Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 7.djvu/488

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4^8 C. 6. Anno vicefimo fexto Georgii II. A. D. 1753. beenorfhall be appointed for Performrnce of Q_iiarentine, and to ufe all nscefTary Means for that Pur- rlme Lm any P^*""^' ^^ '^^■'y firing of Guns upon fuch Ship or Vcfi'cl, or any other Kind of Fore; or Violence whatfo- riacelnfeficd,or'^ver; and in Cafe any fach Ship or Veffel {hall come from any Place vifited with the Plague, or have any li.iv? tiie liifec- Perfon on Board actually infected, and the Commander, Pv'Iallcr or other Perfjn having Charge of fjch tiononba.ird, ilieShjp or Veficl, {hall conceal the fame, fuch Coinmander, Matter or other Perfon having Charge of fuch '■■ Ship or VetTel, fhall be adjudged guilty of Felony, and fhall fufler Death as in cafes of Felony, without Be- J„,,. nefit of Clergy; and in cafe fuch Commander, Matter or other Perfon having Charge of fuch Ship or VelTcl, ..ung flial! upon fu-h Demand made as aforefaid, not make a true Difcovery in any other of the Particulars a tvjc Eiicovery aforefaid, fuch Commander, Mafter or other Perfon having Charge of fuch Ship or VefTcl, for every fuch '1" °"'" "P^"' Oflence Ihall forfeit the Sum of two hundred Pounds; one Moiety thereof to the Kin^ his Heirs and Siic- i'ooi."' "' '"^ cefibrs, and the other Moiety to him or them who thall fue for the fame, by Action ofDebt, Bill, Plaint, or Information, in any of his Majefty's Courts of Record at JVefimhyhr, Edintv.rgh, DaiHn^ or in tha mander, or other e as aforefaid, er on Demand Britifii Confol • "^ucceuors, the other Moiety to him or them who fhall fue for the fame, by Action of Debt, Bill, Plaint, with the Leg-' or InfoTmatioil, in any of his Majefty's Courts of Record at JVeJim'irjler, Edinburgh^ Dub.hif or in the bonk and proper Courts of the Itles of Guernjey, Jerjey., Alderncy^ Sark, or Mail, refpcclively. Journal, under Penjity o': 5CCI. Mafter, &c. quit. V. And be it further enaflcd by the Arthority aforefaid, That if any Commander, Matter, or other tins the Veficl ■D^^r,,^ u„,,;„„<^u r _„.. cu:._ _.. TT-./T-i i:,,Li_ »_ c n, .:.,_ T,„..; XT„»: »i r n--ii LtJ'ore Quaren tinu perlutmsd unU-rs by Licence Perfon, having Charge of any Ship or VefTel liable to perform Qiiarentine, having iNotice thereof, fhall m»d, hiinfelf quit, or fhall knowingly permit or fuffer any Seaman or PalTenger coming in fuch Ship or VefTel, or not going to the Place ap- to quit fuch Ship or VefTel, by going-on Shore, or by going on Board any other Ship, Boat or VefTsl, be- fore fuch Qiiarcnrine fhall be fuily performed, unlets in fuch Cafes, and by fuch proper Licence as fhall be direilcd or permitted by fuch Order or Orders made or to be made concerning Quarentine, and the Prevention of Infection as aforefaid; or in cafe any Commander, Mafter, or other Perfon, having Charge of fuch Ship or VeiTel, fhall not, within conveni nt Time after due Notice given for that Purpol'e polnu^rto'torfeit ^"'Y ^^^ proper Officer, caufe fuch Ship or VelTel, and the Lading thereof, to be conveyed into the Place or ^ool. ' Places appointed for fuch Ship, VelTel and Lading to perform Quarentine refpectively; then, and in every fuch Cafe, every fuch Commander, Matter or other Perfon having Charge of fuch Ship or VeiTcl, for every fuch Offence fliall forfeit nve hundred Pounds; one Moiety thereof to the King, his Heirs and SuccefTors, and the other Moiety to him or them who will fue for the fame; and