Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 7.djvu/392

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372 C. 40. Anno vicefimo quarto Georgii II. A. D. 1751. whereas the Number of Cafks and other VefTcls ufcd by DilHUers being very great, and the Officers not being impowered to mark the fame, I'o as to be enabled to diltinguifh the entered Veflels from thofe that are not entered, it is impoflible for the Gauger to prove the particular Veffel unentered, and confequently to convicS the Offender, agreeable to the Intent and Meaning of the aforefaid Aft : And whereas Di- ftillers at prefent are not confined to keep their After-runnings or Feints from the fecond Extraftion in any particular Veffels, which makes it inipoffible for the Gauger to keep an exaft Stock of the faid After- runnings or Feints : And whereas feme DiftiUers taking the Opportunity of the Officers Abfence, do frequently charge their Stills, either in the Whole or in Part, with VVafh privately brought in, and when the Officers find the Still fo charged, the Diflillers ailedge, by way of Excufe, that fuch Stills are charged with After-runnings or Feints, v/hicli the Officers are not able to*difprovc-, by reafon of their not having an exaft Account of the faid After-runnings or Feints ; in which Cafes the Revenue is greatly defrauded by the Diflillers obtaining Relief of the Duty wherewith they are charged, upon their Coinplaints of an Overcharge :' Therefore to remedy fuch Defects, and the better to prevent fuch DiftiUcr to make frauds ; Be it enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That from and after the faid firft Day of July one v"(n°f^"n- thoufand feven hundred and fifty-one, every Diftiller or Maker of Low Wines or Spirits for Sale or Ex- «]lla^tion'"&c portation, fliall within ten Days after the faid firft Day of 'July one thoufand feven hundred and fifty- one, and all Perfons who fhall, after the faid firft Day of July one thoufand feven hundred and fifty-one, become Diftillers or Makers of Low Wines or Spirits for Sale or Exportation, (hall ten Days before he^ She or they diftil or make any Spirituous Liquors, make a true and particular Entry in at the next Office of Excife, within the Limits whereof his,, her or their Work-houfe, Stillhoufe, Storehoufe, Ware- houfe or other Place ufed for diftilling or keeping Wafli, Low Wines or Spirits, is or fhall be fituate, »f all and every Still, Copper, Tun, Waftibatch, Cafk or other Veffel which he, {he or they fhall make ufe of for the brewing, diftilling, working, making, laying or keeping any Worts, Wafh, Low , . Wines, Spirits or Strong Waters, and alio of the Cafics or Vellels which every fuch Diftiller or Maker of Veffels for brew- Low Wines O-T Spirits for Sale or Exportation as aforefaid, fliall make ufe of, for the brewing, holding or ing or keeping keeping of the After-runnings or Feints from the fecond Extraction, which fhall from Time to Time be the After-run- jjj.j^^j^ from every fuch Still, (which faid laft-suentioned Cafks or Veffels fhall not at any one Tims exceed nfThe°recond ' t^wo in Number, at any luch Diftillers or Makers of Low Wines or Spirits for Sale or Exportation) and Extraftion, not alfo of all fuch new tJtenfils as fuch Diftillers or Makers of Low Wines or Spirits for Sale or Exportation. to exceed two; fhall make ufe of for the Purpofes aft refaid; pn- pain that every fuch Diftiller or Adaker of Low tVines or Penalty. Spirits for Sale or Exportation, fhall forfeit and lofe for every fuch Still, Copper, Tun, Wafhbatch, Cafk or other Veflel herein before mentioned, which fhall be made ufe of and not entered as aforefaid, tr-.e DifliUer to fliew Sum of fifty Pounds ; and every fuch Diftiller or Maker of Low Wines or Spirits for