Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 7.djvu/720

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700 ^C. 29. Anno vicefiino nono Georgii II. A. D. 1756. 5-i,955l, Tps. fioners ci Chclfea Hofpltal, for the Year one thoufand feven hundred and fifty-fix; and any Sum or bA. lor the Out- 5^,^)5 of iVIoney not exceeding thirty-eight thouiand Pounds, upon account of Half-pay, for the reduced CheifcrHof- Officers of his ivlajefty s Land Forces and Marines^ for the Vear one thoufand feven hundred and hfty- pitai.^ fix, fubjedt to f-ch Rules to be obferved in the Apphcation of the faid Half-pay, as are hereafter pre-' ^itooo^.tothe fcj-jbed concerning the lame; and any Sum or Sums of Money not exceeding three thoufand five hun- of theLand ^" dred thirty-nine i^ounds live Shillings and ten Pence, for defraying the Charge for Allowances to the forces and Ma- feveral Officers and pr.vate Gentlemen of the two Troops of Horfe Guards, and Regiment of Horfe rines. reduced, and to the luperannuated Gentlemen of the four Troops of Horfe Guards, for the Year one to"heb^ffi'cer°s " thoufand feven hundred and fifty-fix ; and any Sum or Sums of Money, not exceeding two thoufand and Gentlemen four hundred and eighty-four Pounds, for paying of Penlions to the Widows of fuch reduced Officers & "?edu^ed" o^ his Majeffy's Land forces and Marines, as died upon the EftablKhment of Half-pay in Great Britain, ZJ484I "rthe and who were married to them before the twenty-fifth Day of December one thoufand feven hundred and I'enfionsofOffi- fixteen, for the Year one thoufand feven hundred and fit'ty-fix; which faid Sum of two thoufand four «|s Widows, hundred and eighty-four Pounds, Ihall be iffued to fuch Perfon or Perfons as his Majefty faall, by tobeiffedby Warrant or Warrants under his Royal Sign JVlanual, direcSf and appoint to receive the fame, to be his Majefty's by him or them paid over to fuch Widows of Plalf-pay Officers, or their Affigns, according to Sign Manual, j-^^j^ EAabliihments, Lifts or other Directions, and with and fubjed: to fuch Conditions, Qiialilica- tions, and other Allowances for the fame, as his Majefty, by fuch and the like Warrant or Warrants, 7<;,S55l. 7s. :?d. fhall be gracioully pleafed to direct and appoint; and any Sum or Sums of Money not exceeding feventy- ior extraordina- f^yg thoufdnd eight hundred and tliirty-five Pounds feven Shillings and three Pence, for defraying the Landi-OTccs," extraordinary Expences of his Majefty 's Land Forces, and other Services, incurred in the Year one ■ind other Ser- thoufand fevcn hundred and fifty-five, and not provided for by Parhament ; and any Sum or Sums of ^■'=" '"<="f^^'^ '" Money not exceeding ninety-one thoufand nine hundred and nineteen Pounds ten Shillings, for de- yi^gigT to"' fraying the Charge of ten Regiments of Foot, for the Service of the Year one thoufand feven hundred ibr ten Regi- and fifty-fix ; and any Sum or Sums of Adoney not exceeding forty- nine thoufand fix hundred twenty- "'^6^81^^°° eight Pounds eleven Shillings and three Pence, for defraying the Charge of eleven Troops of Light 3tl'. for eleven Dragoons, for the Service of the Year one thouGnd feven hundred and fifty-fix; and any Sum or Sums Troops of Dra- of Money, not exceeding feventy-nine thoufand nine hundred and fifteen Pounds fix (hillings, for de- SCTviceoTthe f^yng ^he Charge of two Regiments of Foot ordered from Ireland to North America, and of four Re- Yclst^^i. ^^ giments of Foot on the Irifi Eftablifhment ferving in North America and the Eaji-Indies, ibr the Ser- 79,9151'. 