Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 7.djvu/616

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59^ C. 13. Anno vicefimo odavo Georgii II. A. D. 1755. ^A-ho are inferted Prifon'ers, whofe Names are inferteJ in the afore-mentioned Lift or Lifts or London Gcizdte, or either of in the Lift or them, or any Perfons furrendering tliemfclves purfuant to this AiSi:; and alfo fee, in the true and genuine anT"o7ee ihe Books of the faid Prifon, the Entries made of the Nf-me or Names of fuch Prifoner or Prifoners,, together Books oiEntries, with the Name or Names of the Perfon or Perfons at whofe Suit or Suits he, (he or thej' are detained; 'and if any fuch Sheriff, Gaoler or Keeper, (hall negleft or refufe to comply v. ith what is here above rc- cjuired, fuch Sheriff, Gaoler or Keeper, fliall forfeit and pay to the Perfon fo refufed and aggrieved the on Penalty of Sum of forty Pounds, over and above all the Penalties provided by any other former Law now in being, 40I. &c. to i^e recovered with Cofts of Suit, by A£lion of Debt, Bill, Plaint or Information, in any of the Courts of IFeftmiiiJhry wherein no Effoin, Protection, Wager of Law, or more than one Imparlance fliail be allowed. PnronMnotdc- XXVI. And be it further enafled by the Authority aforefaid. That if any Prifoner, being thereunto ^bodfA'c^of the required by any Creditor, fh.dl refufe to difcover and declare the Trade or Occupation and Habitation, or Pcvibn at whofe laft Place of Abode, of the Perfon or Perfons at whofe Suit he or fhe are detained; or being called for, Suit he is detain- {hall, without reafonable Caufc, refufe to come to the Lodge of the Prifon where he or Ihe is detained; ed, or not coming gygry fuch Prifoner fhall, upon Proof thereof before the Juftices at the General or Quarter-Seffions held as ™t to be bene'.' aforefaid, be incapable of receiving any Benefit by this Aft; any Thing herein contained to the contrary fited. thereof in any wife notwithftanding. Gaoler making XXVII. And be it further enadled by the Authority aforefaid. That if any Sheriff, Gaoler or Keeper talfe Entries, &c. of any Prifon or Prifons, Ihall make or be made, any falfe Entries in any Book or Books belong- foifeits 1,000 1. ing to the fiid Prifon, or fliall prepare or keep, or caufe to be prepared and kept, any falfe Books, in

  • '^" ordsr for fuch falfe Entries, fuch Sheriff, Gaoler or Keeper, {hall, over and above the Penalties which

