Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 7.djvu/410

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39P C. 45, 46. Anno vlcefimo quarto Georgii II. A. D. 1751 ftaiiJiiig any Defect of Jirirdii5lion in fuch Juflice or Juflices ; and if fuch Action be brought jointly againfl fuch Juftice or Juftices, and alfo againfl: fuch Conftable, Headboroiigh or other Officer, or Perfou or Perfons n.iEling in his or their Aid as afortfaid, thr-n on Proof of fuch Warrant the Jury fhail find f; r fuck Conftable, Hcadborough or otlicr Officer, and for fuch Perfon and Perfons fo acting as aforefaid, notvvith- rtanding fuch Defect of JurifdicTion as aforefaid; and if the Verdi<a: fnall be given againft the Juflice or Jufticcs, that, in fuch Cafe the Plaintifl" or Plaintiffs Iliall recover his, her or their Cofls againlt him or them, to l*c taxed in fuch Manner by the pnoper Officer, as to include fuch Cofts as fuch Plaintiff" or Plaintiffs are liable to pay to fuch Defendant or Defendants for whom fuch Verdict fhall be found as -.aforefaid. ' , . Where the Judge VII. Provided alvvavs, That where the Plaintiff" in any fuch Aftion againfl: any Juflice of the Peace Ihe'caufe'of ^"'^ °'^'^^'" ^ Verdia, in cafe the Judge before whom the Caufe fliall be tried, fhall in open Court cer- Aaionv<is wiI-'^y.?P the Back of the Record, that the Injury for which fuch Action was brought, was wilfully and f.jliy commit- malicioufly committed, the Plaintiff' fhali beintitled to have and receive double L'oftsof Suit. ted, PbintifF to tfcover doiikie Cofts. AcTioi^*'"" ""^ Y^^'^- P'W'^e^' alfo, and be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That no Action fhall be broug^ againfl: any Juftice of the Peace for any thing done in the E.xecution of his Office, or againfl: anv Con- itable, Hcadborough oi- other Officer, or Perfon adtin^ as aforefaid, onlefs commenced v.-ithin llx Ca- .CfKernng Jiy/}!. i^ndzr Months after the A6t committed. .ccsfi/j'inafcecli. 55. andfirtUi- iiGea, 2. c. i4fir'27. z-jtGco..z. c. 16 & 20. i Geo. 3. c. 13. CAP. XLV, i An Ad for the more eflfeftual preventing of Robberies and Thefts upon any navigable. Rivers, Ports of Entry or Difcharge, "Wharfs, and Keys adjacent. "HERE AS divers wicked and ill-difpofed Perfons are encouraged to commit Robberies and Thefts upon, navigable Rivers, Ports of Entry and Difcharge, Wharfs and Keys adjacent, by the Privi- •' lege, as the Law now is, of being admitted to the Benefit of their Clergy;' Therefore, for the more ef- fectual preventing ftieh Felonies for the future. Be it enacted by the King's mofl: Excellent Majelty, by .and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in tliis prefenD Parliament airembled, and by the Authority of the fame. That all and every Perfon or Perfons that fliall, Perfons con- at any Time from and after the twenty-fourth Day of June one thoufand feven hundred and fifty-one, fe- ■.•vifled of Theft lonioufly Jteal any Goods, Wares or Merchandize, of the Value of forty Shillings, in any Ship, Barge, ° b'^'d^ Lighter, Boat or other VefTclj or Crafc, upon any navigable River, or in any Port of Entry or E)ifchargc, Vefla" *°^ •O ■> 2ny Creek belonging to any navigable River, Port of Entry or Difcharge, within the Kingdom of ■Great Britain j or fhall felonioufly fteal any Goods, Wares or Merchandi.^e, of the Value of forty Shil- «r.«narvyWharf,":iings, .upon any Wharf or Key adjacent to any navigable River, Port of Entry or Difcharg,", or Ihall be <jr aCiftingtliere-prefent, aiding and affifliiig in the commiiting any of 'the Offences :iforcfaid, being thereof convicted or ^"' ^'^- attainted, or being indicted thereof fliall of malice fland mute, or wWl not dir;.>it!y ani'wcr to the Indict- .excUuied from nient ; Or fliall peremptorily challenge above the Number of twenty Perfons returned to be of the Jury; ^re BcB, fit.of j^.^ii i,c ,excJuded from the Benefit of Clergy. For firmer Pre- CAP. XLVI. Lii,Z'lr"o^ An A& for repealing the. Dutic^s now payable upon Foreign Linen Yarns, and for granting s8 H. S. c. 4. Other Duties in lieu thereof. X El, r. 12. 7 & S W'. 3. c.-^q. I Ann. fiat. 2. c. %. 3 Aim. c. 2. 7 fhm. c. 7. 10 Ann. c. -19 & 21. 12 Ann. flat. 2. c. 9, Ig-fij' ii- 1 Gis. 1, r. 36. 3 Ga. i.e. 7 f 2r, tyCiC.Z-..c. 30. iZCeo. 2. c 24j 25., 27 £?■ 36. 21 Geo. 2. c. 25.

