Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 7.djvu/396

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376 C. 41. Anno vlcefimo quarto Georgii II. A. D. 1751. and if any Mafier, Commander or other Perfon or Perfons taking charge of any fuch Ship or VcfTel, fli:i!l negleft or refufc to deliver fuch Manifeft or Content to the CoUeftor of the Cuftoms, at the Tiine h: undor Penalty ,nai^_es his Report of his Ship at the Cuftom-houfe at the Port of his Dif:harge, he and they fhall forfeit " '°° ■ and lofe the Sum of one hundred Pounds. Land. waiter not III. And be it top=mitTo- Delivery of every bacco to be lani- -n, •■' ■ r ' cdti'lhchasen- ^*"f^°^ "^ ^^'"^ - ^ - ... tercd the Mani- any Ship or VefTei to be landed, until they have, from and agreeable to the Manifeft delivered to them by Kfr, S.C. of the the Colleclor, entered into their refpeflive Books (given them by the Diredlions of the Commiflioners of fcveralPackages, ^ij Majefty's Cuftoms far keeping Accounts of Goods by them delivered or fufFercd to be delivtred from under Penalty ot^j^ board fuch Ships) the faid fcveral and'refpe^t^ve Manifefts, Marks, Numbers, Weights, Tares and Contents of the feveral Hogfaeads, Cafks, Chefts and other Packages, under t'ne Penalty of the Forfeiture Landing Mark of fif'T Pounds; and the faid Land-v/aiters are hereby authorized and required, upon the Landing of any to be fet upon fuch Tobacco, to caufe fuch Landing-mark to be fixed and fet upon every Hogfhcad, Cafk, Cheft, or every Hogfliead, other Package whatfoever containing the fame, as fhall be direfted by the rel'pcftive Commiflioners of the ?nd an Entr to Cuftoms aforefaid ; and the faid Land-waiters are hereby alfo required to enter every fuch Landing-mark ia be made thereof" '^"1' feveral Books aforefaid, on pain of forfeiting the Sum of fifty Pounds. iV. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That from and after the twenty-ninth Day No Debenture 01- of September one thoufand feven hundred and fifty-one no Debenture fliall be made forth for any Tobacco Drawback al- imported into Great Britain after the faid twenty-ninth Day of September one thoufand feven hundred and lowed on Expor- £fjy_Qj,g^ or any Drawback be paid or allowed for the fame, when exported or entered outwards for To'ba"c'co"be ft'ip- Exportation to any Part or Parts beyond the Seas, unlefs the fame and every Part thereof be (hipped and ped from the exported from the very fame Port or Place at which fuch identical Tobacco was at firft originally imported Port at which it into Gr^a/ 5r/;fl/«, and no other ; and alfo unlefs the fame identical Tobacco, if unmanufadiured, and out of the Package in which it was at firit: imported (except only ten Pounds Weight of Tobacco, which fliall be allowed to be taken cut of each Hogfhead, Cafk, Cafe or other Package after th; iixnt. is Penalty of en- weighed at the Importation, as is now the Practice; and if any Perfon or Perfons whatfoever {hall enter tering Tobacco any Tobacco for Exportation at any other Port or Place than that at which the fame identical To- at any other bacco was imported, or in any other Cafk or Package than the fam.e in which the fame unmanufaclured Package" &c.'^'^ Tobacco was originally imported, or without the fame Marks, all fuch Tobacco (hall be forfeited, and no Drawback thereupon fhall be paid, or if any fliall be pud, the fame fhall be repaid, and the Perfon who entered, or caufed the fame to be entered, fhall forfeit the Sum of t^vo hundred Pounds ; and whoever fliall knowingly export beyond the Seas any Hogfhead or other Package of Tob<;cco, out of which more than ten Pounds Weight of Tobacco has been taken for Samples, he, fhe and they fo off-'nding (hall forfeit and lofe the Sum of twenty Pounds for every fuch Hogfhead or other Package of Tobacco fo exported. ^*'™ '"?"?*""■ V. Provided neverthelefs, and it is hereby declared and enafted, That when any unmanufactured To- ftail"befound"°^^'^^° is imported in Hogfheads or Cafks into Great Britain from any of his Majefty's Plantations in ■dapiagcd upon America, if upon the Landing and Examination thereof it (hall appear, that the Tobacco contained in any Landing, of fuch Hcgflieads or Cafks is fo much damaged, that by cutting off the damaged Part thereof (for which no Duty is paid) the found Tobacco remaining in any of fuch Hogrheads (for which Duty is to be paid) is under the Weight of four hundred and fifty Pounds, then and in fuch Cafe it fhall and may be lawful for the Lnporter or Importers thereof, in the Prefence of the Land-waiters appointed to deliver the Ship in which the fame was imported, to cauic all fuch found Tobacco to be put together in one or more of the «*« is found fai^c Hogflieads out of which the damaged Tobacco was taken ; and the ftij Land-waiters, or other proper ^e^'fame^'Hog"" ^^'^'^'^^' '^^^ hereby directed and required to enter into their refpcftive Books the true and exact Weight ihfadl, and the °f ^" ^"'^^1 found Tobacco put into each and every fuch Hogfhead, with the f.-vcral and refpcilive Marks L.ind-waitcr is and Numbirs fet on each and every fuch Hogfhead; and alfo to note and fpccify in their Books, that fuch to entcrthc fame Hogflieads wcrc packed and refilled in their Prefence ; and ail and every i'ucli Hogfheads of unmanufatSured ""'^°''^'*'^' Tobacco fliall and may be exported from the fame Ports, and no oiher, at which they were originally im- ■and Defc;ntuies ported ; and Debentures fliall be made out, and the Drawback be paid for the 'I'obacco therein contained ard (pvovided the Q^iantity of the Tobacco in each fuch Hogfhead amounts to four hundred ajid twentv-fivc for^'thcfamc*^ Bounds Weight or more) in the lame Manner and Form, to all Intents and Purpofes, as if the Pack.igc of fuch ] obacco had not been altered; any Thing herein before contained to the contrary thereof in any wife notwithftanJing. foifeon'theCoo ^^' ■^"'^ '"^ /"^ f>^rther cnatSled by the Authority aforefaid, That ft'om and after the faid twenty-ninth q^et"heMarrsj^y of '?<■/>"-■'■ one thoufand feven hundred and fifty-one, all : tid every Perfon and Perfm"^, who (hall Nurnbcrs and ' enter any unmanufa£l:ured Tobacco Outwards, except unmanufaftiired Tobacco imported before the faid Weight of the twenly-ninth Day of Scptembr one tho ifanl feven hundred an 1 fifty-one, at any Port or Place in Great Trtacro when Britain, in order to be fhipped and exported in anv Ship or Vcflel wh.itfoevcr to any Part or Parts beyond fitft imj.oited, jhc Seas, fliall, before the fame or any Part thereof is' laden on board any Ship or'Vcflel to be exported, I cndorfe