Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 8.djvu/649

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A. D. 1761. Anno fecundo Georgii III. C. 20. 615 in like manner, feifed or pofiefTed of alike Eftate as aforefaid, of the yearly Value of four hundred Pounds: A Captain fliall be, in like manner, feifed or poficflcd of a like hftate as aforefaid, of thc^-'Pf'*'" 150I. perAnn, yearly Value of one hundred and fifty Pounds ; or fhall be Son of a Perfon who (hall be, or, at the Time of his Death, was, in like manner, feifed or pofllfTed of a like Effate as aforefaid, of the yearly Value of three hundred Pounds : A Lieutenant fhall be, in like manner, feifed or poflefied of Lieutenant 7ol.perAin, a like Eftate as aforefaid, of the yearly Value of feventy Pounds ; or fhall be Son of a Perfon who Ihall be, or, at the Time of his Death, was, in like manner, feifed or poffeffed of a like Eftate as andEnfunzoI. per Ann. aforefaid, of the yearly Value of two hundred Pounds : An Enfign, fliall be, in like manner, feifed A Moiery of the Eftates or pofTefled or alike Eftate as aforefaid, of the yearly Value of twenty Pounds ; or fhall be Son of a leqiufue to their feveral Perfon who fhall be, or, at the Time of his Death, was, in like manner, feifed or poffeflcd of a like j^.*|^^;|^'°"^'^j'^^i^^^^,j^°"^ Eflate as aforefaid, of the yearly Value of fifty Pounds : One half of all which refpeitive Eftates, {^ ^e within the County except thofe for the Qualifications of Lieutenants and Enfigns, fhall be fituate or arifing within fuch tor which they ferve. refpe<Stive County or Riding, in which fuch Officers fliall be refpedtivcly appointed to ferve. iX. Provided always, That in fuch Counties where twenty Perlbns cannot be found qualified as In thofe Counties where aforefaid, and willing to acl as Deputy Lieutenants, it may and fliall be lawful for his Majefty's2='I^'^P-^'«"t«;nY'tscan. Lieutenant of anv fuch County, and he is hereby required, after having appointed fo many Perfons ""^ ^ '"^""l^" ^."U* as can be found qualihcd r.s aroreiaid, to appomt Inch JN umber of f-'erfons to be Deputy Lieutenants f^rnany with a (Vialifica. as fhall be requifite to make up the Number twenty, who ihall refpeftively be feifed or poflefied of tion of zocl. per Ann. a like Eftate of the yearly Value of two hundred Pounds, and fituate as aforefaid : Provided, That may be appointed, 35 will the Perfons fo appointed fhall not make the whole Numb r of Deputy Lieutenants for the faid County "Jj^' "P '.'^^fr^^f'"* toex'ceed the Number of twenty ; and every fuch Perfon fhall be, and is hereby deemed and declared ,^,^^ Cou°ny noTtrex- to be, duly and fufficiently qualified to a£t and ferve under fuch refpe6live Commiflion. ceed 2a. X. And be it ena6ted. That the Eflates requifite for the Qiialification of the Deputy Lieutenants Q^iaiificatlon of Deputy and Officers of the Militia in the Ifle of Ely, in the County of Cambridge, fhall be as follows ; A Lieutenants and oake.s Deputy Lieutenant fhall be feifed or pofl'efl'ed of a like Eftate as aforefaid, of the yearly Value of J;f ^'^j^/°^^f^|]';J'"' two Hundred Pounds ; or fhall be Heir Apparent of fome Perfon who fhall be, in like Manner, ^^^^i^ p^^ Ann. ' feifed or pofleflTed of a like Ellate as aforefaid, of the yearly Value of four hundred Pounds : A Cap- of a Captain lool. pe» tain fhall be in like manner, feifed or pofTefled of a like Eftate as aforefaid, of the yearly Value of Ann. one hundred Pounds ; or fhall be Heir Apparent of a Perfon who fhall be, in like manner, fifed or poflefied of a like Eftate as aforefaid, of the yearly Value of two hundred Pounds ; or fliall be a younger Son of fome Perfon who fhall be, or, at