Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 7.djvu/49

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A. D. 1747. Anno vicelimo Georgii II. C. Days after, have certain Knowledge or Caufe to fufpeti: that any Dwelling-houfe or Houfes, or the Names anH en Suf^iicion of any Perfons which ought to bs ch.irged by this A£t, are omitted in the faid Certificates, or the full Num- otwrongCh.iipc, bsr of Windows i;i any Houfe not fet down, or that any Dwelling-houfe is under-charged, or not duly char- '° Simmon thi; ged, according to the Directions of this Act, the fiiid Commiffioners, or any three of them, fliall have Pov,'Pr ^'^'^"?^"- to iumracn the Perfon or Perfons inhabiting fuch Dwelling-houfe to appear btfore them at a Day and Place to be prefixed, to be examined touching the Rates and Duties aforefaid, or touching other Matters which may any way concern the Premiffe.s ; and if any Perfon or Perfons fummoncd to be fo examined fliall negledt to appear, not having a reafonable Excufe for fcch his Default, every Perfon fo making Default fnall pay f"'°'"^"".^°- unco his Majelly double the Sum of the Rate he fliould or ought to have been fet at ; and moreover the faid ^^ "°' ^PP="'"S» Conimiilioners, to whom, fuch Certificates or AfTeiUnents fhall be delivered, or any three of them, or any RateJ other three Commiffioners of the refpeftive Counties, Shires or Stewartries, where fuch Aflefrment fliall be made, fliall have Power, and are hereby required, by all lawful V'/ays and Means, to examine and enquire into and concerning the Number of Windows or L'gbits in any Dwelling-houfe thereby charged, or of any Commi.Tioners Dwelling-houfe omitted to be charged, and thereupon to enlarge, alter, abate or diminiili the faid Affefl- to examine into ments fo delivered to the faid Commiilioncrs, fo that fuch Rate or Rates may be fet and impofcd upon every '|^ Nutrbcr of fuch Dwelling-houfe as fliall be according to the true Intent and Meaning of this Afl ; and the faid Commif- ^"' a°nr fettle' ficners, or any three or more of them, fliall, after i'uch Perul'al and Examination thereof, fet their Hands i'he'Rates. to the faid refpeflive Afleffinents, teflifying their Allowance thereof, and fliall likewife nominate and ap- Qgij^j^K^j^j.^^^ point two of the Perfons named in the faid Certificate or Afleffment to be CoUedlors, or any other two fuch to fign the Af- Perfons as they fliall think able and refponfible, for the refpeftive Divifions and Places for vi'hich they were I'effments, and fo prefented ; and fhall forthwith deliver, or caufe to be delivered, fuch AiPeflinent fo by them allowed of, """"'"^^'^ Gol- unto the rerpeclive Perfons by them nominated to be Colleclors for the Year enfuing, who are hereby fl:ii61:ly ="°'^^' enjoined and required to collecl and |iay the feveral Rates and Duties fo rated and aiTefTed, and to give Acquit- tances according to the DireiStions herein before contained for and touching the Collegers of the faid Duties hereby granted, and under the (evcral Penalties and Forfeitures hereby inflicted upon Colletftors for Negleifl or i^on-performance of their Duty. X. And be it enacted. That the Commiffioners for putting this Act in Execution, fliall caufe true Dupli- Commiffioners rates of the faid Affeflments to be made out, within three Months at fartheft after the twenty-fifth Day of" givein Dupli- J'^/l?;i:/) yearly (the Appeals being firfl heard and determined) and delivered unto the refpe£tive Receivers ^^""^ 'p'^' General) and alio tranlmitted into the Offices of the King's Remembrancer, in the Exchequer in England and Satland refpcflively ; for which Duplicates the proper Officers fliall give Acquittances gratis, fo as every of them maybe duly charged toanl'wer their re,'pe£tive Colleitions and Receipts ; and that the faid Dupli- cates (hall be made for the fame Hundreds, Wards, Pariflies or Places, for which diftinft Duplicates are and have been ufually made out for the Land Tax ; and that in every fuch Duplicate, the faid Commiffion- ers fliall caufe to be inferted the Names and Sirnames of the feveral