Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 7.djvu/683

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A. D. 175^' Anno vicefimo nono Georgii II. C. 14. 663 five the like Notice, and make the like Entry at the faid Chi^f Office of Excife ; and all Perfons and and Perfbns in lodles Politick or Corporate, who, on the faid fifth Day of 'July one thoufand feven hundred and gl^'eiik^e'^Notice fifty-fix, fhall own, ufe, have or keep any Qiiantity of Silver Plate chargeable by this Adl, in any ' other Part of Great Britai/i, fliall, within forty Days after the faid fifth Day oijiih one thoufand feven hundred and fifty-fix, give the like Notice, and make the like Entry at the Office of Excife next to the Place where fuch Peifons (hall refpedlively inhabit, or where fuch Bodies Politick or Corporate fliall refpeftively be fituate ; and all Perfons and Bodies Politick or Corporate, who, after the faid fifth Day oVJuIy one thoufand feven hundred and fifty-fix, ihall own, ufe, have or keep any Quantity of S.lver at the next Of- Plate chargeable by this A6t, in any other Part of Gj-eat Britain, fhall, within twenty Days next after fice of Excife; fuch Perfons or Bodies Politick or Corporate (hall refpeftively begin to own, ufe, have or keep any Quantity of Silver Plate chargeable by this Aft, give the like Notice, and make the like Entry at the Office of Excife next to the Place where fuch Perfons (hall refpeftively inhabit, or where fuch Bodies Politick or Corporate (hall refpedivcly be lituate ; and all Perfons or Bodies Politick or Corporate re- and make Pay- fpe6tively (hall, at the Time of giving fuch Notice and making fuch Entry, pay down the refpedive J"?"'-'"]'^'^!'"® annual Rates and Duties chargeable by this Ad ; and the refpedive Rates and Duties fo to be paid tiesT" "^ "" by all fuch Perfons and Bodies Politick or Corporate, who, on the faid fifth Day of July one thou- ' fand feven hundred and fifty-fix, (hall own, ufe, have or keep any Quantity of Silver Plate chargeable i-fmes ofVm- by this Act, (hall annually be computed and deemed payable from the faid fifth Day of July one thou- putingtheDu- fand feven hundred and fifty-fix ; and the refpedive Rates and Duties fo to be paid by all Perfons and ""• Bodies Politick or Corporate, who, after the faid fifth Day of July one thoufand feven hundred and fifty-fix, (hall own, ufe, have or keep any Quantity of Silver Plate chargeable by this A61, (hall an- nually be computed and deemed payable from the Time of their firft beginning to own, ufe, have or keep fuch Silver Plate. IV. And he it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid. That all Perfons and Bodies Politick or prefh No ice to Corporate, who (hall give, or be obliged to give fuch Notice as aforefaid, (hall, within thirty Days next be given, ^nd after the Commencement of each Year, for which the faid Rates and Duties fliall be payable, give a Duties to be frelh Notice in Manner aforefaid, and pay down the refpecftive annual Rates and Duties above-men- ^'^' ^"""^ *^* tioned,' according to the Number of Ounces of Silver Plate chargeable by this A6t, which they Ihall then refpeftively own, ufe, have or keep, and (hall in the fame Manner renew fuch Notice, and make fuch Payment from Year to Year, as long as they (hall refpeftively continue to own, ufe, have or keep any Quantity of Silver Plate chargeable by this Ait; and if any Perfon or Body Politick or Corporate fo owning, ufing, having or keeping any Silver Plate chargeable by this Act, fliall refufe or negled to 20I. Penalty on give fuch firft Notice, and make fuch Entry and Payment as aforefaid, or to renew fuch Notice, and not giving No- make fuch Entry and Payment yearly and every Year in Manner aforelaid, or fhall, with Intent to de- Ingti^efame&c^ fraud his Majeiiy of any of the Rates and Duties granted by this A&., conceal, or caufe or prociire to ' be concealed any Silver Plate, which he or fhe, or fuch Body Politick or Corporate ihall own, ufe, have or keep ; then, and in every fuch Cafe, every fuch Perfon or Body Politick or Corporate acting contrary to the refpeitive Directions of this Aft, (hall for every fuch Offence refpec^ively forfeit and lofe the Sum of twenty Pounds. V. Provided always. That nothing in this Aft contained (hall extend to oblige any Perfon or Body FrertiKoticeand Politick or Corporate to give any fuch frefh Notice, and make any fuch new Entry or' Payment, be- ^'^^i' "°';."'^" tween the Commencement and Expiration of the Year, for which any fuch Rates or Duties (hall have nev 'i'cquin"icn., been paid j- although fuch Perfon or Body Politick or Corporate msy have acquired in the mean time of Plate within the Property, Ufe, Pofre(rion or Cuftody of any additional Quantity of Silver Plate ; any Thing herein 'he Year, contained to the contrary thereof in any wife not with (fanding. VI. Provided always, and be it enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That in every Cafe where the Perfons making Duty or Duties required by this Aft to be paid, by any Perfon or Body Politick or Corporate cliarge- ^°'th;'D,m«^' able with the faine, (hall be paid, and Notice given, and Entry made as aforefaid, before any Infor- informa- mation laid for not having given fuch Notice, and made fuch Entry and Payment, or Profecution begun tion given, Ac for the fame, no Perfon or Body Politick or Corporate having given fuch Notice, and made (uclv ^°^j.^2^[^J°_. Entry and Payment, .although not ftriftly with'.n the Time prefcribed by this A&., (hall be after- wards profecuted for not having given fuch Notice, and made fuch Entry and Payment, within the ■. Time limited as aforefaid; any Thing herein contained to the contrary thereof in any wife notwith- flanding. VII. Provided always, and it is hereby enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That nothing herein con- Perfons receiv- tained (hall extend to charge with the Duties payable bv virtue of this Aft, any Perfons or Eodies Pc-' yfj}^^"^^^^. ' litick or Corporate, who, on the faid fifth Day of July one thoufand feven hundred and fifty-fix, or u(:n'|,^e rime, at any Time afterwards, (hall keep and not ufe any Silver Plate, which hath been or (hall be p'edged not liable. to, or depofited with them refpeftively, by any other Perfon or Perfons, or Body or Bodies Politick or . - Corporate. VIII. Provided neverthelefs. That the true Owner or Owners of fuch Plate fo pledged or depofited, f;j"'J=i3°™[^J fi-iall, during all fuch Time as fuch Plate (liall be fo kept, and not ufed by the Perlon or Perions, or f^.i^ye^j^i Body or Bodies Politick or Corporate, to whom fuch Plate fliail be fo pledged, or with whom the fanae piate. fl-iall be fo depofited, be liable to pay the Rates and Duties chargeable by this Ac't, in relpeft of luch Plate, and to give fuch Notice, and make fuch Entry and Payment as aforefaid. IX. Provided alfo, and it is hereby enafted. That this AcT fliall not extend to charge with any of the einirch Piatft, refpeftive Rates and Duties granted by this Aft, any Silver Plate which fliall belong to any P'ace of ^r_.^^'^^j|^j,j^ religious Worfliip, and which is, or fliall be ufed therein only, nor the Stock m Trade ot any Crold- toith, Silverfmith, Manufafturer, Seller of or Dealer in Silver Plate. 5t, Provided ^