Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 7.djvu/554

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534- C. 36. Anno vlceftmo fexto Georgii II» A. D. 1753. or remain, or the major Part of them, fhall and may, from Time to Time, at fome publick Meeting to be held for that Purpofe, elecSt and nominate a Commiffioner to fupply fuch Vacancy ; and in cafe of the Death or Rcfignation of the faid Robert Dunclas, Sir Gilbert Elliot, or Hugh D(ilrynip'L the Senators of the College of Juilice fliall and may in like mimner eledt a Commiffioner in his Stead ; and in cafe of the Death or Pvclignation of the faid John Idle or yohn Mai/le, the Barons of his Majefty's Court of Kxchequer in Scot- liiud fhall and may in lii-ce manner cledt a Commiffioner in his Stead ; and in cafe of the Death or Kefignation of the faid Robert Dundas, Alexander Bofwall, or Gilbert Elliot, the Dean and Faculty of Advocates fhall and may in like manner eleft a Commiffioner in his Stead; and in cafe of the Dcarh or Refignation of ihe faid Alexander Mac Millan, Hugh Crmvfurd, or John Mac Kenzie, the Clerks of the Signet fliall and may in like manner eledl a Commiffiou'sr in his Stead j and in cafe of the Death or Refignation of the faid J'/idiam Alex- ander, IViUiam Grant, Henry Hoir,e, Robert Craigie, George Drmnmond, David Flint, John Brown, James Stewart, James Kerr, JVilliam Keir, Alexander Sharp, or Gavin Hainilton, the Magiflrates and Council of the City of Edinburgh fnall and may in like manner elect a Commiffioner in his Stead ; and in cafe of the Death or Refignation of any of the Perfons fo elected as aforefaid, that then and in every fuch Cafe, fuch of the faid ten Perfons as fhall furvive or remain, the faid Senators of the College of Juftice, the faid Barons of Exchequer, the faid Faculty of Advocates, the faid Clerks of the Signet, the faid Magiltrates and Council of the City oi Edinburgh, (hall refpedively fron-i Time to Time, as often as any fuch Vacancy fliall happ3n, and in like manner elei't a Commiffioner in hisPlace or Stead. " III. And be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the Commiffioners aforefaid, or any feven or more of them, fliall meet together at the Room called The laigh Council Houjc in Edinburgh, the third A:!on- day in June, which (hall be in the Year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and firty-three, and fhall then and afterwards from Time to Time adjourn themfelves to the fame or any other Place wi hin the faid City of Edinburgh, which the faij Commiffioners, or any feven or more of them, (hall think proper or convenient, as often as it (hall be neceffary for putting this Act, or any of the Powers therein contained, into Execution ; and if it fliall happen that there (hall not appear at any Meeting which (hall be appointed to be held by the faid Commiffioners a fufficient Number of Commiffioners to adt at fuch Meeting, then and in fuch cafe the major Part of the Commiffioners fo met (though not a Quorum) (hall by publick Notice in any of the Edinburgh News Papers, to be given at leaft ten Days before the next Meeting, appoint the faid Commiffioners to meet at the Place where the Meeting of the faid Commiffioners was fo appointed to be held,. within fifteen Days at furthefl- next after the Day on which fuch laft Meeting of the faid Commiffioners, when there was no ^wrum, was appointed to be held ; and the faid Commiffioners (hall at ail and every their Meetings bear and pay their own Charges and Expences. IV. And to the Intent that an Exchange may be ere£ted near the Centre of the City; Be it enacted by Hiay contract for t^g Authority aforefaid. That the faid Commiffioners, or any feven or more of them, (hall have full Power and Authority to agree with the Owners and Occupiers of (uch Houfes and Grounds as lie on the North Side of the High Street, bounded by the Entry to the Tenement or Land commonly called the //4;V£r'x Meeting of the Commiifioners, Ad'iourned Meetings, Commifiioneis Land to build an Exchange, ond for opening a more commo- dious Accrfs to the High Street the High Street, comprehending the whole Houfes and Ground Northvifard from the faid South Boundary to the North Loch, and to purchafe the fame at fuch Prices as (liall be agreed on between the faid Commif- fioners, or any feven or more of them, and the faid Owners and Occupiers rcfpeftively ; and being fo pur- chafed, with Power to the faid Commiffioners to order the faid Houfes to be pulled down, and an Exchange to be erected in fuch Form and Manner as the faid Commiffioners, or any feven or more of them regularly convened, fhall appoint and diredt. ■ - V. And for the more commodious Accefs to the High Street of the faid City from the Fields on the North, Be it enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That the faid Commiffioners, or any feven or more of ^ ^ tl'iem, fliall have full Power and Authority to agree with the Owners and Occupiers of fuch Houfes and ot'iheCity from Grounds as lie on the North Side of the High Street of the faid City, bounded by the great Tenement or the Fields on Land oppofue to ihe Trone Church commonly called Milns Square, and the lower Flelh Market on the tlie North J ■ Weft, the Veinel or Paffjge called Halke-Jlon's IVynd on the High Street of the faid City on the South, and the Park or Inclofurc, commonly called luord. Forglen's Part, on the North Parts, including within the fiiid Boundaries the Range of Floufes coiriinonly called Kincaid's Lands, the Houfe or Tenement com- monly called Hoiuiei's Land, the Houfes on fhe Side of the North Loch, belonging to the Heirs of Chitrles Robirtfon, with fome ruinous Houfes or Stables on the AV'efl: Side of Halkerjton iVynd, belonging to the Heirs of Robert Reid Sadler in Edinburgh ; and meafuring forty Feet from Eaft to Well on the South Boun- dary fronting the High Street, and widening to the Northward to about iixty Feet, and to purciiafc the ~ Premifles at fuch .ricss as fnall be agreed on between the faid Commiffioners, or any Icvcn or more of them, and the faid Owners and Occupiers refpetSively, and to order the (aid Houfes fo j^iirchaied to be pulled down, and the Grotmd or Area to be emiiloyed in fuch manner as the faid CommilUoncrs, or any ii'.ven or more of them, (liall appoint, for rendering the Accefs to the faid City and High Street thereof from the North Parts more eafv and commodious, Vi. And for opining convenient Entries from the High Street to the South, Be it ena£ted by the Autho- rity aforefaid. That the faid Commiffioners, or any feven or more of them, after agreeing with the Owners and Occupiers in manner herein after mentioned,, fhall have full Power and Authority to caufe a coinnio- dioiis Pallage to be made for Coaches and Wheel Carriages from the High Street to the Cowgate, not exceeding twenty Feet in Breadth, beginning under the Building to be erecicd on that Area where the Houfc and fcv.opcning riiaVk.n eiit En- tries ivom th,e H.gli Snert to XiC SuulIi ;