Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 7.djvu/558

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53^ C. 36. Anno vicefimo fexto Georgii II. A. D. 175 3. ' tualjecur'ing the Fowient 'of ftich Money, as hath been or ftjo.llhe cintributed tovjanh a charitable Fundfzr Re~ ' liif of fuch ns Jhall fujfer by Fire in the f aid City, and the Suburbs and Liberties thereof :' Now for the prc-«  venting all Difputcs :;nd Qiieftions toucHing the faid Premiums, or touching the Application and Explana- tion of fome of the Articles of the faid friendly Infurance, upon the Demolition of any fuch infurcd Pre- Premium paid orijiifles ; Be it enafted. That in all Cafes where the Premium for Infurance of any Houfe, or other Subjeft ducforlnfuranccjj^j-yj-gi^^.jjj^ the faid Corporation, and which Ihall be pulled down iu confequence of the Powers and Au- wlrch"fhail be thorities hereby given, {hall have been paid before fuch Demolition, the faid Premium fhall, notwithfland- pulltd down [0 ingof fuch Demolition, remain with the laid Corporation; and no Aclion fhall lie in Law or Equity for itjndgcoJ. Repetition thereof, or of any Intereft arifing thereon ; and that in all Cafes where fuch Premium lliall be ov/ing at the Time of fuch Demolition, the fame, and all the Intereft due thereupon for the Time, fhall be payable and iliall be paid out of the firft and rcadieit of the Price affelled or payable for fuch Houfe, or other Hereditament, immediately after the fame is fettled, before dcmolifhing the Hereditament infurcd, and ■ notv/ithftan.ding of any Difpute which m.ay arife concerning the Title thereunto, or the Payment or Diflri- bution of the kemainder of the faid Price. If thcPerfonin- XVi. Provided always, and it is hereby declared. That if the Perfon intitled to any Policy of Infurance litl d to the Po-by the faid Corporation, for any fuch dcmoliflied Houfe or other Hereditament, fhall chufe to infure with to^'infu.^e an"" ^^"^ ^^'"^ Corporation any Houfe or other Hereditament, whether rebuilt on the fame Foundation with the ctiier Houfe,' the o"c demolifhed, or built elfewhere, then and in fuch cafe, the fiid Corporation fhall be obliged to allow Corporation to the Premium paid or to be paid as aforti'aid, for the demoliibcd Houfe or other Hereditament, as and for the allow tlie Pie- Premium in Terms of their Articles of Copartnery of the like Value, to be infured on fuch nev/ or other uiium. Houfe, or other Hereditament ; and that the proportional IntertiT: in the Stock of the faid Corporation and Profits thereof, which was annexed to and would have gone along with the demoliflied Houfe, or other Hereditament, fliall be annexed to and go along with the Houfe, or other Hereditament fo to be anew in- fured ; any thing to the contrary in the Articles of the faid Corporation notwithflanding. Ccinmiirioners XVII. And be it further enadfed by the Authority aforefaid. That it fhall and may be lawful to and for mav I'ett or fcil t'ne faid CommiiTioners, or any feven or more of them, and they are hereby required to !ett, fell, and dif- t,he' Buildings pofe of the Buildings, to be by them erefted at the intended Exchange, or elfewhere, (other than thofe that fftiSed by them ; are to be Rent-free as afore-mentioned) and they are hereby impowered to lett, fell, and difpofe of the fame to fuch Perfon or Perfons as fhall be willing to contrafr, agree for, or purchafe the fame, in Whole or in Part, and to apply the Price or Rents arifing from the Premilies to the Purpofes of this Act, and not otherwife. ' XVIII. And whereas by means of the Purchafes which the Commiffioners are hereby impowered to ' make by virtue of this Att, they may be pofi.'ffed of fome Piece or Parcel of Ground, over and above and fuch Gvour:d ' what maybe neceflary for the opening and widening of Ways, Streets, and PafTiges to and from the as (hall not: be ' High Street, and other Purpofes of this AS ;' Be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That it neccahry to be fhall and may be lawful to and for the faid Commiffioners, or any feven or more of them, to lett, fell, or t„k':n into the (jjfpofe of fuch Piece or Pieces of Ground, either together or in Parcels, as they fliall find moft advanta- and n"av afittn S'sous and convenient, to fuch Perfon or Perfons as fhail be willing to contraft, agree for, or purchafe the m uhat Manner fame ; and to defign, affign, and lay out, in what manner the new Ploufcs or Structures to be built thereon the Houfts flidU fhall be erefied, and of what Breadth and Extent the Streets and Pafl'ages fhall be, and to fell and difpofe be eiraed,3nd ^f ^-^q Materials of fuch Ploufe or Houfes, as the faid Commiffioners Ihall purchafe and caufe to be pulled

^^fg^;^^f;_ "' down as aforefaid. ^ ^ - _

AppHcition of XIX. Provided always, That the Monies arifing by the Sale or letting of fuch Ground, and felling the the Monies nri- Materials of the Houfes to be purchafed and pulled down, fhall be employed towards the Purpofes of this fing by Sale, &c. Adf , and to no Other Ufe, Intent, or Purpofe whatfoever. cf fuch Ground, or of the Materials. XX.' And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid. That the Monies to be called for by the faid Qcrhmitlioners, or any feven or more of them as aforelaid, from the Subfcribcrs and Contributors, and all ^'"'th° B '"'* °'^^ Sums of Money arifing^by Sale or of:erways, in Confequence of this Act, fhall be paid into the jn o aiiiC. g^j^ij, gj.- Scotland, or Royal Bank of Scotland, to he ilTued out by Order of the faiJ Commiffioners, or any feven or m.ore of them, as aforefaid, for the Ufcs and Purpofes of this ]irefent Atft. 't°'^ '-'" ^•'" XXI. Provided always. That notliing in thin .'£t contained, (hall extend to abridge or prejudice the PKiudked." ^ Power of the Lord Clerk Regifter in the Cuflody of the Records commiit ed to his Care. Buildings creeled XXII. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the Buildings to be erefled for the for the pubiick keeping i;hc Rtcords, under the Cuflody of the Lord Regiller, and for the Advocaa's Library, and Hail to Offices to be the the Clcrks to the Signet, the Town-houfe or Room for the Meeting of the Convention of Royal Borrows Property of the g^j Council Chamber, fhall be the Property of the City of Edinburgh -, neverthelefs fubjccl 'to the Ufes '" for which the faiTie. fhall be ereded, and Rent-free; provided that the Magiltrates and Town Council of the Ciiy of Edinburgh, and their Succefl'ors in Office, flrall be and are hereby obliged to uphold in good aiid fufS.cicnt Repair,, the faid Buildings to be erected for the Purpofes aforefaid. Commiffioners XX III. And that no Delay may be occafioned by the faid Commiffioners or their Quorum not meeting, TimeTatkaftin^^ orfiltting to make a regular Adjournment ; Be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That the the Year; faid Commiffioncrs fhall and may, and they aie hereby required and directed to meet at lealt four Timesia every Year ; videlicet, on the third Aiondays of the Months of "June and 'Jidy, November and February, with Power to adjourn themfelves, from Time to Time, as they Ihall fee Caufe. their firft Meet- XXIV. And he it further enatSted by the Authority aforefaid. That it fhall and may be lav.^ful to and for i^E' ^ the faid Commiffioners, or any feven or more of them, at their firft Meeting, which fnall be on the third ' Mon- Contributlons, and otiier Mii-