Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 7.djvu/595

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A. D. 1755. Anno vicefimo odavo Georgii II. C. 2, 3. ^y^ manner as is iibove direfled in refpect of fuch Out-penfioners as fliall be admitted on the Out-penfion 25 D«- '755. after the twenty-fifth Day of December one thoufand feven hundred and fifty-four; and all Affignments, jndfromthence- Bargains, Sales, Orders, Contrads, Agreements, or Securities whatfoever, which fliall be given or made j^'^j^,!," J ^^ by any fuch Out-penfioner, for, u]3on, or in refpedl of any Sum or Sums of Money to become due on Adignments of any of the faid advanced Half-yearly Payments, ihall be abfolutely null and void to all Intents and Penfion before Purpofes. ' ')'»=. afe ^o'<'- IV. And be it further enabled by the Authority aforefaid, That it fliall and maybe lawful for fuch Ag^t for Out- Agent as fliall be appointed by his R-Iaj^ity, his Heirs, and Succeffors, for the Payment of the Out-penfion P'^.""" " '=■. in the manner herein directed, and the faid Agent fo appointed is hereby autliorized and dire<Sted to re- aaraic/from'tl'ie ccive in advance from the Treafurer of ChlJ'ea Hofpital for the Time being, iuch R-Ionies as fhall be ne- Trcafurtr, and to ceflary to difcharge the fame, and to pay or remit the faid Penfion to the Out-penfioners as aforefaid ; piy <"' remit the which faid Agent is hereby impov/ered and direfted to give a Receipt or Acquittance for the faid Monies J!-"' '° cnePi:n- to the faid Treafurer; which Receipt or Acquittance fhall be a full and final Difcharge to the faid •°"'"' * Treafurer for fuch Sum or Sums fo paid by him to the faid Agent; and the Auditors of the Imprcft are hereby authorized and required to pafs and allow all fuch Acauittances in the Accounts of the faid TrcpSurer o( Chelfea Hofpital; and the Lord High Treafurer, or CommifTioners of the Treafury for the Trcafun/ to imie Time being, or any three or more of them, are hereby authorized and required to ifllie in advance to ^^°"^y '", =}- the Trejfurer of Chelfea Hofpital fuch Sum or Sums of Money, as from Time to Time {hall be necef- ptr,fioi°' "upcn fary for the Payment of the faid Out-penfion, upon fuch Warrant, Efl:abli(hment or Orders, as fhall be vvj!rrant'of the fi2;ned by the Coirmiirioners oi Chelfea Hofpital, or any three or more of them. Commiffioners. V. And be it further enafted by the Authority afoiefaid. That the Commiffioners of Chelfca Hnfp!lal,,^^^^<^^'^^'(iio[ or any three of them, are hereby authorized and diredled to make up or caufe to be made up the laft '.^"^ Out-pen- Day or Days of every Half-ye.'.r, an exaft State or Lift of the Number of Out-penfioners borne on the up"haU°yelrTy. ' Out-penfion, and who have either perfonally appeared, or have been certified by proper Affidavits as aforefaid to be living during the Whole or Part of the faid Half-year then expiring. VL And it is hereby cnatSlcd, That the faid Commiffioners of Clnlfea Hofpital, or any three of '^°™'^'^™"'. them, fhall on fuch Lilts or States fo exhibited to them, make out or caufe to be made out, a War- ^"f^j^' i,^'f^ ^^^ rant to the Treafurer of Chelfea Hofpital for the Time being, and fhall fign the fame, authorizing and rnakeoutaWar^ direcSting the faid Treafurer -to ifiue and pay in advance unto the Hands of an Agent appointed as afore- rant for the Mo- faid, fuch Sum or Sums as may and fliall be requifite and neceflary for the Payment of the Out-penfion as "^y- aforefaid. Vn. And be it failh-r enaded by the Authority aforefaid. That the faid Treafurer of Chelfea HoffitalJ'f?^"'".^° ^f Ihall and may with-hold and deduft one Shilling in the Pound from and out of all Monies which fliall from poundto"beap- and after the faid twenty-fifth Day of December one thoufand feven hundred and fifty-five, be applicable to plied as his Ma- the Payment of the faid (Jut-peiiiion, as well as from and out of all Monies which fhall be direfted to be je% ftall direft^ iflued in advance to the Oiit-penfioners of Chelfa Hofpital, from and after the faid twenty-fifth Day of De~ ^:ember one thoufand feven hundred and fifty-four ; which Monies fo deduded fhall be applied in the Man- ner which his R^lajefty, his Heirs and Succeflors {hall by Warrant under his Royal Sign Manual, dired; ^'f ,",",^^1^ and that after the Dedudion of the faid Sum of one Shilling in the Pound, the faid Penfions fhall be paid to otherDeduaion. the Perfons intitled thereto without any other Deduftion, Fee, Stoppage or Charge whatever : And if the Agent uking (b offending fhall ipfo fa^o lofe and forfeit their faid Office or Employment, and fliall over and above forfeit the Sum of one hundred Pounds to any Perfon or Perfons who {hall fue for the iame, by Adlion of Debt, Bill, Plaint or Information, in any of his Majefty's Courts of Record, within twelve Calendar Months after the Offence committed ; in which faiJ Suit no Effoin, Protection or Wager of Law fliall ^^.^ farthtr ■" be allowed, nor more than one Imparhmce, and be deemed incapable of ferving his iMajefty, his Heirs Geo. 2, c. 6,. S» and Succeffors, in any Office or Employment; Civil or Military whatloever. & iS. and iheycaAy^ Mutiny Aa^. CAP. II. An Kds. for continuing and grantin-g to his Majelly certain Duties upon Malt, Mum, Cyder and Perry,. for the Service of the Year one, thoufand feven hundred and fifty-five., E X P.. CAP. IIL An Afl to indemnify Members of Cities,, Corporations, and Borough Towns, who have neglefted to take the Oaths of Office, and to ftamp iheir Admiffions •, and for alJowing, them further Time for thofe Purpofes.

  • "^XT^HEREAS divers Perfons Members of Cities, Corporations,, and Borough Tov.'ns,. within thafc-

' VV Part of Great Britain called England, upon their being admitted Officers or Members of fuch; ' Cities, Corporations or Borough Towns, have through Ignorance of Law, and of their particular Char- ' ters or Conftitutions, omitted to take their Oath of Office, or have not taken I'uch Oaths befoj'e a com- ' petent Number of Perfons, or before Perfons duly qualified, or in fuch manner as is prc»icrihed by thei.c ' refpeftive Charters and Conftitutions ; or if fuch Oaths have been taken, yet a proper Entry thereof, or; ' of the Members then prefent, hath not. been made in the proper. Books kegt for that Purpofe ; neverthe- '■ lefs;