Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 7.djvu/53

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A. D. 1747. Anno vicefimo Georgii II. C. 3. ^ more of them, fliall and are hereby required to caufe fuch Rate or Rates to be fet upon every fuch Perfon and Premiffes as fhall be according to the true Intent and Meaning of this prefent A£t. XXXI. And be it alio enafted and declared, That where any Houfe fhall be inhabited by two or more a Houfe iii1:4 ■ Perfon or Perfons, or Family or Families, fuch Houfe fhall neverthelefs be fubjeil to, and fhall in like Man- Mted by 2 r>- ner pay the Rates and Duties charged on Houfes, Windows, or Lights, by this A&:, as if fuch Houfe was '"'•'" ^"w '^t- inhabited by one Peribn or Family only. _ . ^ ^" XXXII Provided always. That each diflinft Chamber or Apartment, in any College or Hall in any of Apirtments in- the Univerfities of Gt■e.^t Britain, fliall be fubjedt to the fame Rates or Duties as if it were an entire Houfe Colleges, paying to Church and Poor. XXXIII. And be it enafted and declared by the Authority aforefaid, That every Edifice in any of the i„nj of Court Inns of Court or Chancery, being feverally in the Tenure or Occupation of any Perfon or Perfons, fhall be &c." ' fubjeil to the fame Rates and Duties for the Number of Windows therein, as if it were an entire Houfe ; and every Houfe, whereof the Keeping only is committed or left to the Care or Charge of any Perfon or and Houfe^ )«fe Servant, who doth not pay to the Ciiurch and Poor, fhall be fubjedt to the like Rates and Duties, for the to the Gareof Windows or Lights therein, as if it were inhabited by the Occupier, or by a Tenant, and tp be paid by Servants. the refpeftive Occupiers or Tenants of the fame. XXXIV. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid. That in cafe there {hall be any Arrear of Arrears of Col- the faid Rates or Duties on Houfes, Windows, or Lights, by reafon of the Failure of any fuch Co!le£lor i^^^o'^ ^ i>e r=ir orColleftors, as aforefaid, for which any Parifh or Place fhall be anfwerable, it fliall and may be lawful to =^'^^'^' and for any three or more of the Commiilioners for the faid Rates and Duties, to caufe fuch Arrear to be re-aflelTed within the faid Parifli or Place refpeftively, on all fuch Houfes, Windows or Lights, as are liable: to the Payment of the faid Rates and Duties, and to caufe the fame to be raifed, and (for Default of Pay- ment) to be levied by fuch Ways and Means, as the P.ates and Duties on Houfes, Windov^'S or Lights, are by this Aft diredled to be raifed and levied in fuch Parifhes or Places refpedtively, and to caufe the Money fo- raifed or levied to be paid to the Receiver General of the faid Rates and Duties, or into the Exchequer, for the refpeflrive Ufes and Purpofes whereunto fuch Arrears (if they had been duly paid by the faid Colleftors) are hereby appropriated. XXXV. And be it enacted and declared by the Authority aforefaid. That where any Dwelling-houfe is j„ „,],jf f-jf^j, or fhall be lett in different Apartments, to feveral Perfons, and the Landlord of fuch Houfe pays other Landlords arc Taxes and Parifh Rates for the fame, fuch Landlord fhall be deemed and taken to be the Occupier of fuch liabk. Dwelling-houfe, and be charged with, and liable to pay the faid Rates and Duties for the fame, as one en- tire Houfe. XXXVI. And he it enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That no Colleflor or Colle£tors of the faid Rates Colleflors g*- and Duties by this Acb granted, fhall collefi: or gather the fame by any Rate or Book, other than fuch Rate tiering by a and Book as fhall be figned and allowed by the faid Commiflioners as aforefaid ; and that in cafe any fuch f^"=l5oek, Sni, CoUeiStor or Colleftors fhall colleft the fame by any other Rate or Book, or fhall receive fuch Rates and Duties from any Perfon or Perfons not charged therewith, or fhall colle£t from any Perfon or Perfons more Money than is aftually charged in fuch Rate or Book, and not pay the whole Money by him collefted, or fraudulently alter any fuch Rate or Book, after the fame hath been figned and allowed by the faid Commif- fioners as aforefaid; every fuch Colleftor or Colleftors fhall, for every fuch Offence, forfeit the Sum of forfeit 20 1. twenty Pounds, to be levied as by this Aft is direfted. XXXVII. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That the Surveyors appointed or to be Surveyors to appointed as aforefaid, for the faid Rates and Duties, fnall be, and they are hereby impowered to infpeft examine, &c. and examine the Rates and AfTefTments for any Parifli or Place, before the Commiflioners fhall have figned J-^ 'J^^ j^'t" and allowed the fame, and to alter and amend fuch Rates and Afleffments, if he or they fhall fee jufl Caufe commiffionei-s for fo doing ; and if any fuch Surveyor or Surveyors fhall, after the faid Rates or Afleffments are figned and p, :(,- allowed as aforefaid, find or difcover upon his or their Survey, that any Dwelling-houfes, Windov/s or ^^.,f^s "„ te ccr- Lights, which fliould and ought to be charged with the faid Rates and Duties, have been omitted to be tificd by way of charged therewith, or are under-rated, fuch Surveyor or Surveyors fliall certify the fame in Writing under Surcharje. his Hand, by way of Surcharge, to any three or more of the (aid Commiffioners, in order to have fuch Omiffion or Under-rate certified in the faid Affeffment ; and fuch Commiffioners are thereupon to caufe the lame to be reftified, and the faid Rates and Duties levied accordingly. ' XXXVIII. And to obviate any Doubts which may arife about the charging of Windows or Lights, within the Meaning of this Aft, when two or more Windows or Lights are fixed in one Frame ; it is fur- ther enafted. That when a Partition or Divifion between fuch Windows or Lights is or fhall be of the Windows m Breadth or Space of twelve Inches, the Window or Light en each Side of fuch Partition or Divifion, fliall brch" ed'^ '° be deemed as a diftinft V/indov/ or Light, and be rated accordingly ; and that all Windows in Frames which are or fhall be extended fo far as to give Light into more Rooms than one, fuch Windows fhall be reckoned and charged as fo many feparate ^Vindows, as there are Rooms enlightened thereby. ' XXXIX. And whereas it hath been found by Experience, that the Duties upon Houfes granted by ' former Aftsof Parliament, have been greatly leflened by means of Perfons frequently ftopping up Win- ' dows or Lights in their Dwelling-houfes, in order to evade the Payment of the faid Duties, and opening ' the fame again ;' It is hereby further enafted. That if any Occupier of any Dwelling-houfe {hall open' „„._„.,,., any Windows or Lights which have been flopped up as aforefaid, after the Affeflrnents are fettled, and the cd without nJ- Warrants for collcfting the faid Rates and Duties are figned by the fai'd Commiffioners, without firfl giving, ti": given, or caufing to be given Notice thereof in Writing to the Surveyor of the faid P^.ates and Duties, every fuch Occupier or Occupiers of fuch Dwelling-houfe or Houfes, fliall forfeit the Sum of twenty Shillings for each Penalty, refpeitive Window or Light opened as aforefaid ; to be levied as by this Aft is direfted. ' XL. And whereas it hath often happened, that feveral Alfeflhients and Duplicates of the Duties en ' Houfes, granted by the faid before recited Afts of Parliament, have not been made out iu dut Time, to -Vol. VII. C 'the Windows op«a«.