Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 7.djvu/521

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A. D. 1753. Anno vicefimo fexto Georgii II. C. 22. 501 after her Deceafe to and for the Heirs Male of her Body, beingof full Age, and in default of fuch Iffue, toSamucl Bur- 'Iho. another fit Perfon to fupply the Place of the deceded Truftee, and fo as often as any Perfon'fuppiyin"- the PJace of either of faid Truftees fhall happen to die. " Tf)^,}^' ^ov^'^'^ alfo, and be it further enabled by the Authority aforefaid. That when either the faid Nomination nf a Wtlliam Duke oi Portland, or the faid Edward E?ir of Oxford and Earl Mortt?ner, herein before appointed"'"" "^""' Truitees for the Purpofes of this Aft ILall die, it fhall and may be lawful to and for the faid Countefs of?^ ','"' °^"^ ^ 0^>r^ and Countefs Mortimer, and the faid Dutchefs of Portland, or the Survivor of them, and after theof Ponhld nr Deceafe of the faid Countel^s and Dutchefs, to and tor the Heirs Male of the Body of the faid Dutchel"s,Edward Ea4 of being of full Age, or their Guardian or Guardians during their Minority; and «pon Failure of luch Heirs '3"' '"■ Male, to and for the Heirs Male of the Body of Ediuard now Earl of Oxford and Earl Mortimer, beino- of full Age, or their Guardian or Guardians their Minority, to nominate another fit Perfon to fupjily the Place of the laid Duke or the faid Earl ; and upon the Death of any Perlbn fo lujiplying the Place of either oi' them, to nominate another fit Peri'on in his Stead, and ib as often as any Perlbn ib Tupplying the Place of either of them ihall happen to die. VIII. And be it declared and enaded by the Authority aforefaid. That the Truftees fo to be nominated Truftees fo no- by the Survivor of the faid Charles Lord Cudogan and Hans Stanley, and by the Heirs Male of the Bodies of'"'"^^ '"^^i^^ them,^ or either of them, or the refpeflive Guardians of fuch Heirs Male, in manner aforefaid, and by the"^'^ likePow- faid Countefs and Dutchefs, or the Survivor of them, or by fuch Heirs Male of the laid Dutchefs or of,"^'^" the faid now Earl of Oxford and Mortimer as aforefaid, or by their Guardian or Guardians in manner afore- faid, (hall have the like Power in all RefpecSts in the Execution of this Ad, as is hereby given to the Truftees herein before firft named and defcribed. IX. And be it ena£ted by the Authority aforefaid, That within the Cities of London or JVeftminfler, or-'* general Re^ the Suburbs thereof, one general Repofitory fhall be ere£ted or provided in fuch convenient Place, and in ?"">' '° '"^ fuch Manner, as the Truftees hereby appointed, or the maj(;r Part of them at a General Meeting affem- R^^'ep^i^n^p/'"' bled fhall direct, for the Reception not only of the faid Mifeum, or Colledion of Sir Hans Shane, but alfoSio'ane's°M'ii-. of the Cottonian Library, and of the Additions which have been or fhall be made thereunto by virtue of thefcum, the Cot. laft Will and Teftament of the faid Arthur Edwards, and likewife of the faid Harleian Collection of Ma-"^". ^"'y.- nufcripts, and of fuch other Additions to the Cottonian Library, as with the Approbation of the Truftees ""'j^'"'" '^f"",?*' by this A£t appointed, or the major Part of them at a General Meeting afleii.bled, ihall be made thereunto, vvlrd's'-'s Addi- ' in manner herein after mentioned, and of fuch other Colletftions and Libraries as with the like Approba- tions. tion fhall be admitted into the faid general Repofitory; which feveral Colledtions, Additions and Library fo received into the faid general Repofitory, Ihall remain and be preferved therein for publick Ufe to alL Pofterity. X. Provided always, That the faid Mifeum or Colledlion of Sir Hans Shane in all its Branches, fhall'^" Wufoim to. be kept and preferved together in the faid general Repofitory whole and intire, and with proper Marks of^ '"^' '"'"'^' Diftinction. ^^^ ^ . XL Provided alfo. That the faid Harleian Colledtion of Manufcripts fliall be kept together in the faid cdkai'm 'to'be- general Repofitory, as an Addition to the Cottonian Library. an AHdition to the Cottonian Library. XIL Provided always. That until the faid general Repofitory fhall be erected or provided in manner.The Mufcum to before- mentioned, the faid Colledion or Mufeum of Sir Hans Shane fhall remain in his faid Manor-houfe=main in tiie for publick Ufe, under the Care of fuch Perfon or Perfons as by the faid Archbiftiop of Canterbury, Lord ^^^^J'^"^^"^^"^ ^ Chancellor, qr Lord Keeper, and the Speaker of the Houfe of Commons, or any two of them, fhall be f,jo^."" ^^^_°"' nominated for that Purpofe, with fuch Salary or Salaries, and Allowances for attending and preferving thevided. fame, as by all the Truftees by this Aft appointed, or the major Part of them in a general Meeting af- fembied, fhall be limited and directed ; and the faid Mujeum or Collection ftiall there be vifited and feen by- all Perfons defirous to view the fame, under fuch Rules as by the faid Truftees, or the major Part of them in like manner aflembled, fhall be eltablifhed ; and that until the faid Mufemn or Collection fhall 'be removed to the faid general Repofitory hereby intended to be erected or provided, the Expence of. preferving the faid Mufeum or Collection, and of repairing and fupportiiig the faid A-lanor-houfe and, PremiflTes, fhall be defrayed by the faid Truftees out of fuch Monies as Ihall be payable to them for. that Purpofe by virtue of this Adt. XHL Provided alfo, and be it enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That when and as foon as the faid when the ^K- Mufeum or Colle£ti-on fhall be removed into the faid general Repofitory, then and from thenceforth 'he^^^'^^^j'"^^' faid Manor-houfe and Garden, with their Appurtenances and Water, Ihall go and belong to fuch Per-MTnov-iioue, Ton or Perfons, and in fuch Manner, as the faid Sir Hans Shane hath. given and deviled the reft of his&c. to go with, faid Manors, Lands and I'enements at Chelfea, or elfewhere. the other Lands deviled by Sir HansSloane. XIV. And be it further ena£ted by the Authority aforefaid. That for the better Execution of the The Truftees in- Purpofes of this A6t, the faid Truftees hereby appointed fhall be a Body Politick and Coiporate '■iN^^^'fThV'"' Deed and Name, and have Succeffion for ever, by the Name of The Trufiees of the Britifti Mufeurri ; andij-J^j^j'^" auti^ by that Name (hall fue and be fued, implead and be impleaded, in all Courts and Places within thisBritifli Mufeciu*,, Realm i and (hall have Power to have and ufe a common Seal to be appointed by themfelves; and to&c. maket