Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 8.djvu/254

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2 20 C. 2 2, Anno tricefimo primo Georgii II. A. D. 1757^ fpective Contributors, their Executors, Adminiftrators, Succefiors and Afligns, fljall have completed their Payments herein before directed to be made ; and that as foon as any Contributors, their Executors, Admi- niftrators, SuccefTors and AlTigns, fhall have completed their Payments of" the whole Purchafe Money pay- able by them refpectively for any fuch Annuities, after the Rate of three Pounds ten Shillings per Centum per Annum ^ the Principal Sum or Sums. by them fubfcribed and paid for the Purchafe of fuch Annuities, fhall forthwith be placed to the Credit of the faid Contributors, their Executors, Adminiftrators, Succef- fors and Affigns, completing the faid Payments, and made transferrable in the Books of the Bank oi Eng- land, to be kept for that Purpofe ; and that after any Contributors, their Executors, Adminiftrators, Suc- cefTors and Afligns, fhall have completed their Payments of the whole Purchafe Money payable by them re- fpectively for any fuch Annuities, after the Rate of three Pounds ^^r C^«/«w /)^r y//7«?^w2. Lottery Tickets ro ths Amount of the Principal Sum or Sums by them fubfcribed and paid for the Purchafe thereof, at the Rate of ten Pounds for each Ticket, fhall, as foon as they can conveniently be made out, be delivered to fuch Contributors, their Executors, Adminiftrators, Succeffors and Afligns. Confribufors not XLV. Provided always. That in cafe any fuch Contributors who have already depofited with or paid to iralcinggood ^j^^ f^jj Cgfl^jer or Cafhiers, any Sum or Sums of Money, at the Times and in the Manner before mention- wUhin7i!e^" ed, in Part of the Sums fo by them fubfcribed, or their refpective Executors, Adminiftrators, SuccefTors or Times limite?, Afligns, do not advance and pay to the faid Cafhier or Caftiiers, the Refidue of the Sums fo by them fub- 10 forfeit their fcribed, at the Times and in the Manner before mentioned ; then and in every fuch Cafe, fo much of the Dcpofits. Sum fo fubfcribed as fhall have been actually paid in Part thereof, to the faid Cafhier or Cafhiers, fhall be forfeited for the Benefit of the Publick; any thing in this Act contained to the contrary thereof in any wife notwithftanding. Annuities, &c. XLVI. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid. That all the feveral Annuities which by this S^^b^'t fVd^ Acl are granted and made payable, until Redemption thereof by Parliament, in Manner herein after men- " " tioned, fliall be charged and chargeable upon, and payable out of, fuch Fund or Funds as are by this AS: eftablifhed for Payment thereof; and if at any Time or Times it fhall happen that the Produce of the Fund or Funds fo eftablifhed for Payment of the faid feveral Annuities, fhall not be fufficient to pay and dif- charge the feveral and refpective Annuities, and other Charges, directed to be paid thereout at the End of any or either of the refpedtive half-yearly Days of Payment, at which the fiune are hereby directed to be paid, then and fo often, and in every fuch Cafe, furh Deficiency or Deficiencies fhall and may be fupplied out of any of the Monies which at any Time or Times fhall he or remain in the Receipt of the Exche- quer, of the SurplufTes, ExceflTes, Overplus Monies and other Revenues, compofing the Fund commonly called 77^^ Sinkitrg Fund (except fuch Monies of the faid Sinking Fund as are appropriated to any particular Ufe or Ufes by any former Ail or Afts of Parliament, in that Behalf) and fuch Monies of the faid Sinking Fund fhall and may be, from time to time, iflued and applied accordingly; anfd if at any Time or Times before any Monies of the feveral Rates and Duties and Sums of Money hereby granted, fhall be brought into the Exchequer as aforefaid, there fhall happen to be a Want of Money for paying the feveral Annui- ties as aforefaid, which fhall be actually incurred, and grown due at any of the half-yearly Days of Pay- ment before mentioned, that then and in every fuch Cafe, the Mouey fo wanted fhall and may be fupplied out of the Monies of the Sinking Fund (except as before excepted) and be iftued accordingly. Sinking FunJ to XLVII. Provided always, and be it enaitcd by the Authority aforefaid, That whatever Monies fhall be be replaced out jffuej out of the Sinking Fund, fhall, from time to time, be replaced by and out of the firft Supplies to be 1i«.'^^ ^"^' then after granted in Parliament. A "it" & XLVIII. Provided always, and be it cnadted by the Authority aforefaid. That in cafe there fhall be any charged on the Surplus or Remainder of the Monies arifing by the faid Fund or Funds by this AQ. eftablifhed for Payment Sinking Fund, of the faid Annuities, after the faid feveral and rcfpedtive Annuities and all Arrears thereof are fatisfied, or Money fufficient ftiall be referved for that Purpofe, fuch Surplus or Remainder fhall, from time to time, be referred for the Difpofition of Parliament, and fh.ill not be ilTued but by the Authority of Parliament, and as fhall be directed by future Act or Acts of Parliament; any thing in any former or other Act or Acts of Parliament to the contrary notwithftanding. Managers and XLIX. And, for eftablifhing a proper Method for drav/ing the faid Lottery ; Be it further enacted by the Direftors of the j^ut^Qrij-y aforefaid. That fuch Perfons as the Commiflioners of his Majefty's Treafury, or any three or a^po^ntea°by the morc of them now being, or the High Treafurer, or any three or more of the Commiflioners of the Trea- Treafury. fury, for the time being, fhall appoint, fhall be Managers and Directors for preparing and delivering out Tickets, and tooverfee the drawing of Lots, and to order, do and perform, fuch other Matters and Things, as are hereafter in and by this Act directed and appointed by fuch Managers and Directors to be done and performed ; and that fuch Managers and Directors ftiall meet together from time to time, at foirie Public Oflice or Place, for the Execution of the Powers and 7'rufts in them repo'ed by this Act ; and that the faid Brpks to b' pre- Managers and JOirectors, or fo many of them as fhall be prefent at any fuch Meeting, or the major Part of pared with 3 them, fhall caufe Books to be prepared, in which every Leaf fliall be divided or diftingulftied into three Co- Columns, in lums ; and upon the Innermoft of the faid three Columns, there fhall be printed fifty thoufand "Fickets, '^*^ coo Tickets hereby intended to be m;idc forth, to be numbered, one, two, three, and fo onward, in an arithmetical Pro- »o be printed. greflion, whcre the common Excefs is to be one, until they rile to and for the Number of fifty thoufand; Tickets to be and upon the Middle Column in every of the faid Books, fliall be printed fifty thoufand Tickets of the fame ef 4^1 oblong Breadih and Form, and numbered in like Manner; and in the Extream Colunm of the faid Books, there '^r'^'h "bl^"'" ^'^'^ ^^ printed a third Rank or Series of Tickets, of the fame Number with thofe of the other two Co- Kine» Arc. "*" lumns ; which Tickets fhall feverally be of an oblong Figure; and in the faid Books fhall be joined with Tickrtii in the oblique Lines, Flouriflics or Devices, in fuch Manner as the laid Mimagers and Directors, or the major 3d. Column to Part of them, fhall think moft fafe and convenient ; and that every Ticket in the third or Extream Ct^lumil Jijve the Words ^f (Y[^ f^ij Hooks fhall havc written or printed thereupon (bcfidcs ihc Number of iuch Tickctj and the prc- foiiowmg ,,rint. ^ year of our Lord Chrift) Wordb to this EfFcct : Mon tiican, ' T TI "P