Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 8.djvu/372

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33 8 C. 13- Anno tricefimo fecundo G^bic ii IL A7D. 1758. conveniently drained and preferved under the Powers and Authorities contained in the faid ASt-* May it therefore pleafe your Majefty that it may be cnafled, and be it ena6ted by the King's moft' Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Content of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and • The Pcsvcts, ftc, of Aft Con-.mons, in this prtfent Parliament affenibled, and by the Authority of the fame, 'I'hat from and 42 Geo. 2. extended to after the pafling &f this Aft, the faid AcS made, in the twenty- fecond 'ear of his prefent Majefty's

      • ^^' Reign» intituTed, J71 A61 for ctraining and frefcrvihg certain Fin Lands and Low Grounds in the fcveral

Parijhes of Sutton, Mepall, Witcham, Chatteris, Doddington, and a Place called Byal Fen ;« The IHe of Ely, and County (^/'Cambridge; and alfo in the Parijhes (?/"Somerfham, and Pidlcy ivith Fenton, in the County c/Huntingdon; and all the Powers, Authorities, Direftions, Penalties, Forfeitures Puniihments, Provifions, Matters and Things therein contained, fhall extend, and are hereby ex- tended to, and fhall take EfFedt, operate and be executed, with refpeft to the Lands and Grounds herein before bounded and defcribed, and to the Owners, Proprietors, Occupiers and Tenants thereof, and to all Perfons committing Offences in relation thereto, or in relation to any Cuts, Drains, Outlets, Banks, Engines or other WorkiJ whatfoevcr, made or hereafter to be made, or maintained, for draining, preferving or improving the faid Lands and Grounds, in fuch and the fame Manner, and as fully and eft'edtully to all Intents and Purpofes whatfoevcr, as if the fame were herein repeated and re-enaftcd, with rcfpeft to the faid Lands and Grounds, and to the faid Owners, Proprietors, Occupiers, T^enants and Perfons, and as fully and efFeftually to all Intents and Purpofes, as if the faid Lands and Grounds had been defcribed in the faid A6t, and were Part of the Lands and Grounds thereby authorizad or direfted to be drained, preferved or improved; and The Races on the Lands that the Rates and Taxes hereby chargeable, and to be charged upon the Lands and Grounds herein herein defcribed, are fub- before bounded and defcribed, fhall be equally fubjeft and liable to the Payment of the Debt of one jected to the Payment of ^.^^^ij-^j^j ■^°""'^'^> borrowed by the Commiffioners of the faid former A£f, and yet remaining undif- under^the firmeTAft/ charged, together with the Intereft now due, and to grow due thereon, equally and rateably with equally with Lands com- the Lands and Grounds comprized in the faid former A61:, and in the fame Manner, as if the faid prized in the faid Aft. Lands and Grounds mentioned in this prefent Aft, had originally been comprized in the faid for- mer Aft, and the Rates and Taxes chargeable thereon, had been comprehended in the Securities made by the Commiffioners for the faid Sum of one thoufand Pounds, fo borrowed by virtue of the faid former Aft. The Commiffioners un- II. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That from and after the paffingofthis del the former Aft, with ^Q^^ the Commiflioners appointed by or in purfuance of the faid former Aft, fhall be, and they are thofe herein named, are hereby authorized and impowered, during the Time that they fhall be poflefled of fuch Qualificati- ecu^"on °' ^ '" ^' *^"^ ^^ ^'^ therein mentioned, to aft as well in the Execution of this A61, as of the faid former Aft, in as full and ample Manner, to all Intents and Purpofes, as if they had been nominated and ap- pointed Commiffioners in and by this prefent Aft, and that Sir Thomas Hatton Baronet, IVilliani Underwood and Charles Lceds^ Geiitlemen fhall be, and are hereby added to the Commiffioners ap- pointed by or in purfuance of the faid Aft; and they are hereby authorized and impowered, during- the Time that they Ihall be pofl'efTed of fuch Qiialification as. is therein mentioned, to aft in the Ex- ecution of the faid former Aft and this prefent Aft, in as full and ample Manner to all Intents and Purpofes, as if they had been nominated and appoined Commiffioners in the faid former Aft ; any thing therein contained to the contrary notwithftanding. III. Provided always, and be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That the Commiffio- ners for putting the laid former Aft or this prefent Aft in Execution, or any five or more of them, fhall, in the firft Place, and before any other Works are made for draining and preferving the Lands l)ereby intended to be drained and preferved, caufe the following Works to be done and performed; Works to be executed that is to fay, They fhall caufe a Mill to be built at fuch Place as the faid Commiffioners, or any jreviouj to any other, five or mere of them, fhall think proper; and that the Sum of three hundred and twenty Pounds at leafl, fhall be expended in erefting fuch Mill, and making the Hill Bridge and Water Ways ; and Hiall caufe the Bank againft Fcyiton Load to be repaired, as far as the Lands hereby intended to be drained and preferved fhall extend, and then along to the Ferry Chelm to the Hard Lands ; and a fufficient Drain to be mnde from the Corner of the Land lately belonging to Sir Thomas Drury Baro- net, crofs the Common called Crolladc Co7nvLon, and along Snares Load, to the new Drain made by virtue of the faid former A£t, at tfie Corner of the Ground belonging to WilUani Strong Efquirej an<l a fubftantial Cart B/idge to be built over the faid Drain on the Turnpike Road, and other Bridge over the faid Drain, into the Grounds called The Old Halves , at the Place where the Road now IS. Earth for repairing 'he IV. Provided nc'vcrthclefs. That no Earth fhall be taken for repairing the fiiid Banks from any Hank«; ;o be taUc:i at J^^iid which lies V. itliin the Dillancc of ninety Feet from fuch Banks. ibBicD.ftance from. hem. ^_ ]>rovided always, and be it enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That nothing in this Aft con- taijied fliall extend, or be conflrucd to extend, to Impowcr the CommifTioners in the faid recited CertainBarksand Lands ^ft find ihis Adt named and appointed, to do any Aft that may prejudice or damage a liank ad- »(>( u. be prcjuOicea by j( ingiug to Fentoti Loiidy lying between certain Lands belonging to Maiter Leeds, Mailer Underwood^ ttie Woiki. DiKgley Afkhom E'quirc, th. Rcprcfentarives of Sir Thomas Drury Baronet, and Midrefs Rebecca Mubaurn, on one Side, and lVarb:s Fm^ and certain Lands belonging to "John Leman Efquire, and Miftrefs