Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 7.djvu/746

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Viffils. 726 C. 39. Anno vicefiino nono Georgii TI. A. D. 1756. Truflcesfoap. V- And be it further enafled by the Authority aforefaid, That the Truftees for putting the faid former point Infpcacrs and this prefent Aft in Lxecution, or any nine or more of them, ihaji and may, by Writing under their fit '.lie Fifliing Hands and Seals, appoint one or more fit Perfon or Peifons, to be c2.qA The Lifpcclct- ov IrifpcSlors of the FijJnng Vcjfch, to inlpeft and fearch all and every Fifliing Veffel and Veflels, Well-boat or Store-boat, VVell-boats or Store-boats, belonging to any Fifbcrman or other Perfon or Perfons whatfoever, Natives or Foreigners, at any Time after the Arrival of any Fifhing VcfTel at the Nore, or in any Part of the River Tha:i'es between the Nore and BilH-ijfgate Dock, to examine and take Account, as v.'ell of the Arrival of fuch Vcflel or Veffels within the faid Limits, as of the Time of felling the whole Cargo of F"i(h, brought in fuch Veffel, and of the breaking Bulk, and unloading fuch VefTel, and fnifting the Cargo, or any Part thereof, into fuch Well-boats or Store-boats, and of the Delivery or Selling of}" fuch Cargo, in fuch Man- ner as dire'fted by the faid recited or this prefent Adl; ajid remove fucli Officer or Officers at their Pleafure; Infreflor's Dg-y vi-hich Infpc6tor or Infpedors, when fo appointed, is and are liereby authorized and impowered to enter Dnd Power. into, infpect and examine fuch Fifhing Veffels, Weil-boats and Store-boats accordingly ; and all and every fuch Perlbn or Perfons on Board the faid Veffels are hereby required to give to the faid Infpecfor fuch Ac- 10 1. Penalty count thereof, according to the bed of their Knowledge ; and in cafe any Perfon or Perfons, being the Ma- (nPcifonson fter. Owner or Owners of fuch Veffel or Veflels, or their Cargo, or any of their Agents or Servants or Eoaid iKt giving other Perfon or Perfons there found as aforefaid, fliall refufe to give fuch Account, or fhall moleft, obflrudt htm the liitoi- ^j. Qthej-^vife hinder fuch Infpeftor or InfpecStors in the Execution of his or their faid Office, or prevent or mVbftiufl^^rig 'endeavour to prevent, any Perfon or Perfons on Board fuch Veffel or Veffels, Boat or Boats, from giving him in liis Of- fuch Account as aforefaid ; every fuch Perfon fo offending, being thereof lawfully convidled before one or fice, more of his Majefty's Juftices of the Peace, as in this A&. particularly defcribed as aforefaid, by the Con- feffion of the Party, or on the Oath of one or more credible Witnefs or Witneffes, fliall for every fuch Offence forfeit and pay the Sum of ten Pounds, to be recovered and applied in the fame Manner as the other Penalties in this Aft. as. to be paid to VI. And for the Support and Maintenance of fuch neceffary Officer or Officers, whereby the good Pur- v^ *h'"/r po'cs of the faid recited and this prefent A£t may be effefted, and the foreftalling and monopolizing of Fifli every Fi'^ib.i"ng '" gcicral prevented, and to defray fuch Charges as may attend the Execution of his or their Office, as Veffel, oncer- hereafter mentioned ; Be it enafled by the Authority aforefaid, That from and after the twenty-fourth Day tifying their of Jinw One thoufand feven hundred and fifty-fix, there fliall be paid to his Majefty's Searcher or Searchers Arrival .-it ^t Gravefeml, for the Certificate of the Entry of the Arrival of any fuch Fifliing Ship, Sloop, Smack or fiTdiercot'to Other Veflel or Veffels as aforefaid, the Sum of two Shillings, to be paid and applied in Manner following, goto.hc Search- that is to fay. There flball be kept and retained by and to the Ufeof the faid Searcher or Searchers, for ma- er for his Ceiti- king out fuch Certificate, fix Pence ; and the remaining one Shilling and fix Pence is hereby vefted in the ficate; and 1 s. fajj Truftees, and fliall be paid by fuch Searcher or Searchers, from Time to Time, to the faid Truftees, . 