alfo if anv Perfon fhall and Perfons quit- fo quii: fuch Ship, or VefTel by going on Shore, or by going on Board any other Ship or VefTel, contrary to"b 'obl^'d'fc ^"^^^^ true Meaning of this Act, it'fhall and may be lawful for all Perfons whatfoever, by any kind of Force "o r'euirn ^ ■'^0^^ ^'^^ Violence, to compel fuch Perfon to return on Board fuch Ship orVeflel; and every fuch Perfon jnii to AifKr lin- fo quitting fuch Ship or VefTel Tnall for every fuch Offence fuffer Imprifonm_ent for the Space of fix Months, irifonmenr, and and fhrd! alfo forfeit the Sum of two hundred Pounds; one Moiety to the iCing, his Heirs and SuccefTors, ictic;;icol. t'i;jg other Moiety to him or them that will fue for the fame; the fame refp;£tive Penalties and Forfeitures to be recovered by Action of Debt, Bill, Plaint, or Information, in an]'- of his Msj.fty's Courts of Re- cord at IVeJhihi/ier, Edinburgh, Dublin, or in the proper Courts of the Iltes of GtumJ'ey, jferjly, Jlder- ney. Sari, or Man, refpcftively. Jazare' a • be ^'^'^ ° '*■ f'Jf^ber enadted by the Authority aforefaid, that whenever his Majefty, his Heirs and .'itfted on?orn-^."cceffcrs, by ar,d with the Advice and Content of Parliament, {hall direct Houfes or Lazarets to be pro- ton or privat- "vided for the receiving and entertaining of Perfons obliged to perform Qiiarentine, or for the depofiting, Orouni'Sjinaking opening and airing of Goods and Merchandizes liable to perform i,aiarentine as afor'faid, it fhall and may ih!'ij'"^"'" '.° be lawful to ere6t the fame cither in any wa{te Grounds or Commons, or where fuch wafle Grounds or .jcpnco.'s. (^o,p_vj^o,is j,.-e not fuflicient, in the feveral Grounds of any Perfon or Perfons whatfoever, not being a Houfe, Park, Garden, Orchard, Yard or planted 'Walk, or Avenue to a Houfe, p.iying fuch Rate, Rent, or Coiifideration for the fame to the Perfons interelted therein rcfpe£tively, according to their feveral In- tercils in the fame, as fliall be agreed on between the Perfons fo interelTed, _their Guardians or Truftees, and any tv/o Perfons to be appointed for that f'urpofe by his Majefty, his Heirs or SuccefTors, under his In cafe of Differ- O"^ '^'^^^ Sign Manual; and in cafe of any Difference concerning fuch Rate, Rent or Confideration be- eic-, ti-.efamctotwcen thc Perfoiis fo interefted, their Guardians or Truftees, and fuch Perfons fo to be appointed by his i.e iijtiied by a Majefty, his Hcirs or SuccefTors as aforcfiid, then and in fuch Cafes the faid Perfons fo to be appointed ^'j^J^^j,',^"'^^''- by his Majefty, his Heirs and SuccefTors, may and are hereby authorized, thi-ty clear Days before any ' °"^' Giencral CHiarter Sefiion of the Peace to be holden for the refpeitive Counties or Diviftons where fuch Grounds fhall refpedtively lie as aforefaid, to giic or Caufe to be given, to the Occupier or Occupiers of fuch feveral Grounds, or to be lef: at their lall Places of Abode refpeftivcly, a Notice in Writing, del'cribing ths Qiiantity of Ground fo direfted by his Majefty, his Hcirs, ant Succcflbrs, by and with thc Advice and Content of Parliament, for thc Purpofes aforefaid, and purporcing that t -.c Rent or Confidcration of fuch Ground v/illbe adjufted and fettled by a Jury at thc (aid SciTions"; ar.d the Jmtices at their faid Scf- fions, upon I-'root to them made that fuch Notices ha'c been given, ihall and ..:c hereby authorized and rccjulrcd to charge the Jury which fhall attend at the fuid SeilionSj or fome other Jury of twelve honcft and fub- 4