Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 7.djvu/523

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A. D. 1753. Anno viceiimo fexto Georgii II. C. 22. 503 Bod'cs Polirick or Corporate, or Collesiate, or other Perfons aforeiaid, fTiall be valid and effectual to all Intents and Purpofcs; any Law, Statute, Ulage, or any other Matter or Thing to the contrary notwith- ftanding: And that every iuch Sum of Money as flial! be paid for the Purchafe of any Lands, Tenements or Hereditaments, to or for the Ufe of any fuch Body Politick or Corporate, or other Perfon as aforefaid, ihall be refpedively laid out in the Purchafe of Lands, Tenements and Hereditarneius, and fettled to and jupon, and fubjeft to fuch Titles, Ufes, Trufts, Limitations, Remainders and Contingencies, as the faid Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments, piirchafed by the faid Truftees, were fettled, limited and aimred at the Time of fuch Purchafe, and fhall be held and enjoyed accordingly; and that until fuch Purchafes fhall be made, the Money fliall be vefted in fome of the publick Funds, or Government Securities, at In- tereft, vi'hich fliall be paid to or for the Ufe of fuch Perfon or Perfons as would have been intitled to the Rents and Profits of fuch Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments. XXIIL Saying neverthelefs to his Majefty, his Heirs and Succeflbrs, and to rJl and every Perfon andRefe,.vat;on m Perfons, Jiodies Politick and Corporate, their Heirs and Succeflbrs, Executors or Adminilirators, other ail other pci-ibns than and except the Truflecs and Vifitors by the faid Sic Hems Sloane appointed by his Codicil herein before'"'"='i:'^'^<tl-^'r recited, and other than and except the Truftees of the Cff«a;r/CTz Library, and the Truflrees for the faid ^^"^'^ '° Countefs oi' Oxford und Countefs Mortimer, all fuch Right, Title, Eftate or Intereft in or to the Premifies hereby veflred in the Truftees by this Act appointed, and their Succeflbrs, as they or any of them had or might enjoy if this Adt had not been made; any Thing herein contained to the contrary thereof iii any wile notwithftanding. XXI.V. And for raifing Money to fatisfy and difcharge the feveral Sums that will be neceflary for the 3oo,'^='oI. to be Purpofes afore-mentioned, Be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid. That it fliall and may be lawful for p^'|f '"'*'"!. any Perfon, Native or Foreigner, or Body Politick or Corporate, to contribute or adance for or towards Aaf and Nativsj raifing a Sum not exceeding three hundred tlioufand Pounds in the Whole, by paying at or before the re-or Foreigners fpeitive Days or Tiines herein after appointed in that Behalf, unto fuch Receivers as {ball be in purfuance^'iy contnbu.',e- of this A£l appointed for that Purpo,., or one of them, the Sam of three Pounds, or divers entire Sums of"'^"'"^- three Pounds, fo as no Perfon, or Body Politick or Corporate, fliall be allowed to contribute more than twenty fuch entire Sums; for which Sum or Sums fo advanced every fuch Contributor fo advancing the fame fliall be intitled to recei'e, by viruie of this Adt, fuch Sum or Sums of Money as is or are hereby di- re£ted or appointed; and every fuch Sum of three Pounds fliall be paid to fuch Receivers, or one of them, at fuch Office as fliall be appointed by the faid Receivers for that Purpofe (of which Appointment pub- lick Notice fhall be given in the ZyWz.-/£?i GflZf/Zfj in manner following; that is to fay. One Pound, Part of every fuch Sum of three Pounds, ihall be paid on or before the twenty-iifth Day of 'July one thoufand feven hundred and fifcy-three, and the remaining two Pounds on or before the twenty-fixth Day of OSiober follov.'ing. " Managers of the Lottery appointed. Books to be prepared by them with 3 Columns, and 50,000 printed: " Tickets. Form, i3c. of the Tickets. P'ojr of the Managers to be appointed Receivers of the Contri- " butions. There fliall be printed 50,000 Tickets, 4,159 Tickets fhall be the Fortunate Tickets, viz^ " I 10, coo/. 15,000/. 2 2,000 /. 101,000/. 15500/. 130 100/. 1,00020/. 3,00010/. which, with 200/. " to the firfl: dr.:wn Ticket, and 300/. to the kit drawn Ticket, v/ill amount to 100,000/. which, together " with the like Sum payable in refpedt of the correfponding Tickets, amount together to 200,000/. Draw- " ing of the Lottery to be on 26 Nov. 1753. Receivers may take in the Contributions, not exceeding 20 " from one Perfon; and are to exhibit an Account of the Monies received and difljurfed." - XXXIX. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That out of the Monies to be contribu- •^'^°';,'!'^'j^^^j]^- led by this hSi it fliall and may be lawful for fuch Archbiihop, Lord Chancellor or Lord Keeper, andn'jgers Speaker, or jny two of them, in like manner to caufe Payment to be made to each and every of the faid Managers and Direftors of the Sum of one hundred Pounds each, for and in confideration of their Labour or Trouble in the Execution of the feveral Matters herein before directed to be by them done and perform- ed; and over and above the fame Allowance, to caufe in like manner Payment to be made to each of the^^d '°o'- f^- faid Receivers of the Sum of one hundred and fifty Pounds for his Labour and Trouble in executing the [™'j^^"^^^^J° - faid OfSce of Receiver; and alfo tjie further Sum of one hundred Pounds to each of the Perfons hereby ^nj j^qY to'ihe- appointed to make and deliver Certificates in Exchange for the Tickets in the faid Lottery, in manner here- Perfons n-.aii.,g, in after-mentioned, for their refpective Labour and I'rouble in making out and delivering fuch Certificates;o"t Certificates and that all the Refidue of the Money arifing and to he contributed by virtue of this Aifl, and paid into ^he j^^^^^^^^'^'^'^J'j^^^' limk o{ Er<ila:;d, for the Purpofes of this Aft, after Payment made by the Governor and Company of the,j^'^^y^ "fj^.^." Bank of England, or Money fufficient referved for the Payment of the Sum and Sums of Money hereby Payment ot the dire£ted to be iflTued to the Proprietors of the Fortunate Tickets in the Lottery hereby eftabiifhed, andPiizcs, &c. cube- other the Allowances to be made purfuant to this Act, fliall be from Time to 'Lime paid out of the Bank'o'^^f'i '" 'h= of England, in fuch Manner and in fuch Proportions, and to fuch Perfon or Perfons, as the faid Truftees, " ^'■ or the major Part of them, at any General Meeting aflembled, by their Order in Writing fliall dire£t and appoint; and the faid Governor and Company of the Bank of England are hereby direcfted to make Payment andtto He iflWi of all fuch Sums of Money, as by the faid Archbifliop, Lord Chancellor or Lord Keeper, and Speaker, orJ^^J™'*^^' ^'-~ any two of Lhem, in manner aforefaid, or by the faid Truftees, or the major Part of them, in manner herein after-mentioned fliall be ordered to be paid, and ihall fuffer fuch Perfon or Perfons as the fltid Truftees, or the ni ajar Part of them, at any General Meeting aflembled fhall appoint for that Purpofe by Writing, to.- inipedt the Aciounts there.f; all which Payments fo to be made for or in refpedt of theLottery eftabliflied by this Ad, ihall be free from any Plates, Taxes, Dut;.;s or Lnpofitions whatfoever. ccnfideration