Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 7.djvu/74

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30 C. 24. Anno vicelimo Georgii II. A. D. 1747. th'.-firfl: Port, Vice Conful, ftiall thereupon grant fuch Certificate and Certificates, as by the faid recited Afts aredire<£t- CiTtificatc to'be ed ; which Certificate and Certificates fliail be good and effcftual to all Intents and Purpoles, a- if the fame granted theteon. were granted by the Mayor or chief Magiftrate, Conful or Vice Conful of the Port to which fuch Prize or Prizes, Officers or Men as aforefaid, have been or fhall be firft brought ; any thing in the faid recited Acts to the contrary thereof in any wife notwithftanding. iS Geo. I.e. ' XL And whereas by an A(St pafTed in the eighteenth Year of his prefent Majefty's Reign, it was en- 31. §.6, ' a£ted, That all and every Perfon and Perfons who fince the Commencement of the prefent 'War againft ' Spain, had or had been, or then were, or thereafter fliould be, appointed Agent or Agents for any Prize ' or Prizes taken by any Ship Or Ships of war belonging to his Majefry, or for receiving the faid Bount^'- ' money, and which Prize or Prizes had been or fliould be condemned in the High Court of Admiralty of ' England, fliould exhibit, and caufe to be regiftered in the faid High Court of Admiralty, his or their re- ' fpeftive Letter or Letters of Attorney, appointing him or them Agent or Agents (who had not already ' done the fame) and if any Perfon or Peribns, fo as aforefaid appointed Agent or Agents (who had not ' already done the fame] fliould refufe or neglefl; fo to do on or before the firft Day cS Jugu/i one thoufand ' feven hundred and forty-five ; or if any Perfon or Perfons thereafter to be appointed Agent or Agents for ' the Purpofcs aforefaid, fliould refufe or negleiSt to exhibit, and caufe to be regiftered in the faid High Court ' of Admiralty, his or their refpeftive Letter or Letters of Attorney, appointing him or them Agent or ' Agents as aforefaid, for the Space of fix Calendar Months after Sentence .•;f Condemnation of any Prize ' fhould be given in the faid High Court of Admiralty, for the Care and Diftribution of which he or they ' fhall be appointed Agent or Agents ; fuch Perfon or Perfons fo refufing or neglecting, fhall forfeit the Sum ' of five hundred Pounds, to be recovered by him or them who fiiall fue for the fame, by Action of Debt, ' Plaint or Information, in any Court of Record in Great Brita!>!, in which no Efl'oin, Protection or Wager ' of Law, or more than one Imparlance fliould be allowed : And whereas the laft above recited Claufe does ' not extend the Benefit of this Regiftry, or require the Agents of Prizes in his Majefty's Plantations in ' America or elfewhere, to exhibit and caufe to be regiftered their Letters of Ai'itorney in the Courts or Ad- ' miralty there, as is done here in England; by which Means tW: faid Royal Kofpital docs not receive t!ie ' whole Benefit accruing to it from Prizes, nor is the Purpofe'of making fuch Letters of Attorney Evidence ' of the Agency of fuch Perfon or Perfons, to whom the fame is n-iade,' in !i:? I'.Iajefty's Courts of Record, Agents to re- ' thereby fully anfwered ;' Be it therefore enafted by the Authority aforefaid, Thar all and every Perfon gifler their Let- and Perfons, who fince the Commencement of the prefent V/ar againft Spain znd France refyrctively, has i^the Court "0? ° ^^'^^ been, or now is or are, or hereafter fhall be appointed Agent or Agents for any Prize or Prizes Admiralty in taken by any Ship or Ships, VefTel or Veffels of War, or by any Merchant Ship or Ships employed in his Gieat Britain, Majefty's Service, or having Letters of Marque, or for receiving the Bounty-money by the faid recited Adfs before I Aug. granted, and which Prize or Prizes hath or have been, or hereafter fhall be condemne ' in the High Court •^•'v of Admiralty in Great Britain, or in any of the Courts of Admiralty in any of his Adajcftv's Plantations in and in America, America, or in any other of his Majefty's Dominions, or elfewhere, ftiall exhibit and caufe to be regiilered &c. before I in the High Court of Admiralty in Great Britain, or in the rcfpeiilive Courts of Admiralty in A:nerica, or

