Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 7.djvu/437

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A. D. 1752. Anno vicefimo quinto Georgii II. C. 15 — 19. 417 and Regulations, in all refpefts, as Wool or Woollen Yarn is now by Law permitted to be imported into the feveral Ports of Biddrford, Barnjlaple, Minehead, Bridgewater, Brijlol, Milford, Haven, Chcfter and Liverpool, or any of them, and in the fame Manner, to all Intents andPurpofes, as if the faid Port oi Lan- £qfter had been particularly named for the Importation of the faid Goods, in an A6t made in the tenth and eleventh Years of the Reign of the late King William the Third, intituled, An ASi to prevent the Exporta- tion of Wool Old of the Kingdoms of Ireland and England, into foreign Parts ; and for the Encouragement of the Woollen ManufaSlnres in Ihc Kingdom o/" England ; or in any other A£l or Afts of Parliament whatfoever. Cmccnnng Wq'iI, &c. pe farther 26 Gio. 2. c. 8 ©" 1 1. 29 Geo, 2. c. 33. 30 Cc, 2, f, 12, C A P. XV. An A(Sl to indemnify Perfons who have omitted to qualify themfelves for Offices and Employments ; atid alfo Perfons who have omitted to make and file Affidavits of the Execution of Articles of Clejkfliip within the Time limited by Law ; and for allowing further Time for thofe Purpofes. EXP. [Time given to 28 Nov. 1752. to take the Oaths, iSc. and "the fame Time for filing Affidavits of Clerks.] CAP. XVI. An Aft for enlarging the Term and Powers granted by two AiSs of Parliament, for repairing and amending the Highways between the Town or Village of Tittenfor and the moft Northern Part of Talk on the Hilly in Butt-Lane in the County of Stafford. PR. [ The A£t 8 &V(7. 2. (.-.5. continued for 21 Years.] C A P. XVII. An Aft for repairing the Road leading from the Green Adan in the Chapelry of Seend, in the County of Wilts, through Trowbridge, to a Place called White Trough, in the Parifn of Trowbridge in the fame County; and from thence hj RoadClmrch to Beckiiigton, in the County of Somerfet. PR. [Certain Tolls granted for 21 Years.] CAP. XVIII. An KSi for repairing the Road leading from Long Horfley Bar or Gate, on the Pofl Road near the Town of -• Morpeth, by or through Long Hgyfl^y, Weldon Bridge, and Whittingham, to the River Breamifli, and from thence to Piercys Crofs, in the County of Northu>}iberland. P R . [Certain Tolls granted for 21 Years.] CAP. XIX. An Aft to open the Port of Great Tarmouth for the Importation of Wool and Woollen Yarn from b'cland. H E R E A S the opening of the Port of Great Tarmouth, in the County of Norfolk, for the Importa- tion of Wool and Woollen Yarn from Ireland will be of great Utility and Advantage to the Wool- len Manufaftures in that Part of England, by rendering the Conveyance of thofe Materials to the feveral ' Towns and Places where the faid Manufaftures are carried on, more eafy, cheap and expeditious ; and ' may alfo be a Means of increafing the Importation of Wool and Woollen Yarn from Ireland into this ' Kingdom :' May it therefore pleafe your mofl: Excellent Majefly, that it may be enafted ; and be it en- afted by the King's mofl: Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual Th: Port of and Temporal, and Commons, in this prcfent Parliament afTcmbled, and by the Authority of the fame. Great Yarmouth That from and after the firft Day of Ma ^ one taoufand feven hundred and fifty-two, it fhall and may be"?'^"'^ '"'■ '= lawful for any Perfon or Perfons to import into the Port of Great Tarmouth, in the County of Norfolk, any^"/?*""," Vv^'ool or Woollen or Bay Yarn, Wool Fells, Shordings, Mortlings, Wool Flocks, and Worfted Yarn, from land • Ireland ; any AiSt or Adts of Parliament to the contrary in any wiie notvi^ithftanding. II. Provided always, and be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid. That all fuch Importations of Wool, under the Rcju- and Woollen or Bay Yarn, Wool Fells, Shortlings, Mortlings, V/ool Flocks and Worfted Yarn, from'^f^""^ '" ^° ^ Ireland into the faid Port of Great Tarmouth, fhall be made from fuch Ports only, and under the fame Re-" ^^"S- '^^ ^°" ftridtions and Regulations in all Refpefts, as Wool or Woollen Yarn is now by Law permitted to be im- ported into the feveral Votts of Biddeford, Barrflaple, Minehead, Bridgivater, Brijhl, Alilfbrd Haven, Chejler and Liverpoole, or any of them ; and in the fane Manner, to all Intents and Purpofes, as if the faid Port of Great Tarmouth had been particularly named for the Importation of the faid Goods in an A(ft made in the tenth and eleventh Years of the Reign of the late King William the Third (intituled, An.Asl to prevent the Exportation of Wool out of the Kingdoms of Ireland aitd England into Foreign Parts ; and for the Encov.rage-ScetheRcfo-cMa )r.ent of the Woollen ManufaiHures in the Kingdom of 'Engis.r.A) or in any other A(3: or Ads of Parliament ""'^"4'/^ Cfo^- whatloever. _ ' ■ '"'- Vol.. VII, H h h CAP.