Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 7.djvu/575

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A. D. 1754. Anno vicefimo feptiaio Georgii II. C. it. ^y, ' Strong Waters imported into Great Britain ; and the faid Acts made in the eighteenth and twenty-fifth ' Years of the Reign of King Charles the Second, and aifo an Act made in the fourth Year of the Reign ' of Queen June, and every Claufe, Article, and Sentence in the faid Acts, or any of them contained, ' were revived and further continued, with fome additional Proviiions, for the Service of the Mints in ' England and Scotland i^efi^eftively : And whereas hy an Aik made in the firft Year of the Reign of King ' Gi-w-^f the Firft, the faiJ leveral Rates and Duties, and all the faid. former Ads, and all other Adts of i Geo. i. c 43, ' Parliament concerning Coinage then being in Force, were revived and continued for the further Term ' therein mentioned,, and a Proviiion was thereby made for fupplying any Deficiency of the Revenue fet- ' tied for the Encouragement of the Coin.age : And whereas the faid feveral Rates aiid Duties, and ail the ' faid A(3:s concerning Coinage, were, with a like Provifion for fupplying any Deficiency of the laid Re- ' venue, further continued by leveral fubfequent Acts made in the ninth Year of the Reign of King George 9 Geo. i. c 19. ' the Firft, and in the fourth Year of the K.eign of your Majefty : And whereas by an A6t made in the4 O™- *• <:. 12. ' ninth Year of the Reign of your Majefty, intituled. An Ail for laying a Duty on the Retailers ofSliritucns 9 Geo. 2. c. ;3» ' Liquors, and for Licenjing the RctaiLrs thereof ; it was, amongft o:her Things, enacted, That the Duties ' and Revenues which Ihould arife by the Licences for vending Brandy or Spirits, as alio the then prefent ' Duties on Low Wines, StrongWaters, Brandy, Rum, Arrack, and all other Spirits, whether Foreign ' or Britijh, and fuch Duties as fnould arife by the retailing the fame, ftiould, from and after the twenty- ' ninth T)2i<j oi September one thoufand feven hundred and thirty-fix, be united to, and made Part of, the ' General or Aggregate Fund, eltabliftied by the Adf of the firft Year of the Reign oi his late Majefty ' King George the firft, and Ije ifiued and appliedto the Ufes to which the faid Fund was or fliould be ' made applicable : And whereas by an Aft made in the twelfth Year of the Reign of your A'lajefty, fuch 12 Qtt,. 2. 0. 5* ' only of the faid Rates and Duties fo granted by the faid Aft made in the eighteenth Year of the Reign of ' KingC/-7/7« the Second, as were thereby charged on the Importation of Wines, Vinegar, Cyder, and ' Beer, and all the faid former Afts, and all other Afts of ParliaQient concerning Coinage, then being in ' Force, and the fame Provifion for fupplying any Deficiency of the faid Revenue, were further cominued; ' and by an Aft made in the nineteenth Year of the Reign of your Majefty, have Continuance for the 19 <3eo.i. 0.14! ' Space of feven Years, from the firft Day oi March one thoufand feven hundred and forty-five, and until ' the End of the firft Seffion of Parliament then next following, and no longer : And whereas great Benefit ' hath arifen from the Encouragement of Coinage given by the faid Afts, and it is therefore expedient, ' that an adequate Revenue be fettled and continued for the like Purpofes ;' We your Majeft-y's moft duti- ful and loyal Subjefts, the Commons of Great Britain in Parliament afi'embled, do give and grant unto your Majefty the Rates, Duties and Impofitions herein after-mentioned, for and during the Term herein after exprefl'-d, and do humbly pray, that it may be enafted ; and Be it enafted by the King's moft Ex- cellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That fuch and the like Rates, The Duties Duties and Impofitions, as by the faid Aft of the eighteenth Year of the Reign of King Charles the Second granted by iS , were granted, and by the faid fubfequent Afts were continued, for and upon the Importation of Whines, ^^- ^' ';" '^f. Vinegar, Cyder and jJeer, during the refpeftive Terms therein mentioned, fhall be further continued, and -^j^^'j^Yin^ji,. be paid and payable to his Majelty, his Heirs, and Succeflbrs, for and upon all Wines, Vinegar, Cyder Cyder 'and Beer,' and Beer, v. hich fliall be imported or brought mto Great Britain, vv'ithin or during the Space of feven Years, to commence from the firft Day of March one thoufand feven hundred and fifty-four, and uniil the End of the firft Seflion of Parliament then next following, and no longer; and that all the faid former Afts, anda.-^d the recited all other Adls of Parliament concerning Coinage, and every of them, and every Claufe, Article, and Sen--'}'^" lelaimg tence in them, or any of them contained, nov/ being in force, ftiall be and are by virtue of this Aft- con-j^^l^'^f"' "^y^'^j^^ tinued, and ftiall be in force, and be duly put in Execution, for and during all fuch Time andTer.n as are „ ,, ,. before-mentioned, as rully and elteftually, as it the lame were particularly repeated and re-enacted in tne^,, ^ g^,_ __ ^_ Body of this prefent Act. 16. II. And to the end the Importers of Gold and Silver into the Mints o^ England ^nii Scotland re^^tSdvsiv, niciy not be difcour.iged by any Deficiency of the Revenue by this Aft fettled for defraying the Coinage thereof; Be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That it fl:iall and may be lav.'ful to and for theTreafury toiffrs granted by Parliament, to caufe fo much Money to be applied as fhall be neceliary for defraying the Ex-lar:d Scct- pences of the faid Mints of England mid Scotland refpeftively, by way of Impreft, and upon Account, for'-°J- that Service, fo as the fame, together with the Coinage Duties arifing by this Aft, do not exceed in any one Year the Sum of fifteen thoufand Pounds, and fo as the iaid Monies be ifiiiedout of the Exchequer of Great Britain to the Mailer of th: Mint in England, and to the iVIafter of the Mint in Scotland refpeftively, for ' ■. the faid Purpols. _ , -,,.-. ' III. And whereas fome Doubts have arifen concerning the Continuance of theDuty of twenty Shillings ' for every Ton of Brandy V/ines and Strong Waters imported ; which toget!;er with other Duties and Re- ' venues was, hy the herein before-recited Aft made in the ninth Year of the Reign of his prefent Majefty, ' in manner before-mentioned, united to and made Part of the Aggregate Fund :' Now, for removing all Doubts concerning the Continuance of the faidDaty; Be it declared by the Authority aforefaid. That it TheDuty or2os. was the true and Me?iiing of the faid A6i to continue the faid Duty of twenty Shillings for '^^'f 1' o^™"'^' ^.^^f Ton of Brandy Wines and Strong Waters imported, as Part of the fiid Aggregate Fund, foi;__and f^tJtingg^^j"^^"" °_ fuch I'erm for which any of the Rates, Duties, and Revenues, compofing the faid Aggregate Fund, were ported, 'continued irranted and made payable, notwithftanding the Expiration of the Term for which the [aid Duty of twenty as Part of the ^ 1 J > 4. jj 2 Shillings .^ss^saieF™,).