may be inflifted for fuch Fraud, Forgery or Corruption, forfeit and pay the Sum of one thoufand Pounds^ to be recovered, with treble Cofts of Suit, by and in the Name of. any Perfon or Perfons to whofe Preju- dice fuch falfe Entries fliall in any wif^ tend, by Aftion of Debt, Bill, Plaint or Information, in any of his Majefty's Courts of Record at IVeJi-minJier, wherein no Effoin, Protedion, or Wager of Law, or more than one Imparlance {hall be allowed. Petitioner to XXVIII. Provided alfo, and be it enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That all and every^ Prifoner and lufticrs'aCopvofP'^'^"'^^ petitioning to be difcharged by this Ait, fhall, at theTimeof fuch petitioning, leave with thejuftice the Schedule.' Of Juftices petitioned, a true Copy of the ScheduL, containing his or her intended Difcovery, to be iworn unto at the General or Qitarter-Seffions aforefaid; which Copies fhall be tranfmitted to the refpedive Clerks of the Peace, and there to be feen, v.'ithout Fee or Reward, by any Creditor defiring the fame. ' XXIX. And whereas there is buc one Common or County Gaol for each of the refpective Counties ' o^Tork and LiticQln, which faid Counties are each of ihem divided into three feveral Ridings or Divifions, ' all which have feveral Commiffions of the Peace; and if the Gaoler of thofe Gaols be obliged to carry ' the Debtors Prifoners therein, to the Qiiarter-Seffions of each Riding or Divifion, the fame will be a Juftices for Com' ' very great Charge, not only to fuch Gaolers, but alfo to the I'rifoners, in thofe large Counties:' Be it Ml'no'mee't'at *'^^^^°^ enafccd by the Authority aforefaid. That it fliall and may be la^vful for two or more Juftices of the?r r°ef^ea'i™ ^^^ Peace for cach of the faid Ridings and Divifions, in their refpedive Counties, at the Common or Gaols forDif- County Gaol thereof refpeftively, to affemble and meet, and to hold Seffion there by Adjournment from charge of Prifo- their refpedive Qtiarter-Seffions, from Time to Time, for the Difcharge of the refpedive Prifoners there- "^fs- . in, according to the Powers, Limitations, and Diredions of this Aft. fo'F'eer"?'^ XXX. And be it further enaded by the Authority aforefaid. That all Debtors and others, who were in other Demands of ^'"'^°" °" ^f tiefore the faid firft Day o^ Jdmiary one thoufand i'tven hundred and fifty-five, in the feveral the Gaoler, &c. Gaols of this Kingdom., for want of paying their Fees, Rents, Charges or any other Demands, due to the to be difcharted. Keeper Or Gaoler of any Prifon refpeclivejy, or to any other Officer (and up 'n no other Account) fhall be difcharged he, file or they, taking the Oath by this AQ. required to be taken by Prifoners. Debtors to the XXXI. Provided always, That this A£t fhall not extend to difcharg: any Peifon out of Prifon, feeking and Prifoncfs ^^ ™" .^ difcharge under this A£t, with refped to any Debt with which he or flie fliall ftand charged at who owe above ^^^ ^"'t of the Crov/n, or fhall be indebted to any Body Politick or Corporate, or to any one Perfon, in 5oo!.foone?er-any Sum exceedin- the Sum of five hundred Pounds, beiides Intereft and Cofts, unlefs fuch B jJy Politick Jon, unlefs Ce- or Corporate or Creditor, fhall confent thereto •, and if any fuch Body Politick or Corporate or Creditor, ditor conient. j.^ whom a Sum exceeding five hundred Pounds fliall be owing, fliall oppofe the Difcharge of fuch Prifoner, and fliall infift thit fi.-ch Prifoner be continued in Gaol; that then, and in fuch Cafe, fuch Body Politick thruifchJrgTto °^ Corporate or Creditor or Creditors, oppofing the faid Prifoner's Difcharge as aforefaid, fliall, at his, her allowPrironer'ss. ° '^i^ Proper Cofl : and Charges, allow and pay fuch a weekly Maintenance to the faid Prifoner, not ex^ ' 6d, psrWeck. ceeding three Shillings and fix Pence p;r Week, in fuch manner as the faid Juftices in their General or On Nonpayment, Quarter-Seffions fliall order; and upon Non-payment of the fame for the Space o.' fix 'Weeks, the faid iPrifoner to be Prifoner, upon Application to the faid Juftices in their General or Qiiarter-Seffions held as aforefaid, fhall diicharged. be difcharged, purfuant to the Intent and Meaning of this Ad. feobi'Iinedaftcr" A '^^^'^^^^- ^^'ovid.d alfo, lhat every Perfon and^Perfons, intitled or to be intitled to the Benefit of this 31 March m" A*^' ^" obtain their refpedive Difcharges on or before the thirtv-firft Day oi March one thoufand feven ' hundred and fifty-feeen, rr to be for ever excluded from all Benefit thereof. XXXIII. And whereas feveral Perfons who were confined in Prifon on the firll Day of yaniiaty v^f, p ., J o^s thoufand feven hundred and fifty-five, may have been removed to feme other Prifo;, by'Procefs has "cenKmo- r P^ paw;' Be it enaded. That the Gaoler of the Prifon wherein any fuch Prifoner was confined on the ved, Gaoler in ^^'"^ "^ I^^Y oi Jan-u.rry one thoufand feven hundred and fifty-five, fhall make Affidavit of fuch Conriiie- vfhofeCuftodyhcinentj and Ihall tranfniit fuch Affidavit, to be attefted on Oath, to the Seflions where fuch Prifoner may claim