Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 7.djvu/500

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Anno vicefimo fexto Georgii II. A. D. 480 C. 1.3. Anno viceiimo lexto ^oteorgii 11. j. u. 1753. Liquors, fhall be granted within the Limits of the Head Office of Excife in Loudon, but to fuch as fliall occupy a Tenement or Tenements of the yearly Value of ten Pounds or upwards, and for which they Ihall accordingly be rated, and pay in the Parilh Rates ; and that no Licence fliall be of any Avail tq any Pejfon not lb qualified, or for any longer Time than the Pcrfon fo licenfed fhall be qualified as afore- faid, but fhall be abfolutely void ; And wliereas it is the true Litent and Meanijig of the f.idCiaufe, that no Licence for retailing Spirituous Liquors be granted v/i:hin the Limits of the Head Ofr.ce of Excife in London, to any Perfon but to fuch as are fufricient and of Ability to occupy a Tenement or Tenements of the yearly Value of ten Pounds or upwards ; and fuch Rate and Payment to the Church ;-.nd Poor, is , intended only as an additional Proof of luch Sufficiency: And whereas within the Limit-i of the Head Office of Excife in London, there are feveral Pcrfons who keep Taverns, Victualling-houfes, Inns, Coffce- houfes or Ale-houfcs, for which they pay conliderably more than ten Pounds a Year, but fuch Perfons are not rated, and do not pay accordingly to the Church and Poor for the fame, fuch Taverns, Victual- ling-houfes, Inns, Coffce-houfes and Ale-houles, being fituate in Places where Occupiers of Houfes or Tenements are not rated or ratable to the Church and Poor ;' Be it enacted by ihs Authority aforefaid, Cfmniimoncis, That from and after the twenty-fourth Day of June one thoufand feven hundred and fifty-three, it ihali ^-c. within the ' ~ . . ^ ^ . ,^ , ^^ . .^ - , . .' . . . ^, ^ ^ „. - Limits of their Hc.Tcl Office may giant Licence'; ti. Pcrfons rentijig Houfes of 12 1. per Annum, tho' not rated to the Poor. ■ Petfons fo li- cenfed. to he Jubjcct to the Laws in Force, Ac. 24 Geo. 2. c. 40. and may be lawful to and for his Majefty's Cornir.iliioners of fixciie, and their Officers refpeclivcly, within the Limits of the faid Head Office of Excife in London, to grant and deliver Licences for the retailing of Spirituous Liquors, purfuant to th.e Directions ol the faid feveral Atls of Parliament made in the fix- teenth and twenty-foiuth Years of his prefent Majefty's Reign, or either of them, to any Perfon or Per- fons within the Limits of the faid Head Office ot Excife in London, applying for fuch Licence or Licences, who fliall at the Time of his, her or their Application lor the fame, in any Tenement fituate in any Place where the Occupiers of Houfes or Tenements are not rated or ratable to the Church and Poor, keep a Tavern, Vi£lualiing-houfe, Inn, Coftee-houfeor Ale-houfe, for which he, flie or they refpectively fhall, to the Sjtisfadion of the faid Commiffioners of Excife, make it appear that he, {lie or they, do really and bona fide pay the full yearly Rent or Sum of twelve Pounds or upwards, without any Deduction or Abate- ment whatloever, although the Perfon or Perfons fo applying for f^ch Licence or Licences be not actually rated, and do not pay to the Church and Poor for the fame accordingly. XL Provided always, and it is hereby enafted and declared, That every Perfon to be licenfjj for the retailing of Spirituous Liquors, purfuant to this A6t, Iball be fubjecl to all other Provilions of the feveral Laws nov/ in Force, m any wife relating to the retailing of Spirituous Liquors, or to the licenllng the Retailers thereof, and on Breach of the faid Provifions, or any of them, fhall be fubject and liable