Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 8.djvu/640

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6c6 C. 15. Anno fecundo Georgii III. A, D. 1761. Op.i Moiety of all For- XXXI. And be it further enaded by the Authority aforefaid, That one Moiety of all Money teitures, not ctherwue which fhall be forfeited for* any Oftence which fliall be committed againft this Aa (and not herein ?h« pforecu-c^ '^ " ^"^^^^^^^ appropriated) fhall, when recovered, go and be paid to the Perfon or Perfons who fhall profecute to Conviction any fuch Offender or Offenders, and the other Moiety thereof {hall go and Eni the orhsr to Green- be paid to the Treafurer of Gyeenivich Hofpital for the Time being, for the Benefit of the fame V ich Hoi'pital. Hofpital. Perfons ac!;r;e«d by the XXXII. Provided alfo, and be it further enaded, That it {hall be lawful for any Perfon or Per- Order oi'Dste/mination fons who {hall think him, her, or themfclves aggrieved by any Order or Determination of any Juftice or- any juft.ce, m <y ap- or Juilicc-s of the Peace, upon account of any Offence committed, or fuppofed to be committed, Son ""' ^'•'"■againft this A<Sl, to appeal to the General or Quarter Sefuon of the Peace which {hall be held for the ' County, City, Riding, Divifion, or Place, where any fuch Offence {hall have been committed, next after the Conviction of any Offender or Offenders for any Offence committed againfl this Act; the Perfon or Perfons fo appealing firft giving Security in double the Sum forfeited, before fuch Juftice or Juftices, to profecute fuch Appeal with Effe6t, and to abide by the Order or Orders which {hall giv-ng 8 Days Notice to be made Oil fuch Appeal, and giving eight Days Notice in Writing of his, her, or their Intention to to*-rc'Sf"ch^r-^^^ ^° the Party or Parties on whofe Profecution any fuch Conviaion {hall be made, if there ^vifhV(T^a; " ^^"^ ^-^^' '?^ ^° many Days within the Time of fuch Conviftion and fuch General or Quarter SefTion ; and it there be not Time and, if not, then the Party or Parties who {hall deem him, her, or themfelves aggrieved by any to give fuch Notice, Apfuch Convi6tion, fhall and may be at Liberty to appeal to thejiext General or Quarter Seilion b.ut ^ " " ' . - - - - )unty. City, or Place, where any eral or Quarter Seilion are hereby .. _ .... ^ required to hear and determine the A4atter of every fuch Appeal, and to make fuch fame, and award Ccfcs ; Order therein, and to av/ard fuch Cofts, as to them fhall appear jult, and to caufe to be levied, under Colts which {hall be awarded, together with fuch Money as any I of any fuch Appeal, {hall adjudge to be forfeited, by Diftrefs f the Perfon or Perfons who fhall refiife to pay fuch Coils and roods or Chatties of any fuch Offender or Offenders cannot be and if not, then on Jiis met with to fatisfy fuch Ccils and Money forfeited, then by iJiffrefs and Sale of the Goods and Chat- ^"""'y* ties of the Perfon or Perfons who {hall have become Surety or Sureties as aforefaid for the Party or Parties who fhall have fo appealed. No Order cr Proceedings XXXIII. Provided likcwifc, and he it alfo enaded. That no Order or Proceedings to be made or S fl'S Warot^Vorm'-^^^ ^"^ ^"^ ^"^^^^^ ^"y Juftice of the Peacc in relation to the Premiffes, fliall bequaflied or vacated for orremoved by Certiorari', ^"^^^it of Form Only ; and that thc Order which {liall be made in the Premiffes by the Juftices at their &c. nor Order of th;; General or Qiiarter Seffion of the Peace as aforefaid, fliall be final ; and that no Proceedings of any Court of SeiTion be ap- fuch Juftice or Juftices out of Seflion, or in their faid General or Quarter Seflion, in purfuance of pealed from. this A^, {hall be removcable by 6V//i)r<ir/, Letters of Advocation or of Sufpenfion, or otherwife. Limitation of Adions. XXXIV. And be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid. That if any Action or Suit ftiall be brought or commenced againft any Perfon or Perfons, for any Thing which fhall be done in purfuance of this Aa, every fuch Aaion or Suit ftiall be brought and commenced within the Space of fix Calendar Months next after any fucli Caufe of Aaion fhall have accrued, and not afterwards ; and fliall be brought, laid, and tried in the County, City, or Place, in which the Caufe of Aaion fhall have arifen, and not elfewhere ; and that the Defendant and Defendants in every fuch Aaion and Suit may Cenrral IfTje, plead the General Iflue, and give this Aa and the Special Matter in Evidence, at any Trial to be had thereupon, and that the fame was done in purfuance and by the Authority of this AtSt : And if the fame {liall appear to have been fo done, or if any fuch Aaion or Suit {hall not be commenced within the Time before limited, or fliall be laid or brought in any other County, City, or Place, than where the Caufe of Aaion fhall have arifen; then, and in any of fuch Cafes, the Jury {hall 6nd a Verdia for the Defendant or Defendants ; and upon fuch Verdia, or if the Plaintiff or Plaintiffs in any fuch Aaion or Suit fliall become nonfuir, or difcontinue, his, her, or their Aaion, after the Defendant or Defendants therein fhall have appeared, or if, on any Demurrer, Judgment {hall be given for the Defendant or Defendants ; then, and in any of the faid Cafes, every fuch Defendant Treble Cofls. or Defendants fhall have and recover treble Cofts, and fhall be intitled to purfue and take fuch Reme- dy for recovering of the fame, as any Defendant or Defendants hath or have to recover his or their Cofts in other Cafes by Law. ProvJfions in tbe Aa XXXV. And bc it further enaaed by the Authority aforefaid. That all the Provifions and Regu- fouchinptheSaleorbuy-lations herein before contained and enaaed, v/ith refpea to the Places within the Weekly Bills of ingof Firti within the Mortality, touching the Sale of buyin^ of Fifh, and all Penalties for the Non-obfervance thereof, Pen'iti/sfin-Non-^obfcf-^ extend, and be conftrucd to extend, to the Parifti of Saint M.'ry le Bone in the laid County of y ^nciiv. reef, Jc Mend ■^'^^^J^'^y and fliall in like manner to all Intents and Purpofes take place, and be in force, with ed to the Pa.ifh of St. refpe6t to the faid Parifh of Saint Mary le Bone. Mary le L'one in Middle- XXXV'I. Provided further, and it is hereby alfo enaaed and declared by the Authority aforefaid. The P oh b Cl Tl'i^t nothing in this Aa contained fhall extend, or be conftrued to extend, to make void any Con- inthi/AaaSi} Con"^^'^ ^'^'"^^y made, or to prevent any Contraa from being made, after the faid firft Day of May trarts, are not to extend one thoufand fcvcii huiulrcd and fixty-two, by or with any Perfon or Perfons, in regard to Salt or

o ihofo m*de, rr to bcdried Pifh, Oyflers, Caip, or Tench, or any of them.

made, wiik rcr.rJ to Laltor dntd Fi(h, Oyncrs, C-rp, or Tench. XXXVII. Pro-