Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 7.djvu/429

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A. D. 1 75 1. Anno vicefimo quarto Georgii II. C. 57. 409 VII. And be it further enaiSed by the Authority aforefaid, That an Aft made in the twelfth Year of then Gen. r. c. Reign of his prefent Majefty, (intituled, An ASf for granting a Libeity to ccirry Sugari of the Growth, Produce i^^- (orLibcnjr 6r ManufaSlitrc of any of hh Majefty s Sugar Colonies in America, y/-a»z the [aid Colonies directly to foreign^? '^"'y ^'■'^"' Parts,' in Ships built in Great Britain, and tmvigated according to Laiu)^ which was to continue in Force !;°|'" l'"^^.^'*' for five Years, from the twenty-ninth Day o'i September one thoufand feven hundred and thirty-nine, andre'i,„ [^its &c-. from thence to the End of the then next Seflion of Parliament ; and which by another Act made in the icventeenth Year of the Reign of his prefent Majefty, was further continued until the twenty-fourth Day 17GC0. z. Cijo. oVJune one thoufand feven hundred and fifty-one, and from thence to the End of the then next Seflion of Parliament, fhall be, and the fame is hereby further continued from the Expiration thereof until the firft . Day of September one thoufand feven hundred and fifty-feven, and from thence to the End of the then next'j', ^ contum- befTion of Parliament. ter it ^-j. and ly 31 Geo, 1. c. 3; to ?-(j Sepum'jeri-jb;^, VIII. And be it further enabled by the Authority aforefaid. That an A£l made in the fifth Year of the 5 Geo. 2. c. 30. Reign of his prefent Majefty, (intituled, An Aa to prevent the committing of Frauds by Bankrupts) which'°_|^'^'j'™j'"^p was to continue in Force for three Years, from the twenty-fourth Day otjune one thoufand feven hundred "".j","'"!^'),!;. and thirty-two, and from thence to the End of the then next Seffion of Parliament ; and which by an Aftrupts, made in the ninth Year of the Reign of his prefent Majefty, was further continued until the twenty-ninth 9 Geo. a. c. 18. Day o{ Septe7nber one thoufand feven hundred and forty-three, and from thence to the End of the then next Sefiion of Parliament; and which by another Aft made in the fixteenth Year of the Reign of his prefent 16 Geo. s. c.27. Majefty, was further continued until the twenty-ninth Day of September one thoufand feven hundred and f|j,.|.[jj.j. ^ . fifty, and from thence to the End of the then next Seflion of Parliament, fhall be, and the fame is hereby cd to i Septe'm'-' further continued from the Expiration thereof until the firft Day of Septanber one thoufand feven hundred ber 1757. and fifty-feven, and from thence to the End of the then next SefTion of Parliament. Funier mr.timid hy 31 Geo. 2. f. 35 fo 2g S^:pfen:hcrly6^, ' IX. And whereas many Abufes have been committed by Bankrupts, andPerfons who, with their Pri-

  • vity, have attempted to prove fiftitious and pretended Debts under CommilTions of Bankruptcy, in order