to the like Penalties, Forfeitures and Punifbments, in the fame Manner as other Retailers of Spirituous Liquors now are ; and all and every Perfon and Perfons authorized to put the faid Laws in Execution againlt thj OfFenders r.iting contrary to them, or any of them, are hereby authorized and required to put the faij Laws and each of them in Execution, againft every Perfon to be licenfed as aioreiaid, who fliall oficiid againff the faid Laws, or any of them. ' XII. And whereas in and by one other Claufe in the faid Aft of Parliament made in the twenty-fourth Year of his Majefty's P^eign, it is enacled, That from and after the firft Day of 'July one thoufand i^<n hundred and fifty-one, no f-*erfon whatfoever, being a common Brewer of Ale or Beer, or Inn-keeper, Diftiller, or other Seller of or Dealer in any Kind of Spirituous Liquors, or who is or are or ftiail be interefted in any of the faid Trades or Bufmelles, fhall during fuch Time as he or they fliall be luch common Brewer, Inn-keeper, Diftiller, or other Seller of or Dealer in Spirituous Liquors, or interefted in any of the faid I'rades or BufmefTes, be capable or have any Power to act, or fhall be directly or in- Ju dices being Brewers, Inn- keepers, I3ifl'il- Urs, Viaiullers orMalfltr.', &c. prohibited from gr.inting Li- cences for fcllinc Ale, Arc. or Spi- tiiiioi'.s Liquors. Cenceriii'is; ^^i- ritodus Li^:-ofs Acts of Waters for Sale, directly concerned in acting as a Juflice of the Peace, in any Alatter or Thing v/haifoever which fhall any ways concern the Execution of the Powers or Authorities given or granted by any A& or r Parliament in any wife relating to Diftillers or Makers of Low VV ines. Spirits or Strong or to the Duty or Duties impofed upon Low Wines, Spirits or Strong Vv^'aters, or any other KinJ of Spirituous Liquors whatfoever, or to the granting Licences to the Retailers of Spirituous Liquors : And whereas notvvithftanding the lafl recixd Claufe, it is doubted whether c«,inmon Brewers of aIc or Beer, or Inn-kecpcrs, Diftillers, or other Sellers of or Dealers in any Kind of Spirituous Liquors, or who arc or fhall be iniereffed in any of the faid Trades or Bufmefles, being Juftices of the Peace, may not grant Licences to the Retailers of Beer or Ale, Vvhich Licence is one of the necelTary Requilites to nr.ide I'uch Retailers to apply for a Licence to retail Spirituous Liquors : And whereas it is realonable that fuch Per- fons, and alio Victuallers and i'Ialft.;r^, being Juftices of the i^'eace, fhould be rtftrained from granting Licences to retail Beer and Ale ;' Be it declared and enai^ted by the Authority albrefaid, That from and after the faid twenty-fourth Day of y;.vif one thoufand I'cvcn hundred and fifty-three, no Juitice of the Peace, being a common Brewer of Ale or Beer, Inn-keeper or f^ifliller, or other Seller of or Dealer in Ale or any fvind of Spirituous Liquors, or interefted in any of the faid 'I'rades or Bufinefll-s, or being a Victualler or Malfter, fhall duiiiig fuch Time as he fliall be luch common iirevver. Inn-keeper, Diftiller, Viftualler or Mahier, or other Seller of or Dealer in Ale or Spirituous Liquors, or interefted in any of the faid Trades or Bufmelfes, be capable or have any Power to crant any Licence or Licences to any Pcrloii or i^erfons whatfoever, for felling Ale, Beer, or any other Liquors by Retail ; and in cafe any fucii Julticc or Juftices fhall, contrary to the true Intent and Meaning hereof, prefunic to grant any luch Licence, Uic fame fliall be and is hereby declared to be null and void to all Intents and Purpofes whatfoever. fee fitrlher Z-] Gto.l, c, II. 31 Cffl. 3. c 36. 31 Gto. :■ c. 29. ■^■^Gio.z. c. ij& :.%• c A r.