Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 8.djvu/468

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434 ^' 9* Anno trlcefimo tertio Georgii IL A. D. 1759. fuch Oath or Certificate fo falfified, counterfeited, erafed or altered, fhall be invalid, and of no EfFcd. ^ _ : XIII. And for the more effe-flual fecuring the Payment of the Duties upon Spirits, Be it further Perfons liable to be ^ enafted and declared by the Authority aforefaid, That from and after the faid twenty-flrft Day of ^ eemea coonmon Diil:il- j^y^/ Q^e thoufand fcven hundred and fixty, every Perfon or Perfons making or keeping any Wafli, ' Cyder, or other Materials fit for Diftillation, and having in his, her or their Pofleflion or Occupa- tion any Stil] or Stills, containing feparately or together ten Gallons or upwards ; Proof being made thereof by the Oath of one or more credible Witnefs or WitnefTes before any one or more of the Commiffioners of Excife for the Time being, or one or more of his Majefty's Juftices of the Peace, who arc hereby refpeitively impowered to adminiiler the fame; (hall be deemed and taken to be a anJ tB be furveyed^ &c. common Diftiller for Sale, and fliall be liable to the feveral Rates and Duties of Excife, and be fub- accordiDgly. j^^c^ j-q ^^iq Survey of the Officers of Excife, and to the feveral Penalties and Forfeitures impofed by this or any former A3, or Acts of Parliament now in Force, in any wife relating to Diftillers ^ any Law or Statute to the contrary in any wife notwithftanding. XIV. And for preventing of Frauds that may be committed by Diftillers charging th°ir Stills privately with Wafh that has not been duly taken an Account of by the Officers of Excife, it is Diftiller is to give fix hereby further ena(5^ed by the Authority aforefaid, That from and after the faid twenty-firft Day of ^eTomc°TbJo^^'°' ^^^^ °"^ thoufand feven hundred and fixty, no Diftiller or Maker of Low Wines, Spirits, J^ua- fng his s^ili -^ ""^^ ' ^'^^" ^^'^^i or Strong Waters, fliall on any Pretence begin to charge his or her Still with Wafh, Spirits,. ' or other Materials, without firlt giving to the proper Officer or Officers of the Divifion or Place where his or her Diltilling-houfe {hall be fituate, fix Hours Notice at the leaft of his or her Intcn- cxcept within the Times tion to charge fuch Still, unlefs at fuch Times as are herein after mentioned ; that is to fay. From herein mentioned J the twenty-ninth Day of September to the twenty-fifth Day of -MvAt^ yearly, between the Hours of Five in the Morning and Eight in the Evening; and from the twenty-fifth Day of March to the ' twenty-ninth Day of September yearly, between the Hours of Three in the Morning and Nine in and not charging his Still the Evening : And in cafe fuch Diftiller or Maker of Low Wines, Spirits, Jqua Fita, or Strong Hour^aft™*f /h N ^" Waters, fliall not begin to charge his or her Still at the Time mentioned in fuch Notice, or M'ithin to be given'- and if "he" "^"'^ Hour next after, fuch Notice fliall be void ; and the Diftiller fliall be obliged to give another like charge his Still, except Notice in Writing before he or flie begins to charge his, her or their Still : And if any Diftiller or vithin the Times limit- Diftillers fhall begin to charge his, her or their Still or Stills with Wafli, Spirits, or other Mate- ed, without due Notice, jjals, except within the refpedlive Times aforefaid, without having firft given fuch Notice or No- he forfeits lool. ^j^^g refpeaively, every fuch Diftiller or Diftillers fliall, for every fuch Ofi:"ence, refpedively forfeit and lofe the Sum of one hundred Pounds. £artt"ff Wh'at°To ^^ ' ^"^ '^ '^ '^'^^^y further enaded by the Authority aforefaid. That from and after the faid tvTo Quarters orother twenty-firft Day of y//>r/7 one thoufmd feven hundred and fixty, if any Diftiller or Diftillers in Grain in his Grift for preparing his Grift for Wafli, in order for Diftillation, fhall ufe or caufe to be ufed more Wheat ■WdiTi, he forfeits 50I. than in the Proportion of one Quarter of Wheat to two Quarters of any other (ilrain. every fuch Diitilier or Diftillers fliall for every fuch Oftence forfeit and lofe the Sum of fifty Pounds. "ecltsl of ciaufes in ' XVI, And whereas by an A(9: made in the eighth Year of the Reign of his late Majefty King Aa 8 Geo. I. c. 18. « George the r- " ' ..... ^ •-- , , ., -

  • hifeSiion there
  • Production of . ^ ^
  • Produ^ion arefubjeii ; it was enacted that if any Foreign Brandy, Arrack, Strong Waters, or Spi-
  • rits, of any Kind whatfoever, fliould, from and after the twenty-fifth Day oi March one thoufand
  • feven hundred and twenty-two, be imported or brought into Great Britain^ or into any Port, Har-
  • hour. Haven, or Creek thereof, in any Ship, Vcflel, or Boat of the Burthen of forty Tons or
  • under, according to the Admeafurement prefcribed in the Aft therein mentioned (except only for
  • the Ufe of the Seamen then belonging to and on Board fuch Ship, Veflfel, or Boat, not exceeding

' two Gallons for each fuch Seaman) every fuch Ship, Vcfl'el or Boat, with all her Tackle, Furni-

  • ture and Apparel, as alfo all fuch Brandy, Arrack, Strong Waters, or Spirits, or the Value there-
  • of, fhould be forfeited, and fliould and might be feized by any Officer or Officers of the Cuftoms,
  • and fliould and might be profecuted and divided in fuch Manner and Form as was prefcribed in
  • certain Ads therein mentioned : And alfo further enafled. That if any Boat, Wherry Pinnace,
  • Barge, or Galley, rowing, or made or built to row, with more than four Oars, fliould be found
  • within the Limits therein mentioned, fuch Boat, Wherry, Pinnace, Barge or Galley, with all
  • her Tackle and Furniture, or the Value thereof, fliould be forfeited, and fliould and might be
  • feized by any Officer or Officers of the Cuftoms ; and the Owner or Owners thereof, or any Per-
  • fon ufing or rowing in fuch Boat, Wherry, Pinnace, Barge, or Galley, fliould alfo forfeit and lofe-
  • th.= Sum of forty Pounds ; with a Provifo, exempting certain Vcftels therein mentioned from the faid
  • Forfeitures : And by the faid AGt it was direftcd. That the Ship, Vcflel, or Boat importuig Fo-
  • reign Brandy, Arrack, Strong Waters, or Spirits, or fuch Boat, Wherry, Pinnace, Barge, or
  • Galley as aforefaid, fliould, after Condemnation thereof, be burnt and wholly deftroyed ; and the

' 'i'ackle. Furniture, and Apparel thereunto belonging, be publickly fold to the beft Advantage : orJ la Cto. 1. c. 22. ' And whereas by an Adt made in the twelfth Year of the Reign of his late Majefty, intituled, Jn ' All for the Improvement of his Majefty i Revenues of Cufioms^ Excife^ and Inland Duties^ the Commif-

  • fioners of his Majefty's Cuftoms were impowered to caufe any fucii Ship, Veflel, Boat, Wherry,
  • Pinnace, Barge, or Galley (except as before excepted) which ihould be feized and condemned
  • as aforefaid, to be ufed by the Officers of his Majefty's Cuftoms, together with the Tackle, Fur-