Sale or Exportation the Ganger gg aforefaid, is hereby required to fhew to the Gauger or Officer of Excife, who furveys his, her or their Vdill " ^" Workhoufe, Stillhoufe, Storehoufe, Warehoufe or other Place ufed for diftilling or kee[)ing Wafli, Low Wines or Spirits, every fuch Still, Copper, Tun, Wafhbatch, Cafk or other Veifel fo entered, and he the faid Officer is hereby required to mark the fame with a particular, diftijift and durable Mark; and every Still, Copper, Tun, Wafhbatch, Cafk, and any Veffel which fliall at any Time or Times be ufed by any fuch Diftiller or Maker of Low Wines and Spirits for Sale or Exportation, for any of the Pur- . pofcs aforefaid, without being fo fhewn or marked, fhall be deemed a VclTel or Utenfil of which no Entry: has been made ; and if any Perfon or Perfons whatfoever, fhall at any Time or Times hereafter, after fuch Still, Copper, Tun, Wafhbatch, Cafk or other Veffel, fliall ha e been fo marked by fuch Officer as aforefaid, rub out or deface any fuch Mark fo fixed upon any fuch Still, Copper, Tun, Vafhbach, Cafk or other Veffel by fuch Officer as aforefaid, he, fhe or they fo offending, fhall for e cry fuch (Of- fence forfeit and lofe the Sum of twenty Pounds. XIX. And in order to enable the Gauger the better to deleft fuch Frauds, by having proper Proof tO' lay before the refpeftive Courts where fuch and other Oftlnccs againlt the Laws relating to thcfe Duties ThcGaoEcrmay fhall bc heard and determined ; Be it further enafted. That from and after the faid firft Day of 'July one '•^^ •'J.^"M'ls of ti^^ufanj feven hundred' and fifty-one, it fhall and may be lawful for any Gauger ar Officer of txcife at Feints- fin" ^"V Time or Times to take a Sample of fuch Low Wines or Spirits, and of Feints and Spent Wafh, - tor thefaine." Piy''g ^0'^ f"ch Spirits or Low Wines, after the Rate of ten Shillings per Gallon j and for the f.iid Feints and Spent Wafh, after the Rate of one Shilling per Gallon ; and in cafe any fuch Diiiillcr or Maker of Low Wines or Spirits for Sale or Exportation, or any Workman or Servant belonging to him, her or Penalty of ob- them fhall rcfufe to permit fuch Gauger or Officer to take fuc!i Samples ?.s aforefaid^ or fhall anv ways fheid'n^'^'^"^'"'^'^ *■' °^^'^"'^ him or them in taking fuch Samples, fuch Diftiller or Maker of Low Wines or' Spirits" for Sale or Exportation, fhall for every fuch Offence refpcCLi'cly forfeit and lofj the Sum of fifty Pounds. ' XX. And whercss Diftillers and Makers of Low Wines or Spirits for Sale or Exponation, very ' frequently take in Wafh, when p ivalely prepared, and charge their Stills in the Off'cers Abfcncc, and' ' by tlicfe Means run great Q^i, ntiiies of Wafh, Low Wines anJ Spirits i' The better to prevent fucK< Frauds for the fiuurc, be it further enafted, Th:it from and after the f;;id firft Dsy of 'Juh one thoufand Difiillcr to give feveu hundred and fifty-one, every Diftiller or Maker of Low AVines or Spirits for Sale or Export:!tion, Koiicc before he within the Limits of the Weekly Bills of Mortality, fliall, twenty-four liours ;:t leait, and in other Pans """^l^'!^"' oi Great Britain, forly-cight Hours at leaft, before lie, Ihc or they receive any QiK'ntity of AVinc, Cyder, "" Sugar, Water or any kind of fermented Wafli whatfoever, into his, her or their Cuilody, give Notice to the Gauger or Officer of Excife, who I'urvcys his, her or their Workhoufe, of the particular Qiianiity of fuch Wine, Cyder, Sugar, Water or any kind of fermented Wafh, and the Species thereof, and of the under Penalty Time when he, flie or they fhall intend to receive the fame into his, her or their Cuftody, on pain of Ibrftii.- ,y jol. ing and lofing for every Uffence in not giving fuc'i Notice, the Sui:i of fifty Pounds. XX].