6s, vice of the Year one thoufand feven hundred and fifty-fix; and any Sum or Sums of Money not Nonh America exceeding one hundred thoufand Pounds, to enable his Majefty to make good his Engagements with and the Eaa In- the Emprefs of Rujfia, purfuant to Treaty; and any Sum or Sums of Money not exceeding fifty-four dies. thoufand one hundred forty Pounds twelve Shilhngs and fix Pence, to enable his Majefty to make- Emprefe'of Ruf- 2°°'^ ^'^ Engagments with the Landgrave of Hejfe Cajfel, purfuant to Treaty ; and any Sum or Sums lia. of Money not exceeding one hundred fixty-three tlroufand and three hundred fifty-feven Pounds nine <;4,i4ol. izs. ShilHiiss and nine Pence, towards defraying the Charge of fix thoufand five hundred and forty-four Ix^^^eoiHtSt f'o°^ "^ith the General Officers and Train of Artillery, the Troops of the Landgrave of Heffe Caf- Caffcl ; and fel m the Pay of Great Britain, from the twenty-third ^of February one thoufand feven hundred i6j,-,^7i. 9 s. anj fifty-fix, to the twenty-fourth Day of December following, both inclufive, together with the Sub- ^iredfromWrn. ^I'l'/ purfuant to Treaty ; and any Sum or Sums of Money not exceeding one hundred twenty- 121,4471.2 s. one thoufand four hundred forty-feven Pounds two Shillings and fix Pence, towards defraying 6d. for Troops {}^g Charge of eight thoufand fix hundred and five Foot, with the General Officei-s, Train of rem Hanover, ^j.^ jj|g^y ^^^ Holpital, the Troops of Hanover in the Pay of Great Britain, from the eleventh Day of May one thoufand feven hundred and fifty-fix to the twenty-fourth Day of December following, jo,cooi. to the both inclufive; and any Sum or Sums of Money not exceeding ten thoufand Pounds, to enable liis Eieftorof Majefty to make good his Engagements with the Ele6tor of Bavaria, purfuant to Treaty ; and any Sum i^o ooTi* to the °' Sums of Money not exceeding twenty thoufand Pounds, to enable his Majefty to make good his En- King of Pruffia. gagements with the King of Pruffia, purfuant to Treaty. 00 000 1 to ^^- ^^^^ ^^ '^ hereby alfo enadted. That out of all or any the Aids or Supplies provided as afore- b'e applied, is the faid, there ihall and maybe iflTued and applied any Sum or Sums of Money not exceeding one mil- Exigency of Af- lion, upon Account, to enable his Majefty to concert and take all fuch Meafures as may be neceflary mjirc"'"^ '^' ^° difappoint or defeat any Enterprizes or Defigns of his Enemies, and as the Exigency of Afiairs may require, "^^v^^d'tiefet- ^^^' ^'^^ '* '^ hereby alfo enafted. That out of all or any the Aids or Supplies provided as afore- toing Nova fa'd, there ihall and may be ifliied and applied any Sum or Sums of Money not exceeding fifty-five Scoiia. thoufand and thirty-two Pounds nineteen Shillings, upon Account, for fupporting and maintaining the Settlement of his Majefty's Colony of Nova Scotia, for the Year one thoufand feven hundred and fifty- fi?.7i, as. yd. {^j^ . g^id any Sum or Sums of Money not exceeding fix hundred eighty-feven Pounds two Shillings and c"rccfin Nova feven Pence, upon Account, for defraying the Charges incurred by fupporting and maintaining the Settle- Scotia in i7r;4, ment of his Majefty's Colony of Nova Scotia, in the Year one thoufand leven hundred and fifty-four, notprovidedtor. 2,,j j-joj provided for by Parliament; and any Sum or Sums cf Money not exceeding three thoufand ?le^rajirg the ^ five hundred and fifty-feven Pounds ten Shillings, upon Account, for defraying the Charges of the Civil Eftabli.'h- Civil Elfablilluiient of his iVIajefty's Colony of Georgia, and other incidental Expences attending the ment cf fame, from the twent/-fourth Day of June one thouiand feven hundred and fifty-five, to the twenty- eorgia. fourth Day of June one thoufand kwcn hundred and fifty-fix ; and any Sum or Sums of Money not io,oooi. for exceeding ten thoufand Pounds, to be employc.l in maintaining and fupporting the Britijh Forts and F'o«randlcttie- Settlements upon the Coaft of Africa. nieni"; on the Coaft of /flnca. ' XIII. And