Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 8.djvu/518

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4^4 C. 30. Anno tricefimo tertio Georgii II. A. D. 1759. Power to command fuch Jury, WitnefTes and Parties to attend, until all fuch Affairs for which they and to affefs the Da- were rummoned, flia}] be concluded : And the faid Jurv, upon their Oaths (which Oaths, as alfo Son'or^^""'^" ^'^^ ^^'^.^ ^"^ fuchPerfon or Perfons as {hall be called upon to give Evidence, the faid Court is ' hereby impowered and required to adminifter) ihall inquire of the Value of fuch Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments, and of the refpe£live Eftate and Intereft of every Perfon feifed or poffeffed thereof, or interefted therein, or of or in any Part thereof ; and (hall aflefs and award the Sum or Sums to be paid to every fuch Perfon or Perfons, for the Purchafe of fuch their Eftates and Inte- _ refts ; and the faid Court fliall give Judgment for fuch Sum or Sums of Money fo to be allcffed ; and their Verdift, and which faid Verdicl: or VerdiiSts, and the faid Judgment, Decree, or Determination thereupon (No- the Judgment given tice in Writing being given to the Perfon or Perfons interefted, at leaft fourteen Days before the ths.eupon, (^rr^eviou^No- npinie of fuch Aflellment, declaring the Time and Place of the Meeting of the faid Court and Jury, given ?o"he Parties in- by leaving fuch Notice at the Dvvelling-houfe of fuch Perfon or Perfons, or at his, her or their terefted) ' ufual Place or Places of Abode, or with fome Tenant or Occupier of fome of the faid Lands, Te- nements or Hereditaments, intended to be valued and alTelTed, in cafe fuch Party cannot otherwife are to be binding and be found out to be fervcd with fuch Notice) fhall be binding and conciufive to all Intents and Pur- conciufive to all Parties j pofes whatfoever, againft all and every Perfon or Perfons, Bodies Politic and Corporate, claiming any Eftate, Right, Title, Trult, Ufe or Intereft, in, to or out of the faid Lands, Tenements or Hereditam.ents, and Premiffes, either in PofTeflion, Reverfion, Remainder or Expectancy, as well againft the King's moft Excellent Majefty, his Heirs and SucceiTors, as againft Infants and IiTue unborn, Lunaticks, Ideots, and Femes Covert, and Perfons under any other legal Incapacity or Difability, and all Truftees and Ceftuique Trufts, his, her and their Heirs, Succelfors, Executors and the faid Verdifls, and Adminiftrators, and againft all other Perfons whomfoever ; and the faid Verdi(51:s, Judgments Judgnr.en.s, ani other 3,- J Decrces, and all Other Proceedings of the faid Court and Juries, fo to be made, given and pro- Froceedings, are to be ^lounced as aforefaid, fhall be fairly written on Parchment, and figned by the Town Clerk of the written on Parchment, r ■ 1 /^- r "-n- l ■ and fiened by the Town ^aid City for the Time being. Clevk. Upon Payment of the IV. And it is hereby further enabled and declared by the Authority afoi-efaid. That upon Pay- Purchafe meney, ment of fuch Sum or Sums of Money fo to be awarded or adjudged, the Perfon or Perfons to whom the fame fhall be fo awarded, for the Purchafe of the faid Lands, Tenements or Heredita- the Parties to execute ments, or for the Purchafe of any Eftate or Intereft therein, ftial! make and execute, or procure to legal Conveyances of the be made and executed, good, valid, and legal Conveyances, Alignments and Aflurances in the faid Lands and Grounds. L^w, to the faid Mayor and Commonalty and Cit'izens, or to fuch Perfon or Perfons as the Mayor, Aldermen and Commons of the faid City, in Common Council aflembled, fhall order, direct: or appoint, of the faid Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments, or of fuch Eftate or Intereft, for