  • "^l" T'HP.^RE AS the Support and Encouragement of the Bri/ijh Mannfafturcs of ftripcd and chequered

■' VV Linen, and of Lijien mixed with Cotton, is of great Importance to the Trade and Navigation of ' th's Kingdom : And whereas the Exports of the faid J'Janufa6tures have of late Years confidjrably dc-

  • creafed : And v/hereas the reducing of the Duties now payable upon fisreign Lincii Yarns, would. great]/
  • tend to .the Encouragement and Support of tiie faid Manufadures, hy putting them upon a more .equal
  • Footing with the ManufacStures of other Nations, and thereby enable the Britijh Aianut'afturcrs tt) regain

' and enlarge th:ir Export Trade :' May it therefore pleafe your molt Excellent iVIajelty, that it may be cnafted ; and be it: enacted by the King's mofl: .Excellent Majeftv, by and with the Advice ajid Content of the Lords Spiritual atid Temporal, and Commons, in this prclent i-'arliament aflembled, and by the Au- thority of the fame, That from and after the twenty-fifth Day o^ A I arch one thoufand fc-cn hundred and Tbe-prcfentDn-fff'ty-two, all the Rates, Duties, Su:bfid!es, and Ininofitions, which are now payable by virtue .t f feveral «;cs upon Dutch, Afts of Parliament ivpon the Importation of Raw Foreign Linen Yarns, known by the Name of Z)h/^» rrcach, and Tarn linA Fraixh Yam, and oi' Spruce or Alitfcovia y'lirn ; and alfo upon the Importation of ^Vh:tened or

  • TiJ ^.^'"!^i-' Bleached Foreign Linen Yarns, known by the Name oi' Uinvrought Inch- :ud Si:u>t SpinKcII; and alf<) upon

l"cle a'^iyshort the Importation of all other Raw ;uid Whitened or Bleached Foreign Linen Yiun, ihall ccafc and deter- iipinncll, and mine, and be no longer paid. ether I'oreign IL And be it further enaSed by tlie Authority aforefaid, Th-ut in lieu of the faid Rates, Duties* SiJw ICBsaJcd.. ign IL And be it further ena£ied by tlie Authority aforefaid, Th-Ut i Yara OTforted, Q^i^g af,fi Impolitions by this Aft repealed as aforefaid, there fliall, fj'om and after the f.iid twenty-fifth .Day of A'ftin-h one thoufand feven hundred and fifty-two, be granted and paid to bis xViajclty, his Heirs, iX't:.o!gj,sntediD^"^ Succefl'ors, the refpeilivc Duties foUowiJigj upon the Importatiou ot Foreign Linen Yarns into this Ll-u a»j.M»'. Kiji^dom, {that is lofayj ior