelman, Efquires, the prefent Council of the faid Court of the Marjhalfea,^ and Court of his Majefty's Palace of Wejlminjier:, as a Compenfation for the Lofs they will fuftain in their faid Off.ces by this prefent A6t, for and during the Terms of their refpeiSlive natural Lives, the yearly Sum of tVv'enty Pounds apiece, of lav/ful Money of Great Brita'm (free and clear of and from all Charges and Deductions v/hatfoeverj to be paid to them feve- rally andrefpefcively, yearly arid every Year, at or upon the feveral Fealt Days follov/ing; that is to fay. The Feaft of Saint Michael the Archangel, the P'eaft of the Nativity of our Lord, the Feall- of the Annun- ciation of the Elefled Virgin Mary^ and the Feafi: of the Nativity of Saint "Johi the Baptiir, by even and equal Portions ; the firft Payment thereof to begin and to be made at or upon the Feafl Day of Sairit Mi- chad the Archangel 1 in the Year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and fifty. Limitation of XXIIL , And be it further enadied by the Authority aforefaid, That if any Aftion orSuitfhall be brought Aflions. or coriimenced againft any Perfon or Perfons for any Aiatter or Thing done or to be done in purfuance of this A£t, then, and in fuch Cafe, fuch AcJtion or Suit fliall be brought or commenced within three Calen- dar Months next after the Faft committed, and not afterwards ; and the Defendant pr Defendants, in fuch General IfTue, Action or Suit, fball and may plead the General Iflue, and give this Aft and the Special Jlat;er in Evi- dence at any Trial to be had thereon: And if the Plai.ntift" or.Plaintiffs fliall become nonfuitea, or difcon- tinue his or their A6iion or Actions, Suit or Suits; or if, upon Verdict or Demurrer, Judgment fhall be Treble Cofis. given againft the PlaintiiT or Plaintiffs, the Defendant or Defendants fliall and may recover Treble Cofts, and have fuch Remedy for the fame, as any Defendant or Defendants hath or have in any other Cafes by Law. PuUick Aft. XXIV. And be it further enaiSted by the Authority aforefaid. That this' A£t fliall be deemed, adjudged and taken to be a Publick Ait, and be judicially taken Notice of as fuch, by all Judges, Juftices, and ;J1 other Perfons whatfoever, without fpecially pleading the fame. CAP. XXVIII. An A61 to explain Part of an Aft paffed in the. thirteenth and fourteenth Years of the Reign of King Charles the Second, for the Uniformity of Publick Prayers, and Adminiftration of Sacraments ; and alfo Part of an A£t paffed in the thirteenth Year of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth, for the Minifters of the Church to be of Sound Religion.

!5 & i4Car, s. ' "^¥7' HE RE AS by an Aft pafTed in the thirteenth and fourteenth Years of the Reign of the late

<■. 4. 5.6. t yy King Charles the Second, intituled. An ASi for the Uniformity of Publick Prayers, and Ad- for ejlablijhing the Form of A'lahlng, Ordain- Chtirch of England ; it v/as enafted. That every miniflration of Sacraments, and other Rites and Ceremonies i?2g, and Confecrating Bijhops, Priefts and Deacons, in the Perfon who ftiould thereafter be prefented or collated, or put into any Ecclefiaftical Benefice or Promo- tion, within England, the Dominion of JVales, and Town of Beriuick upon Tweed, fliould, in the Church, Chapel, or Place of Publick Worfliip, belonging to his faid Benefice or Promotion, within two Months next afterthat he fliall be in the acSlual Pofleffion of the faid Ecclefiaftical Benefice or Promotion, upon fome Lord's Day, openly, publickly and folemnly read the Morning and Evening Prayers appointed to be read by and according to the Book of Common Prayer, at the Times thereby appointed or to be ap- pointed ; and after iuch reading thereof, fliould openly and publickly, before the Congregation there alTem- bled, declare his unfeigned Affent and Confent to the Ufe of all Things therein contained and prefcribed, according to the Form therein before appointed ; and that all and every fuch Perfon who fliould (without fome lawful Impediment, to be allowed and approved by the Ordinary of the Place) negledt or refufe to do the fame within the Time aforefaid, or (in cafe of inch Impcdim.ent, within one Month after fuch Impediment removed) fliould (ipfo fa5lo)iz<^&fixveA of all his faid Ecclefiaftical Benefices and Promotions; and that from thencefortli, it mould and might be lav/ful to and for all Patrons and Donors of all and fin- ' gular the faid Ecclefiaftical Benefices and Promotions, or any of them, according to their refpective Rights and Titles, to prefent or collate to the fame, as though the Perfon or Perfons fo oftenJing or n. glecting were dead : And it was by the faid A6t (amongft other Things) further enacted. That every Parfon, Vi- car, Curate, Lefturer, and every other Perfon in Holy Orders, fliould, before his or their refpeftive Ad- million to be Incumbent, or have Polfefiion of any Parfonage, Vicarage or any Curate's Place or Lcflure, fubfcribe the Declaration or Acknowledgement therein direiSted, before the refpe£tive Archbifliop, Bifliop or Ordinary of the Diocefe; upon Pain that all and every of the Perfons afore-mentioned, fjiling in fuch Subfcription, -fliould lofe and forfeit fuch refpective Parfonage, Vicarage, Curate's Place or Lecture, and fliould be utterly difabled and (ipfo faSio) deprived of the fiime ; and that every fuch ref|ieJtive Parfonage, Vicarage, Curate's Place or Le£ture, fliould be void, as if fuch Perfon '(o failing u'ere naturally dead; and that after fuch Subfcription made, every Parfon, Vicar, Curate or Lecturer fhould procure a Certi- ficate under the Hand and Seal of the icfpeftive Archbifliop, Bifliop or Ordinary of the Diocefe (who were thereby enjoined and required, upon Demand, to nuke and deliver the fime)' and IhoulJ publickly and openly read the fame, together with the Declaration or Acknowletlgmcnt therein mentioned, upon, fome Lord's Day within three Months then next following} in his Parifli Church where he was to offi- ' ciatc.