' that fuch Perfons might be enabled to fign their Confent to the Certificates for difcharging fuch Bank- ' rupts from their Debts l' For Remedy whereof, and in order to prevent the like fraudulent and wickedperfons rwe^iin" Praftices for the future, Be it enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That where any Perfons fhall fraudu-to ^^ fiflitious lently fwear or depofe, or being of the People called ^takers affirm, before the major Part of the Commif-^"^'^™"^ ^ fioners named in any CommifTion of Bankruptcy, oroy Affidavit or Affirmation exhibited to them, that "'""^ a Sum of Money is due to him or her from any Bankrupt or Bankrupts, which fiiall in Faft not be really and truly fo due or owing ; and fhall, in refpeft of fuch fiftitious and pretended Debt, fign or her Con-and finning the fent to the Certificate for fuch Bankrupt's Difcharge from his Debts ; that in every fuch Cafe, unlefs fuchCcitificate; Bankrupt fhall, before fuch Time as the major Part of the faid Commiflioners fliall have figned fuch ""iefs the Bank- Certificate, by Writing by him to be iigned and delivered to one or more of the faid Commiflioners, or'^Pp *"" 'J^- to one or more of the Aflignees of his Eftate and Eftefts under fuch Commiflion, difclofe the faid Fraud, "^'""^ the Fraud, and objeft to the Reality of fuch Debt, fuch Certificate fhall be null and void to all Intents and Pur- the Certificate m pofes, and fuch Bankrupt fhall not in that Cafe be intitled to be difcharged from his Debts, or to have<= ""^'j i5.-c. or receive any of the Benefits or Allowances given or allowed to Bankrupts by the faid Aft of the fifth Year of his prefent Majefty's Reign; any Thing therein contained to the contrary thereof in any wife notwithftanding. X. And it is hereby enafted. That where any Creditor or Creditors of any Bankrupt refide in foreign Letter of At- Parts, the Letter of Attorney of fuch Creditor, attefted by a Notary Publick in the ufual Form, fhall be a "'■n'ry f'"'" , fufficient Evidence of the Power and Authority by which any Perfon thereby authorized fhall fign any^';^^' p^^'" '"' Bankrupt's Certificate ; any Thing in the fiid Aft of the fifth Year of his prefent Majefty's Reign to the3u't^"or;zrfi/n- contrary thereof in any wife notwithftanding. ing Certificate. XI. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That (o much of an Aft made in the eighthpartof 8 Geo. i. Year of the Reign of his late A/fajefty King G^or^^^ the Firil (intituled. An ASt far giving further Ericou-<^- n- for en- ragement for the Importation of Naval Stores, and for other Piirpofes therein mentioned) as relates to the Im-^"-'"'i!'ng ""^ portation of Wood and Timber, and of the Goods commonly called Lumber, therein particularly enume- jT'^-^^i'lJi^""^ rated, from any of his Majefty's Britijh Plantations or Colonies in America, free from all Cuftoms and Im-&c. ' pofitions whatfoever, which was to be in Force for twenty-one- Ye.-irs from the twenty-fourth Day of fune one thoufand feven hundred and twenty-two; and which by an Aft made in the fixteenth Year of theifi Geo. 2. c 26. Reign of his prefent Majefty was furtfier continued until the twenty-fourth Day of June one thoufand feven hundred and fifty, and from thence to the End of the then next Seflion of Parliament, fliall be, and , the fame is hereby further continued from the Expiration thereof until the firft Day of September one thou-^'J"^'Ys°"tcm- land l(?ven hundred and fifty-feven, and from thence to the End of the then next SefTion of Parliameiit. i,cr™^ 31 Geo, z, c, 35 /(J z^ S(p:embcrfib^. XII. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That an Aft made in the nineteenth Yearig Geo. 2.c. 35. of the -Reign of his prefent Majefty, (intituled. An Act more effiHiually to prevent the Frauds and Abufes com- "° pie^ent mitted in the Aibneafurement of Coals zvithin the City and Liberty of Weftminfter, and that Part of the ■^"^'^Admlifarement "fh-^ncA^kz]: adjoini)jg thereunto, and the fcveral Parijhes of Saint GUes in the Fields, Su/';/ Mary le Bon,of Ootls in and fuch Pa:t of the^Parifo of Saint Andrew, Holborn, as lies in the County of M-M<ckx) v/hich was to Weftrninfter,&c, continue in Force from the twenty-fourth Day of Septemher one thoufand feven hundred and forty-fix, for the 'Ferm of three Years, and from thence to the End of the then next Seflion of Parliament; and which '^y another Aft made in the twenty-third Year of the Reign of his prefent Mitjefty, was further continued 13 Geo. 1, c.26. Vol. VIL Ggg until