Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 7.djvu/759

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A. D. i7S^* Anno vicefimo noiio Georgii II. C. 46— 56. 739 Bridge Middle Bridge, throu^ Romfey-infra, to. Hundred Bridge in the County o( Sout/jampion ; and from thence to the County of the Town of Southampton. P R. CAP. XLVI. An Aft for repairing and widening the High Roads from Bafingjlohe, through Popham Lane, Sutton Scotney and Stockbrldge in the County of Southampton, to a piace called Lobcomb Corner in the County of Wilts; and alfo for repairing and widening the Road from Spittlehoufe, over Wey-hill, to Mullen's Pond in the laid County of Sotithampton, PR. C A P. XLVII. An A£t to explain, amend, and render more eiFeflual, an Aft made in the laft Seffion of Parliament, inti- tuled, Jn ASifor ejlahlijhing, maintaining and well governing a Nightly Watch tviftin the City ff/'Briftol. PR. CAP. XLVIII. An Aft for rebuilding the Common Gaol for the County of £)«%, upon a Place called M/wV Gr«w, in the Liberty of the Town oi Derby; and for appointing a proper Place for the fafe Cuftody of Prifoners, until fuch new Gaol fhall be compleated ; and to impower the Juftices of the Peace for the faid County to pay the Rent referved to the Corporation for the faid Ground, out of the County Rates. P R. CAP. XLIX. An Aft for repairing and widening the Road from the eighteen Mile Stone beyond TVilloughly Hedge, through the Town of Mere in the County of Wilts, and through Wincanton, to Charlton Houthorn, and from thence to Milborne Port ; and from JVilloughby Hedge aforefaid, to the Weft End of Long Lane in Kil- mington; and froxa. Wincanton aforefaid, to the iS/ifriarre Turnpike Crofs-gate, on Cattle Hill; and from JVincanton, to Sparkford, in the County of Somerfet. P R. CAP. L. An Aft for repairing and widening feveral Roads leading from and near the Tov/n of Brewton in the County of Somerfet. P R. C A P. LI, An Aft for repairing and widening the feveral Roads, from the Town of Teivhjbury to CoJco?nb Gate ; and from IfabePs Ehn to the Top of Gotherington Hill, in the County of Glouce/ler ; and from Tevjkcjbury to a Farm-houfe, called The Old Blue Bell, and to the Direftion Poft in the Parifh of Ripple, and to Simmond's Ford Brook, and from Breedon to Eckington Bridge, in the County of Worccjler ; and from Tevjkejhury to Wainloacl's Bridge, and to the Road oppofite to Eljlone Church, and from the Market-houfe in Chelten- ham, to the Turnpike Road from Burford to Gloucejler, near a Tree called Pewfdon AJh in the faid Coun- ty of Gloucejler. P R. CAP. LU. An Aft for repairing and widening the feveral Roads leading from a Gate called Poole Gate in the Town and County of PWi?, PR. CAP. LIIL An Aft for the better regulating the Nightly Watch and Bedles, and cleanfing, enlightening and paving the Streets, Squares, Lanes and other Paflages, and repairing the Highways and Caufvvays, and regula- ting the Poor within the Parifli of Saint Mary le Bone in the County of Middlefex. P R. CAP. LIV. An Aft for repairing and widening the Road from the Top of Harnham Hill, near the City of A'^zf Sarum^ in the County of of Wills, through the Towns of Blandf or d Forutn and Dorcefier^ to a certain Intrench- ment on AJkenvell Hill in the County of Dorfet. P R. CAP, LV. An Aft to amend and render more etfeftual an Aft pafled in the twenty-fixth Year of the Reign of his pre- fent Majefty, for amending feveral Roads leading from the City of Exeter. P R. CAP. LVL An Aft for amendin<r and keeping in Repair the Roads leading from Mead Brook, which divides the Parifhes of Puckle'church and Mangotsfield in the County of Glou:eJler, to Chrlflian Malford Bridge in the County of j^Vilts, and alf<; from Pucklechurch aforefaid, to certain Coal Mines m the faid Panlh. P R. c B 3 CAP.