  • ^P vf^i>°' ^ ^"y other of his Majefty's Dominions or elfe"'-hcrc, where the faid Prize and Prizes, and every of them,

/l^nt' "„ "^^ hath or have been or fhall be condemned, appointinc him or them Aeent or Argents for the Purpofes afore- inall be con- ... iri l i rr•^^r 1-r 7^- "^i- r --•! demhed, iaid, unlels he ot; they have reipectively done the (ame ; and it any rerlon or Icrlons, lo as arorelaid ap- pointed Agent or Agents (who have not already done the fame) fhall refufe or neglect fo to do, on or be- fore the firft Day of Augiijl one thoufand feven hundred and forty-feven in Great Britain, and on or before the firft Day of 0/^oher one thoufmd feven hundred and forty-feven, in America or other his Majefty's Do- minions ; or if any Perfon or Perfons hereafter to be appointed Agent or Agents for the Purpofcs aforefaid, fhall refufe or neglc£t to exhibit and caufe to be regiftered in any of the Courts of Admiralty aforefaid, his or 'their refpc6tive Letter or Letters of Attorney, appointing him or them Agent or Agents as aforefaid, for ■within fix the Space of fix Calendar Months after Sentence of Condemnation of any Prize or Prizes fliall be given in Months after gj-jy gf ^^ fgjfj Courts of Admiralty, for the Care and Diftribution of which he or they fliall be appointed •Contiemnat.on ; Agent or Agents ; ftich Perfon or Perfons, Agent or Agents refiifing or neg!e£ting, fliall forfeit the Sum of under Penalty five hundred Pounds ; to be recovered by him or them who will fue for the ianie, by Action of Debt, Bill, ot'scol. Plaint or Infor.mation, in any Court of Record in Gr.w/ i?;-/Vrt/«, America, or in any other of his Majefty's Dominions or elfewhere; in which no Eftoin, Proteifiion, Privilege or "Wager of Law, or more than one Imparlance fhall be allowed. Agents appoint- ;^j[_ Provided ahvays, That if any Agent or Agents fliall be appointed after the 7'ime any Sentence of jicmn.-ition of a Condemnation in any of tlie fiid Courts of Admiralty fliall be given, fuch Agent or Agents, tliall, under Prize, to le-i- the aforefaid Penalty, regifter or caufe to be regiftered in Manner aforefd ', his or theii refpciflive Letter or fler their Lcaers Letters of Attorney, appointing him or them Agent or Agents as aforefaid, within the Space of fix Calcn- of Attorney (Jar Months after the Date of his or their faid Letter or Lefers of Attorney. Mon't'hs'&c •^^^" '^"'^ '°'^ '"^ further enafled by the Authority aforefaid. That the Regifter or Regiftcrs of all and eve- Keomcisi.uhe ■"? ^'^^ Court and Courts of Admiralty in any of his Majefty's Plantations in America, or elfewhere, in any Courts of Adnii- other of his Majefty's Dominions, fliall, yearly and eveiy Year upon the twenty third Day o{ OS^cher, or lalty in Am<Ti- within three Calendar Months next after the fame, miike out and tranfcribe true Copies of all and every ca, &c. fliall f,(-i-, Letter and Letters of Attonfcy as fliall be fo rcgifiered in the faid Court or Courts, to whic h the Judge al^LmnTof and Judges of the fdd Court and Courts fl.inll affi^his a.nd their Sea! of OSce ; and then the f.iid Regifter Attorney ngi- a" Rcgiftcrs fliall tranfmit the fame to the Trcafurcr of the faid Royal Hofpital at Grenizcich, to be there ih'rcd ill lueh regiftoied, and to be infpcfted by any Perfon ^frtf/.r ; the Charges of which Copies, and affixing the Seal Courts. &-C, and or Seals thereto, and tranfmittlng the fame to the Treafurer of the faid Hofpital, ihall be paid by the faid tranimi; ihe Agent or Agcnts at the Time of making fuch Regiftry as aforefaid ; and in cafe fuch Regifter or j^cgiftcrs fum- oVcrceiv ' ^'^ Hcglcdt or refufc to tranfcribe and tranfmit fuch Conv and Copies of the faid Letter and Letters of At- wich Hofiiltal; tomey in Manner aforcfai.l (any Ship or Ships in that Time failing from fuch Port or Place to any Port or Ports