6 d. 10 the iru- ^j. ^^^■^ other Perfon or Perfons, as the faid Truftees, or any five or more of them, fhall by Writing for MeHjhi hv that Purpofe, under their Hands and Seals, direft and appoint, whofe Receipt fhall be, and is hereby de- 33 Ccc. 2. f. 27. clared to be, at all Times, a full Difcharge to fuch Searcher or Searchers for the fame, which faid Payment tobe appiitd tor of one Shilling and fix Pence on each Fifliing Veffel as aforefaid, fliall be applied by the faid Truftees, or Chai[es of a _ a,iy five of them, in the firft Place, to pay fuch Infpecfor or Infpe<9:ors of the Fifliing Veffels for his or tlieir Boat, and Seivjce ^^-^^ Service, and for the Charges of a Boat, fuch yearly Sum as the faid Truftees, or any nine of them, "ndUic Surplus ^2" t'^ink is fit and reafonable for fuch Service; and if any Surplus arifes, over and above, then to apply as the Duties fuch Surplus in the fame Manner as the Surplus arifing from the Tolls and Duties of the faid recited Adt are duxded. are directed to be applied. Maflertogive Vil. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, in order the better to diicover any Offenders Koice«ithin^^^ag3J„(]- t-i,J5 ^£^^ That the Mafter, Owner, Chief Officer or iMariner, who fliall have the Care or Con- VdVel's Anivi? "^ "^^ any fuch Fifhing Ship, Sloop, Smack or other Veflel or Veflels, made uie of for the catching or at the Nore, to importing of Fifli as aforefaid, fliall within three Days after the Arrival of fuch Fifliing Ship, Sloop, th-Searcbei at Smack Or Other Veffel or Veflels, at the Nore as aforeiaid, truly report the Time of fuch Arrival to his Gravd'endj Majefty's faid Searcher or Searchers, at their Office at Gravrfcud, or to the Chief Officer of his Majefty's KifeJcdhy ^ Cuftoms there, who is hereby direfled and required to take Notice of, and ejiter the fame in a Book to be Int'ryro^be m!de '^^Pf ^^ ^^^^ Purpofe, and to give a Certificate thereof to fuch Mafter, Owner, Chief Officer or Mariner, theitof. and a beltinging to the faid Fifliing Ship, Sloop, Smack or other Veffel. Ceitificatcgivcn. VIII. And the better to prevent the Removal of the faid Fifliing Veffels and Cargoes out of the Limits of theCoutuy, City and Liberty, or Town Corporate, where the Offence fliall be committed, before fuch Warrant of Di- Diftrefs can be made, whereby the EffciS of fuch Convidions as aforefaid may he defeated ; Be it enacled flreisn.ay beex- [-,y ,),p Authority aforefaid, That it fliall and may he lawful to and for the High Conftable, Petty Confta- rjri^it'iVeKi- '^^^1 Headboroiigh or Tythingman, oC j^ueenhoroitgh, Grnvrfend or any other Towns being Corporations, vets Medway or or of any County, City or Liberty, to whom fuch Warrant of Diftrefs lliall be direded, to execute the Ihanies, &c. fame in any Part of the River Aledvjay or River Thames, or any Creek or Water thereof between the oie and the City oi IFej)miiiJ)cr ; and that fuch AVarrant or Varrants, or other Ad or Ads of the f.iid May- ors, Recorders, Aldermen or fitch Ji;flice or Jtiftices of the Peace, and the Ad or Ads of tlie Conftable, Headborotigh, Tythingman or other Perfon or Perfons, in Obedience to fuch Warrant or Warrants, {hall be as valid, good and efl"ediial in Law, to all Intents and Purpofes, as if the fame weie executed within the proper Limits cjf their own 'Fown, Liberty, Precind or Jurifdidion. 5l.renaltyon JX. And be it further enaded by the Authority aforefaid. That if any Fifherman, Fifhmonger or other fml"it s'lk-'^'ov Pj^*"" '"" Piii'^ons fliall fell, or expofe to Sale, in any Houfe, Shop, Stall or Standing, any l-"ifli of any Fim within 500 ^'"'^ ^'^■^^/°'^^5, within five hundred Yards of the faid Free Fifli !Iarket, appoiiued to be held in the Yards ofthc lift City of Jf'<J]mhi/ier, or the Bounds or Limits of fuch Ground as iiath been appointed or affigned bv or by Maittt, with- virtue of the laid recited Ad for holding the fiime, without the Licence and Confoit of the faid iVuftees cut a L.tcnce. appointed or to be appointed to put the faid recited and this prefent Ad in Execution, or any rive or more of