Afleflbrs and CoUeiflors for every fuch Duplicates to Hundred, Ward, Parifli or Place as aforefaid ; and that the refpedive Receivers General fliall pay the' feve- contain the Af- ral Sums of Money, by them received by virtue of this Ad, into his Maiefly's Receipt of Exchequer, bv f'^n"" It'^ '^" Ot in i 1- r 1 7% 1 • 1 r • 1 r n 1 r ■ ^- r ' leilors Names, .jiarterly rayments, upon the ieveral Days herein before appointed for Payment thereof, or withm forty Receivers Gene- Days after ; and in cafe any fuch Receiver General or his Deputy, fl.iall pa^r any Part of the Monies, paid r=l to piy the to him or them by any Collector by virtue of this A£t, to any Perfon or Perfons vvhatfoever, other than into Monies Qirjrier- the Receipt of his Majefly's faid Exchequer, and at or wit'.nn the refpective Times limited by this Act" (ex- 'v '"'■o = Ex- cept the necefTary Charges of receiving, levying, managing, paying and accounting for the fame, as is ' '^'i"'^ ^ '^' herein after direded) then fuch Receiver General fliall, for every fuch Oitcnce of hinifelf, or his Deputy, forfeit the Sum of five hundred Pounds to him or them that fliall fue for the fame in any Court of Record, Penalty 5C0). by Bill,^ Plaint or Information, wherein no EfToin, Protedion or W. ger of Law is to be allowed ; and tiiat if any Surveyor of the faid Pvates and Duties, appointed or to be appointed as aforefaid, fhall knov/ingly or Stirvf;yor5 ma- wilfully, through Favour or Malice, under-rate or over-rate, or omit to charge any Perfon or Perfons, lioble ^}"1, wrong - to the Payment of the Rates and Duties by this Ad granted, or fhall be guilty of any corrupt or illegal "Charges, &c. Pradices in the Execution of !; is Office, fuch Surveyor fliall, for every fuch Offence as aforefaid, forfeit to fot-fcit 100 1. the Sum of one hundred Pounds, and be difmiffed from his faid Employm.ent. Saz. XL And be it further enaded. That every Receiver General fhall have an Allowance of two Pence in the Aiiowapce to Pound, for all Monies which fliall be by him paid into the Receipt of the Exchequer, and that every Col- the feveral Of- ledor fhall have three Pence in the Pound for what Money he fliall pay to the Receiver General, his De- ficers for levy. puty or Deputies ; anj that for the careful writing and tranfcribing the faid AffefTments, Warrants, El-treats, !.",?' ^^'^- "= and Duplicates in due Time, the Clerks of the Commiflioners v/ho (hall refpedively 'perl'orm the fame, '"'==• fhall, by Warrant under three or more of the Commiflioners Hands, have and receive from the refpedive Receivers General, Deputy or Deputies, three Halfpence in the Pound of all fuch Monies as he (hall have received by virtue of (ueh Warrants or Certificates, who is hereby appointed and allowed to pay the fame accordingly ; provided the find Warrants or Eitreats be made out, and the Duplicates delivered to the faid Pvcceiver General, and into the refpedive OfHces of the King's Pvcmtmbrancer, as aforefaid, within the Times limited by this Ad, ar.d not otherwife ; and if any P. rfon or Perfons (hall refufe to pay the feveral Sum and Sums appointed by this Adt for fuch Perfon to pay, upon Demand made by the Ofii-'-er or Col- TheR.iteto ledor of the Place, according to the Precept or Eflreats to him delivered by the CommifTioneis appointed be levied by by this Ad, it (hall and may be lav/ful to and for fuch Officer and Colledir, who are hereby thereunto au- Diil«fs, bic^ thorized and required, for Non-paym.ent thereof, to diftrain the Perfon or Perfons fo refufing, by his or their Goods or Chatties, and the Diftrefs fo taken to keep by the Space of four Days, at the Cofts and Charges of the Owners thereof ; and if the faid Owners do not pay the refpedive Sums of Mo-ey due by this Ad within the faid four Days, then the faid Diflrefs to be appraifed by two or more of the inhabitants where'the (aid Diflrefs is taken, and there to be fold by the faid Officer, for Payment of the faid Money, ..HS^sthe -Overplus coining by the faid Sale (if any be} over and above the Charges of taking and keeping 'the faid 3 • Dirhe&,