the Time of his Death, was, in like manner. Lieutenant 50l.psrA.nn. feifed or pofTefled of a like Eftate as aforefaid, of the yearly Value of three hundred Pounds : A Lieutenant fhall be, in like manner, feifed or pofTefled of a like Eftate as aforefaid, of the yearly Value of fifty Pounds ; or fhall be Son of fome Perfon who fliall be, or, at the Time of his Death was, in like manner, feifed or poflx-flTed of a like Eftate as aforefaid, of the yearly Value of one hun- dred Pounds: An Enfign fliall be, in like manner, feifed or pofl'eff'ed of a like Eftate as aforefaid, ^^™f"^;°;^^^^^ of the yearly Value of twenty Pounds; or fhall be Son of fome Perfon who ih all be, or, at the ,.e.uifiie^o" their feveral Time of his Death, was, in like manner, feifed and pofTefl^ed of a like Eftate as aforefaid, of the Qualifications, except for yearly Value of fifty Pounds: One Half of all which Eftates, except thofe for the Qualifications LautcnantsandEnfigns, of Lieutenants and Enfigns, fhall be fituate or arifing within the faid Ifle of Ely., or fome other Part^° beinthein?ofEiy,or of the County of Cambridge. ... ""• ^^'"^"s XL And be it enabled, That in all Cities or Tov/ns which are Counties within themfelves, and Five or more D. Lieute- have heretofore been impowered, by Law or antient Uiage, to raife and train a feparate Militia within n?,nts to beappointed for their feveral Precinds and Liberties, and which are by this ASt united with, and made Part of, any '"^^^"'"^"'^ !°"""'^ ^' County or Counties for the Purpofes of this Aft only; his Majefly's Lieutenants of fuch Cities or '^^^^^^^^^^^ '^'" Tovi?ns, or, where there is no Lieutenant appointed by his Majefty, the chief Magiftrate of fuch *" *" CityorTown fhall appoint five or more Deputy Lieutenants (if i'b many Perfons qualified as is hereinafter exprefl'ed can therein be found) and fliall alfo appoint Officers of the Militia, whofe ^j^'^^^J^'^'^'J'^f ;^"„^- Number and Rank fhall be proportionable to- the Number of Militia Men which fuch City or Town "^-^ e ^^o a fhall raife, as their ^lota, towards the Militia of the County to which fuch City or Town is, by this Ail, united for the Purpofes aforefaid ; the Qiialification of which Officers refpeitively fliall be as is herein after-mentioned ; and all Powers given and Provifions made by this Ail, with refpeif: to Coun- -^'^ Powers and Provlfi- ties at large, and the Militia thereof, and the regiftering the Qualifications of Deputy LieLitenants^"J^,;^"J^^3'^-^^f^/*^"^ and Officers, fhall take place and be in force with refpecl to the faid Cities and Towns, and the Mi- tended"to the llfiCntiz litia thereof, and the regiftering the faid Qualifications, except only as to the Particulars herein ex- and Towns ; conferred by this A61 on any three Deputy Lieutenants, or any two Deputy Lieutenants together ^'^ '^°"^"I5'^ ^^ ^f= '^'^^ with any one Juftice of the Peace, or any one Deputy Lieutenant together with any two Juftices of""^'^;'^;. '^P-'ty ^^'^ '^- the Peace of any County at large : And the Value of the refpeftive Qiialifications of the Deputy rhc Quaii'hcation for Lieutenants and Officers of the Militia of fuch Cities or Towns, fhall be as follows ; Every Deputy fuch Cities and Town?, Lieutenant and Field Officer fhall refpeftively be feifed or poflelTed of a like Eftate as aforefaid, of^'z- of a Deputy Lieire- the yearly Value of three Hundred Pounds ; or fliall be poflefl'ed of a perfonal Eftate alone, or ftifed "^"J' ^""j^""^ ^^'^■> or poflefied of real and perfonal Eftate together, to the Amoitnt or Value of five thoufand Pounds : ^°" ' ^" ""' And the QuaUfication of a Captain fhall be a like Eftate as aforefaid, of the yearly Value of one bundrei 4