Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 7.djvu/402

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383 C. 41. Anno vicedmo quarto Georgii H. A. D. 1751. Water, as aforefiud, and the Time when ; and alfo that the Perfon or Perfons who fliall apply to them for Officers to grnnt the fame, had made Oath to the Truth thereof ; which faid Certificate fuch Officers are hereby required fuch Certificaie, and dire(fted, after writing the fame ofF in their Books, to grant and deliver to every Perfon and Perfons sndtotiiinfmita ^,ho fhall apply to them for the fame, and fhall immediately tranfmit a Duplicate of luch Certificate to the OHk'"lVoint Perfon appointed by the Lord High Treafurer, or the Commiffioners of the 7'reafury, for the Time bemg, ed by the Treal ^'"' keeping the Accounts herein after mentioned ; and that before any fuch Tobacco, Tobacco Stalks or lury. Snuftfor which fuch Certificate is granted, fhall be removed or carried by Land as aforefad, the Proprietor Proprietor to in- thereof, or his Factor or Agent, ftiall defcribe and infert on the Back of fuch Certificate, in a fair and le- f rt on ilie Btck gible manner, the Names of each particular Package in which fuch Goods are contained, together wi:h of theCertifi- x.he particular Marks and Numbers fet on each Package, and alfo the true and exact Weight of each par- Pa'cLees &c t'cu'ar Species of fuch Goods contained in each particular Package, and the Place and Places from whence ' ' the fame were brought, and to which they are to be carried and conveyed, and the Name of the Perfon to whom the fame fhall be fent, to which fuch Proprietor, Faftor or Agent fhall fubfcribe his, her or their and make Oath Name or Names, and make Oath to the Truth thereof ; and if any Tobacco, Tobacco Stalks or SnufF, thereof. exceeding the refpeftive Qiiantities before-mentioned, fhall, from and after the faid twenty-ninth Day of September one thoufand feven hundred and fifty-one, be found removing by Land from 'the Port or Place of Penalty of re- 'ts Importation, without fuch Certificate therewith as is herein before dircdted to be granted by the proper moving To- Officers ; or if upon Examination it fhiill appear that fuch Certificate is forged or counterfeited, all fuch bacco without Tobacco, Tobacco Stalks and Snufl:, and the Cafks, Cherts, Cafes or other Package containing the fame. Certificate, &c. together with the Horfes, Cattle, Carts, Waggons, and all other Carriages whatfoever employed, or in any wife made ufe of in the removing, or Carriage or Conveyance of fuch Tobacco, Tobacco Stalks and SnuiF, or any or either of them, fhall be forfeited and loft, and fhall and may be feized and profecuted by any Officer or Officers of the Cufloms, in the manner herein after directed ; and the Carrier or other Per- fon employed or intrufted in the removing, carrying or conveying fuch Goods, or any of them, fliall, b;- fides the Lofs of his Cattle and Carriages, alfo' forfeit and loie the Sum of ten Pounds, and be committed ' to the County Gaol for one Month, by any Juftice of the Peace for the County where the OtFence is a"A of ""■"'"- committed or the Offender fhall be found ; and if any Perfon or Perfons vvhatfoe^er fliall conterfeit, forge, tdting thereof, gj-g^e or in any wife alter any fuch Certificates or Duplicate thereof, as are direfted by this Act, or fhall caufe or procure the fame or either of them to be counterfeited, erazed or altered in any refpect, he, fhe, ' or they fo offending fhall forfeit and lofe the Sum of one hundred Pounds for every (Jffence, to be futd for, recovered, levied and divided in the manner as herein after is exprcff"ed. No Tobacco, XXIIL And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That from and after the faid twcnty- bove°cert'a"in' '^'"'h Day of September one thoufand feven hundred and fifty-one, no Tobacco or Tobacco