which fuch Sum or Sums of Money (hall be fo awarded ; and fhall procure all neceflary Parties to execute fuch Conveyances, Affignments and AiTurances ; and fhall do all AiSfs, Matters and Things necefiary and requifite to make a good, clear and perfe6f Title to the faid Mayor and Commonalty and Citizens, or the Perfon or Perfons fo by them in this Behalf to be appointed as aforefaid} and fuch Conveyances, Affignments and Aflurances ihall contain all fuch reafonable and ufual Cove- nants, as on the Part of the foid Mayor and Commonalty and Citizens, or of the Perfon or Per- But if they fhall not fons fo by them in this Behalf to be appointed as aforefaid, (hall be reafonably required : And in Hiake a clear Title, or ^afe fuch Perfoii or Perfons, to whom Sum or Sums fhall be fo awarded as aforefaid, fhall not execute legal Convey- ^^ ^^j^ ^^ evince their Title to the Premifies, and to make, or procure to be made, fuch good, valid, TendVr orthc Sum ^'i^ legal Conveyances thereof as aforefaid, or fhall refufe fo to do, being thereto required, and fuch jy^ajded. Sum or Sums fo afleffed and awarded as aforefaid, being tendered to be paid to him, her or them, on their making fuch Title, and executing, or procuring to be executed, fuch Conveyances, Af- of cannot be found, or a fignments or Aflurances as aforefaid ; or in cafe fuch Perfon or Perfons, to whom fuch Sum or Sums Difpute be depending of Money fhall be fo awarded as aforefaid, cannot be found within the faid City, or Liberties there- concerning a Right to of; or in cafe by reafon of Difputes depending in any Court of Law or Equity, or for Defc6t of the Premides, Evidence, it fhall not appear what Perfon or Perfons is or are intitled to the Premiflcs in Qiieftion ; the Money is then to be then and in every fuch Cafe, it fhall and may be lawful to and for the faid Court of Mayor and Al- paid into the Bank for Jermcn, to order the faid Sum or Sums fo aflefTed and awarded as aforefaid, as and for the Value the Ufe of the Parties, ^^^ ^^j Purchafe-money for the faid Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments, to be paid into the Bank of Engbud, for the Ufe of the Parties interefted in the faid PremiflTes, to be paid them, and every of them, according to their rcfpeiSlive Eftates and Interefts therein, at fuch Time as the faid Court fhall order and diredt : And the Cafhier or Cafhiers of the Bank of England^ who fhall re- and taken for , eive fuch Sum and Sums, is and are hereby required to give a Receipt or Receipts for fuch Sum or the fame. Sums, mentioning and fpecifying for what PremifTes, and for whofe Ufe the fame is or arc received,, to fuch Perfon as fliall pay any fuch Sum or Sums into the Bank as aforefaid. All Verdiaj, Judgments, V. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid. That all fuch Verdids, Judgments, Orders, and other Pro- s^-ntences, Dccices, Otdcrs, and other Proceedings of the faid Court of Mayor and Alderrtien, cerd:ng» of ihe Court, ^^^ Lries, as relate to, or concern any Lands, Tenements or Hereditaments fo to be purchafed ci^cr,"'^" as aforefaid ; and all Receipts which the faid Cafhier or Cafhiers of the Bank ftiall give for any ' Suni or Sums of Money paid into the Hank, in confcquencc of any (uch Verdid and Judgment; are to be entered in pro ^^^^ bg entered into a diflindt Book or Books, which fhall be kept among the Records of the faid per Books, afld kept (jourf. And the faid Vcrdidts, Judgments, Sentences, Decrces and Orders, and other Proceedings, among the Rrc.,rd»of ^^jj ^^ dccmcd and taken to be Records, to all Intents and Purpofes whatfoevcr ; and the fame, or Ind fh"'iTU deemed good trut" Copits thcicof, fluU bc degiiicd and taken to be good und cffeetual Evidence and Proof in ajiy i-iulcaceof iheFaasj Coujt