Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 7.djvu/416

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396 C, 47. Anno vicefimo quarto Georgii II. A. D. 1751. The Supplies to XX. And be it further enadcd by the Authority aforefaid, That the faid Aids and Supplies provided as he applied (,niy aforcfaid, ihall not be ilTued or applied to any Ufe, Intent or Parpofe v/hatfoever, other than the Uies and as this Afidi- Jiurpofes before mentioned, or lor the feveral Dclicicncies or other Payments directed to be fatisiied thereout '^^- bv any Act or A£ts, or any particular Chiul'e or Claul'es for that I'urpofe contained in any other A6t or AcSls of this prcfentSeffion of Parliament. XXI. And as to the faid Sum of lixty-four thoufand Pounds by this Act appropriated on account of Half-pay a^ aforefaid, it is hereby enafted and declared by the Authority aforefaid, 'rhat the Rules herein Puie^tobeob- after prefcribed fhall be duly obferved in the Application of the faid Half-pay ; that is to fay, That no fcrvtd in the Pcrfon fliall or receive any Part of the fame who was a Minor, and under the Age of fixtccn Years, Application of at the Time when the Regiment, Troop or Company in which he f;;rvcd was reduced ; that no Perfon lac Half-p.iy. £^,3]} j^^^g q^. j-eceiye any Part of the fame, except fuch Perfons who did actual Service in fome Regiment, ' Ti'oop or Company; that no Pcrfon having any other Place or Employment of Profit Civil or Military under his Majclly, fliall have or receive any Part of the faid Half-pay ; that no Chaplain of any Garrifon or Re'^imcnt who has any Ecclcfiallical Benefice in Gnat Britain or Iiel.nd, (hall hae or recciv'e any Part of the faid Half-pay ; that no Perfon ihall have or receive any Part of the fame, who has ref:gn':d his Commiffion and has had no CommilTion fmcc ; that no Part of the fame fhall be allowed to any Perfon by vi)tue of any Warrant or Appointment, except to fuch Perfons who would have been otherwife incitled to the fame as reduced Officers ; and that no Part of the fame fliall be allowed to any of the OfEcers of the five Reo-iments of Dragoons,, and eight Regiments of Foot, lately difbandcd m Ireland, except to fuch as were lately taken off the Eftabliiliment of Half-pay in Great Britain. ' XXII. And whereas by an A£t of Parliament made in the twenty-third Year of his A'lajefty's Reign, l'^:rvtd in the cation c lalf-piy l<t'£ 'ariher 2_5_ - (rco. 2. c. 25. 2'. Geo. 2. c,2i. ' in the Hands of the Fay-maftcr general ; and for ohviatnig a Doubt in an A^ of the fifth Year of King George ' the Fir/i, in rcfpe£i to the Payment of certain Annuities thereby granted for the Improvement of Fifljeries and ' Manifa5lures in Scotland, and for the further appropriating the Supplies granti'd this Sejfion of ParHa?nent, - * and for giving firther Ti7ne for the Payment of Duties otnitted to be paid for the Indentures or Contrasts of ' Clerks and Apprentices, and for transferring the Bounties now payable upon the Exportation fl/" Britifh &// ' Cloth to the Ci'Jhms, and for enforcing the Lazvs againji the clandefline hntortaticn of Soap, Candles and ' Starch into thii Kitrgdom) feveral Supplies which had been granted to his Majefty, as is therein men- • tioned, were appro^priated to feveral Ufes and Purpofes therein exprelfed, amongfl: which any Sum or ' Sums of Money not exceeding fixty-feven thoufand Pounds, was appropriated to be paid to the reduced ' Officers of his Majefty's Land Forces and Marines, fubjeil neverthelefs to fuch Rules to be obfer'ed in ' the Application of the faid Half-pay, as in and by the aforefaid A£t were prefcribed in that Behalf;' O-vsrplus oF Now it is hereby provided, ena£ted and declared by the Authority aforefaid. That fo much of the faid 67,000], appro- Sum of fixty-feven thoufand Pounds, as is or fliall be more than fufficient to fatisfy the faid reduced priated to [he OfKcers, according to the Rules prefcribed by the faid Adl to be obferved in the Application thereo*', or reduced Officers, ^^^ p^^.^. ^p ^^^j^ Overplus, fliall and may be difpofed of to fuch Officers who are maimed, or loll their fuch OMefts of Limbs in the late Wars, or fuch others as by reafon of their long Service, or otherwife, his M;yefty Chaiity'as his fhall judge to be proper Ohjedts of Charity, or to the Widows or Children of fuch OfEcers, according Majefty fhall di- to fuch Warrant or Warrants, under his Majefty's Royal Sign Manual, as fliall be figned in that Be- '^"^* half; any Thing in this Aft, or the faid former Aft, to the contrary notwithftanding. ' XXIII. And whereas feveral Bills, commonly called Exchequer Bills, feveral Tickets in the publick ' Lotteries, and Certificates made forth in lieu thereof, and likewife feveral Orders of Loan, and Orders for ' Annuities of feveral Denominations, payable at the Receipt of his Majefty's Exchequer, made forth by ' Authority of Parliament, have been or may hereafter by Cafualty or Mifchance be loft, burnt, or other- Duplicates to be ' wife deftroyed ;' Be it therefore enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That in all Cafes where it fliall ap- niade forth of pear by Affidavit to be made before any of the Barons of the Exchequer for the Time being, (who fliall fuch Exchequer interrogate the Deponent thereupon) to the Satisfaftion of fuch Baron or Barons, That any fuch Ex- .j.'"k' ..■'^"p'^'fif;. chequer Bills, Lottery Tickets, Certificates, Orders of Loan or Annuity Orders as aforefaid, have been ca'tcs Orders of or fliall hereafter be loft-, burnt or deftroyed, or that there be good Reafon to believe that the fame have Loan", or Aiiniii- been loft, burnt or deftroyed, it fliall and may be lawful for the refpefti'e Officers and Perfons appointed, ty Orders, as to ifluc and make forth fuch Exchequer Bills, Tickets, Certificates, Orders of Loan, or Annuity Or- iTi|ill >": j°J> <"■ ders, or to pay or difcharge the fame, or to ilTue any Monies thereon, upon producing a Certificate from ftrcseX' '^ '^" '••"y °^ ^^" ^'^'^ Barons of inch Affidavit made before him or them, (which Affidavit the faid Barons, or any of th.:m, is and are hereby required to take, and which Certificate he or they are hereby required to grant without Fee or Reward) and on fufficient Security given to the King, his Heirs and SuccclTors, to in- demnify the faid refpeftive Officers and Perfons againfl all other Perfons whatfoevcr, for and concerning the Monies fpecified in or due upon fuch refpeftive Bill or Bills, Ticket or Tickets, Certificate or Certificates, Order or Orders, they the faid Officers and Perfons refpeftively fiiall and are hereby required to make forth Duplicates of the faid Bills, Tickets, Certificates and Orders, at theRequeft of the refpeftive Owners or Proprietors thereof, and to pay and difcharge the fame, and all fuch Intereft as fliall be due on any of them carrying Intereft, as he or they fhould have paid or difcharged on the faid original Bills, Tickets, Certifi- cates, Orders of Loan, or Annuity Orders, if the fame had been produced j and fliall be allowed all fuch Payments in their refpeftive Accounts. « XXIV.