Stalks ex- Weight to be ceeding the Qiiantity of twenty-four Pounds Weight, nor any Snuff" exceeding ten Pounds Weight, fhall carried by Land, be Conveyed or carried by Land from any Place in Great Britain to any other Place in Great Brita'n, in unlefstheSpe- ^^y Hoglhead, Cafk, Cheft or Package, unlefs fuch Hogfliead, Cafk, Cheft or Package be flamped or '^'"ir "^eL^^ marked on the Outfide, with the refpective Words, Tobacco, Tobacco Stalks or Snuff", in large Letters, te'is on^li^e "^ " "ot Icfs than three Inches in Length, under the Penalty and Forfeiture of all fuch Tobacco, l"obacco Package. Stalks or Snuff", with the Package thereof, and one Shilling for every Pound Weight thereof, to be paid b/ Penalty. the Owner of fuch Tobacco, Tobacco Stalks or Snuff". No Drawbackto XXIV. And be it further cnadted b}' the Authority aforefaid. That no Drawback fhall be allowed for be allowed tor gj^y Xobacco which is mixed with Rubbiffi or Dirt, or any other Matter or Thing whatfoever ; and all vhh'R"ibbiih ^"^ every Perfon or Perfons who fliall enter or fliip for Exportation, or caufe to be entered or fhipped for &£, ' Exportation, any Tobacco mixed with Rubbifh or with Dirt, or any other Matter or Thing whatf ever. Penalty of en- or who fliall enter any Thing as Tobacco for Exportation, and which upon Examination by the proper ttring Inch for Officers, fliall appear not to be Tobacco, fliall forfeit all fuch Goods, and the Casks, and other Package Exroit.itii.n, or j^^ which they are contained, and alfo the Sum of fifty Pounds of lawful Money of Great Britain for each anv other Thing i rr n j l ii i i ,- ' f.i.'Tob.icco. ^"'^ every Ht^glhead or other Package thereof. No Tobacco to XXV. And be it further enaded by the Authority aforefaid. That from and after the faid twenty-ninth be (hipped lor Day of September one thoufand feven hundred and fifty-one, no Tobacci) cither manufaiftured or unmanu- Exportation (ex-faiitured fliall be entered or (hipped for Exportation to any Parts beyond the Seas {'Irelai-d oiily excepted) uXi-rin Veiiti'" '"^"y ^'^'P °^ .Y'-"'^'^' whatfoever, unlefs fuch Ship or Vcffel fliall be of the Burthen of feventy Tens or ot"-oTons, or "pwards ; and if any Officer or Officers of the Cuftoms fliall apprehend, or have Reafon to believe, that upwards, any fuch Ship or Veffel bound to foreign Parts, and having Tobacco on board her, fliall not be of the' Officer, where Burthen of feventy Tons or upwards, it fhall and may be lawful for fuch Officer or Officers to ftop and thcVcdclap- detain fuch Ship or Vefl"el, and the whole Cargo laden on board her, of Tobacco, and all other Goods, orthat'Eiirthcn,"'^ he or they fhall cr.iife fuch Ship or VeiVel to be admeafured, according to the Admeafurement prc- may detain her' fcribed by an Act pafi"ed in the fixth Year of the Reign of his late Majefty King Gecrrc the Firff, (inti- til lad me J fared, tuled. All ASl for preventing FriUids and Abufes in Excife, Cuftoin;^ Stamp Duties, Po/i Offiee, and Ho ufe according to Money ;) and if it fliall appear by fuch Admeafurement,' that "any fuch Ship or X'efi'el's is ""of the Burthen 6Geo. I. f.yenty Tons or upwards, the Officer or Officers fo flopping ;uid detaining her and her Cargo, fliall not be fubjetS: or liable to any A6lion for I^amages occafioncd by fucii Stoppage and Detention ; and if Penalty on Ma- ^he Maffcr or Commander of any Ship or Veffel outward bound to foreign Parts, ha-ing 'I'obacco on fter cleaving out board her, fliall enter and clear out fui.h Ship or other Vefl'el in the Collector's Book at the Cuftom Hoiife, Vcffels as of 70 as of the Burthen of feventy Tons or upwards, and fuch Ship or Veffel (hall not be of {o great Bur- Tons, not being then, according to the Admeafurement prefcribcd by the aforefaid Ai5t, he fliall forfeit and lofe the Sum of '

  • " "'^"^"""- one hundred Pounds for every fuch Oft"encc.