Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 7.djvu/66

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3,2 C, ^3- • ih Anno viGe^mo Georgii it. A.D. 747. J Geo. I. pri- v.ite. CAP. XIII. Au Act for repairing' the Road frdrti Sunderland near the Sea, to the City of Durhatn, in the County of Durham. P R. Certain Tolls granted for 21 CAP. XIV. An A(5l for opening, cleanfing, repairing, and improving the Haven of Southwould in the County of Suffolk. PR. HERE A S there hath been, for Time out of Mind, a Sea-port or Harbour for Shipping at South- would in the County of Suffolk, which is fituated very convenient!;/, not only for the Safeguard and Preferva':ion of Ships and VefTels navigating in the Briti/h Seas, but alfo for the Importation and Exporta- tion of many ufeful Wares and Commodities, and for the Benefit of Trade and Commerce in general : And whereas the Road or Haven, lying before and without the faid Port or Harbour, is fo choked up or obftrueted with Sand, as to prevent any loaded Ships or Veffels (except fuch as are of very fmall Tonnage ' or Burthen) from paffing into or out of the faid Harbour :' To the end therefore th-.t the faid Haven, Port or Harbour may be opened, cleanfed, repaired and improved, fo as to render the fame fafe and com- modious for Shipping, and of publick Benefit and Utility to the Trade and Commerce of this Kingdom , be it enacted, l^c. " From 25 March 1747, for 21 Years, bfc. there- fhall be paid. For every EngUjl} Veffel which fliall fail into " the Harbour, and, neither load nor unload there, id. z q. per Ton, according to their Light Bills. For " every Chaldron of Coals, Culm and Cinders, landed from any Englijl: Ship in the faid Port, i s. For " every Laft- of Wheat, Rye, Barley, Malt, Oats and other Grain, exported or imported, s. For every Ton " of Rock Salt, I s. For every Hogfhead of Wine,- Brandy or other Spirituous Liquor, s. For every " .Ton of Chalk, other than for improving Land, i d. For every Firkin of Butter and Weigh of Cheefe, i a. " For every Ton of Grocery Wares, and other Goods (Fifli, Butter and Cheefe excepted) i .t. 6 d. For " every Ton of Lead, i s. For every Foreign Ship which fliall fail into the Harbour, and not load nor un- " load there, and for all Goods exported or imported, out of any P'oreign Ship in the Port, double Duties, " Duties may be levied by Diftrefs and Sale. No Ship to be cleared at the Cuftom-houfe, 'till a Certifi- " cate is produced of the Payment. Monies to be applied towards cleaning and impro'ing the Harbour. " Truftees to ftate their Accounts yearly. Bailiffs, faff, o^ Southwould to he prefent at the making up the " Accounts. Truftees may contract for cleanfing, fafc. the Harbour; and. may borrow Money on the- " Duties. New Truftees may be chofe in the Room of thofe whoare dead-, is^c. No Peifon to throw " Rubbifn into the Harbour, under Penalty of 40 x." CAP. XV. An A£l for repairing, improving,_ and maintaining the publick Conduits, and other Water- works, belong- ing to the Town of Southampton. PR, CAP. XVI. ■: ■ An> AiSl for enlarging the Term and Powers granted by feveral Afls of Pailinment paflcd for repali'ing the Highways between IFymondba?)! and Jttleborough, and from IVymondhamio Helherftt., and from the Mouth of JV'igmore Lane, to Hall Walk Gate in Attlcborough, in the County of ISoyfolk; and for amenviing the' other Roads adjoining to the Highways diredled to be repaired by the faid former Aits,; and making tjie* faid A£ls more etreftual. PR. Former A6Is 7 JVill. 3 c. 26. yr. continued for 21 Years. C A XVII. An Aft for enlarging the Term and Powers granted by two Afts of Parliament for laying a Duty of two Pennies Scots upon every Pint of Ale and Beer brewed and vended wiihin the Town of Dundee, and thg Liberties and Suburbs thereof, for the Purpofes in the faid Afts and this prefent Ad mentioned. P R. A Duty of Excife continued to the Town for 25 Years. CAP. XVIII. An A61 for the better Prefervation and Improvement of the River H'car, and Port and Haven of Sunderland, in the County of Durham. P R. W PI ERE AS the Town oi Sunderland near the Sea, fituate on the River //Vrtr, in the County of Durham, is v/ell inhabited by rich and able Merchants and Tradefnieiij and may be of great Im- portance, as well for his Majefty's Service and Revenue, as for the publick Benefit of the Kingdom, ha- ving a Port or Haven capable of containing many hundred Sail of Ship? at or.e Time, and from whencq may be loaded and fent great Numbers of Ships with Coals, Salt, Glafs, and other Merchandizes tod i- 3 ' vers