Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 7.djvu/652

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632/' C. 6. Anno vicefimo nono Georgii .11. A, D. 1756. ' during the faid feven Years, are, upon the Conditions prefcribed by the faid Afb, naturalized, and ' made Partakers of all the Benefits and Privileges which the natural-born Subjecfts of this Realm do

  • enjoy, other than fuch as are fpccified in a Frovifo in the faid A<51 contained : And whereas many
  • Foreigners, bein^ Protellants, have been induced by the Encouragement offered to them by the faid

' A(5t, to refide and fettle in lome of the faid Colonies (and particularly in the Provinces of Maryland ' ■i.mi Pcnfylvania) the natural-born Subjeds of which lall-mentioned Province do in great Part confift ' of the People called Quakers, whofe Backwardnel's in their own Defence expofes themfelves, and that

  • • Part of America^ to imminent Danger : And whereas, for the better JDefence of the faid Colonies, it

' hath been propofed to raife a Regiment there, confiding of four Battalions of one thoufand Men ' each, and to inlift as Soldiers in the faid Regiment any of the faid Foreign Inhabitants of the faid Co- ' ionies, who, together with the Natives, fliall voluntarily enter themfelves in his Majelfy's Service as ' Soldiers; which Foreigners cannot fo well be raifed or trained, without the Affiftance of fome Officers ' who are acquainted with their Manners and Language : And whereas it is expedient in the prefent ' JuuiTiure or Affairs, to facilitate the fpeedy raifing of fuch Regiment, and to enable a certain Number 'of Foreign Proteftants who have ferved Abroad as Officers, or Engineers, and thereby acquired Ex- ' perience and Knowledge, to I'erve and receive Pay as Officers in the faid Regiment, or as Engineers in

  • Anurica;' Be it enaded by the King's moft Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of

the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament aflembled, and by the te^ulus who Authority of the fame. That all fuch Foreign Proteftants who fliall receive Commiffions from his Ma- hivc fei-vcci jefty, his Heirs or Succeffors, to be Officers in the faid Regiment, or to be Engineers, in y/wtr/ra (which Abro.ici as Of- Commiffions it fhall and may be lawful for his Majefty, his Heirs and Succeffors to grant) and Ihall, reers receivm?" "^ fouie of his Majefty's Colonies in Jtnerica, take and fubftribe the Oaths, and make, repeat, and fub- theKing'sCom- fcribe the Declaration, appointed by an A€t made in the tirll Year of the Reign of his late Majelly miirioiis, ta- King George the Firft, intituled, Jii A^ for the further Security of his Majefty' % Perfon and Governvi:nty kDig the Oaths, ^„j,i ,1^ Succejfwi of the Croiun in the Heirs of the late Princefs Sophia, heingProteftanti ; and for cxtinguijh- ^'"1 fi°"'^'"? 'X? ^^-^ Hopes of the pretended Prince of Wales, his open a?idfecret Abettors; and Ihall at the Time of the tiieir ha v'in'i;" e- t'-i^i'-'g an« fubfcribing of the faid Oaths, and making, repeating, and lubfcribing the faid Declaration, ccived theSacra- produce Certificates figned in Manner diredfed by the faid Adf of the thirteenth Year of his prefent Ala- {"'■"li^ '"'"* jefly, of their having received the Sacrament in fome Proteftant and reformed Congregation within the church^"tJ. fei ve Kingdom of Grii.; Britain, or within fome of the laid Colonies in America, within fix Months before in America. that Time, (hall and may be enabled to ferve and receive Pay as Officers in the faid Regiment, or as . Engineers in America. ' . c^'tllfolt' I^- l-'rovided neverthelefs. That the Number of fuch Officers in the faid Regiment iTiall not ,in ceed5ojn(>i- the whole, at any Time, exceed fifty; nor tire Number of Engineers- in the whole, at any Time, ' Engineers 20 1. exceed twenty. . . . nrtbratborn ^^^- Provided alfo. That the Colonel of the faid Regiment (hall be a natural-born Subject, and not Subjeft. any Perfon naturalized or made a Denizen. i'^'>"S',7 5' ^^ ■ Provided alfo. That no fuch foreign Officer fhall be enabled by this Aifl to ferve as an anTwht-n'^e- 'Officer or Engineer in any Place, except America only ; but every fuch foreign Officer, when he ducedtohave (hall be reduced, (hall be capable of receiving Half-pay, according to the Rank in which he (hall Hait--pay. then fervc. ^tft' t^irther c, 35. ^niz C-'«. I, r.25. CAP. VI. An A(ft for the Regulation of his Majefty's Marine Forces while on Shore. j5<Ar(5z8G-«.2. ' T7 H E R E A S it may be neceffary for the Safety of this Kingdom, and the Defence of the Pof- ' * ' yy fcffions of the Crown of Great Britain, that a Body of Alanne Forces fliould be employed in ' his Majefty's Fleet and Naval Service, under the ]3irection of the Lord High Admiral, or Coiiunif- ' fioners for executing the Office of Lord High Admiral of Great Britain : And whereas the faid Ma-

  • • rine Fore s may frequently be quartered on Shore, where they will not be fubjed to the J-aws rela-

'ting to the Government of his Majefty's Forces by Sea, yet neverthelefs it being requilite for the re- ' taining of fuch Purees in their Duty, that an exac't Difcipline be obferved, and that Marines who fhal]

  • mutiny or ftir up Sedition, or (hall defert his Majefty's Service, be brought to a more exemplary and

' fpeedy Punilhment than the Law will allow;' Be it enided by the King's moft Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this nm'-^ '^'^""^. prefent Parhament alfembled, and by the Authority of the fame, 'I'hat from and after the twenty- vatlTla^n, on"" *^^'^ R'^V "' March one thoufand feven hundred ar.d fifty-fix, if any Perfon, being entered or in Pay us Sliorc, ' an Officer of Marines, or who is or (hall be lifted, or in Pay as a Private Man, in any Company of Kla- rines in his Majefty's Service, and on the twenty-fifth Day of March one thoufand ieven huiulred and fitty-lix (hall remain in fuch Service, or during the Continuance or this A<5f (hall be voluntarily aiterecl and in Pay as a Marine Officer or Private Man in his R'lajefty's Service, and being ordered or em- ployed in fuch Service, at any Time during the Continuance of this A^fi, on Shore, in any Place vvliodi-xirmuti- within the Realm o( Great Britain, or in the Kingdom oi Inland, or in any of his Majefty's Do- ^, or defert, minions beyond the tieas refpeilively, (hall begin, excite, caufe, or join in any A'lutiny or Sedition, in the Company to which he doth or Ihall belong, or in any other Company, Troop or Regiment, either ot Marine or Lind Forces in his Majefty's Service, or Ihall not ufe his iumoft Endeavours to fupprefs the fame, or coming to the Knowledge of any fuch Mutinv, or intended Mutiny, Ihall not without Delay give Liformatioii thereof to his commanding Officer,' or (hall defert his Majefty's Service ; or

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