Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 9.djvu/112

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62 C. 24. Anno tertio Georgii III. A. D. 1762.. in refpect of any Annui- Knight or Knights of the Shire, or of any Citizen or Citizens, Burgefs or Burgeffes, of any fuch ty or Rent Charge grant- City or Town, within that Part of Great Britain called England, for or in refpect of any Annuity ed after the laid i June or R ent Charge to he granted after the faid firft Day of June one thoufand feven hundred and oft&grBwYulyS- fl . xt y- three ? unlefs a Memorial of the Grant of fuch Annuity or Rent Charge (hall have been re- cd, beregiftcted as afore- giftered with the Clerk of the Peace of the County, Riding of Divifion, or with the Clerk of faid. the Peace, Town Clerk, or other publick Officer, having the Cuftody of the Records, within fuch City or Town where the Lands or Tenements out of which fuch Annuity or Rent Charge iffues fhall lie, twelve Calendar Months at leaft before the firft Day of fuch Election ; which Memorial fhall be wrote on Parchment, and directed to fuch Clerk of the Peace, Town Clerk, or other publick Officer, and (hall be under the Hand and Seal of the Grantor or Grantors, and attefted by two Witnefles, one whereof to be one of the Witnefles to the Execution of fuch Grant ; which Witnefs fhall upon Oath before fuch Clerk of the Peace, Town Clerk, or other Offi- cer as aforefaid, or their Deputies, prove the fealing and delivering of fuch Grant, and the figning and fealing of fuch Memorial ; and which Memorial fhall contain the Day and Year of the Date, and the Names, Additions, and Abodes, of the Parties and Witnefles, and all the Lands and Such Grant to be pro- Tenements out of which the Annuity or Rent Charge iflues, and the Parifh, Townfhip or-' ducedattheTimeof re- Place, or the Parifhes, Townfhips and Places, where fuch Lands and Tenements lie ; and that fnj e Y"irof i en'te e rfn 3y the? very fuch Grant » of which fuch Memorial is fo to be regiftered, (hall, at the Time of enter- MemodaVtoTe "ndorfed ' n £ fuch Memorial, be produced to fuch Clerk of the Peace, Town Clerk, or other Officer as rheieon by the pioptr aforefaid, or their Deputies, who fhall thereon indorfe a Certificate, in which (hall be men- Officer, tioned the Day and Year on which fuch Memorial (hall be fo entered. Nor may any one vote in IV. And be it further ena£ted by the Authority aforefaid, That from and after the faid firft Rightofany Affignment Day of Augujl one thoufand feven hundred and fixty-four, no Perfon (hall vote at any Elec- ot any Annuity or Rent t ; on f a K^jght or Knights of the Shire, or of any Citizen or Citizens, Burgefs or Burgefies J' 8 " 111 e 0,e of any fuch City or Town, in that Part of Great Britain called England, by reafon of an Affign- ment of any Annuity or Rent Charge, or any Part or Parts thereof, made before the faid firft unlefs a Certificate of the Day of June one thoufand feven hundred and fixty-three, unlefs a Certificate of fuch Affign- original Annuity been- mejit upon Oath, to the Purport herein before mentioned, with refpect to an original Annuity tered as aforefaid ; or Rent Charge, fhail have been entered with fuch Clerk of the Peace, Town Clerk, or other and if the Aflignment be officer as aforefaid, twelve Calendar Months at leaft before the firft Day of fuch Election ; and made alter the raid i that no Perfon (hall vote at any fuch Election as aforefaid, by reafon of an Affignment of any Tune, then a Memorial . „ ~. ■> „ .p. r r r ii CfS V'cv J thereof, and of the Annuity or Rent Charge, or any Part or Parts thereof, made after the hrlt (Jay ot June one Cant, to be atteited and thoufand feven hundred and fixty-three, unlefs a Memorial of fuch Affignment, and alfo a regifleied. sis directed in Memorial of the Grant of fuch Annuity or Rent Charge of which fuch Affignment (hall be Caies of Original Grams. mac ] e) f] ]a ]l have been attefted and regiftered twelve Calendar Months at leaft before the firft Day of fuch Election, in the fame Manner as is herein before directed with refpect to the Memo- rial of an original Grant of an Annuity or Rent Charge. Books to be kept by the V. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the Clerk of the Peace of every .proper Officers for enter- County, Riding or Divifion, and the Clerk of the Peace, Town Clerk, or other Officer as afore- Mraorial?" " faid > of every fuch City or Town, (hall keep a Book or Books for the entering of every fuch . * Certificate and Memorial, and fhall be allowed for the Entry of every fuch Certificate the Sura Searc n r of one Shilling, and of every fuch Memorial two Shillings, and no more; and for every Search for any Certificate or Memorial one Shilling, and no more ; and that any Perfon or Perfons may., at all feafonable Times, refort to and infpect the Certificates, Memorials, and Books of Entries and for Copies. thereof: And fuch Clerk of the Peace, Town Clerk, or other Officer as aforefaid, or their Depu- ties, is hereby directed and required forthwith to give a Copy of any Certificate or Memorial to any Perfon or Perfons who (hall defire the fame, paying for fuch Copy, if it contains not more than two hundred Words, the Sum of fix Pence ; and fo in Proportion for any greater Number Officer may admini/ter of Words : And fuch Clerk of the Peace, Town Clerk, or other Officer as aforefaid, or their De- an Oath in Cafes afore- puties, is hereby impowered to adminifter an Oath in all Cafes where an Oath is required by this fa,d : Act ; and true Copies of the aforefaid Certificate and Memorials attefted by fuch refpective Clerks of C r7«office e r,de y emed the Peace > Town Clerk ' or ° hcr Officer as aforefaid, or their Deputies, (hall at all Times be al- legal Evidence. lowed and admitted as legal Evidence Li all Cafes whalfoever. Memorials of Grants or VI. Provided always, . and be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That a Memorial of Afiignments made and fuch Grant or Affignment as (hall be made and executed in any Place not within forty Miles of the executed above 40 Miles Office of the Clerk of the Peace for the refpeitive County, Riding or Divifion, or of the Town f f°h ' i4?e fR &c° f to C b erk Clerlc > or other Officer as aforefaid, (hall be entered and regiftered by fuch Clerk of the Peace, regifteredopnn pVducmg Town Clerk, or other Officer as aforefaid, or their Deputies, in cafe an Affidavit fworn, or an Affidavit made by one Affirmation of a Sjhtaker, before one of the Judges at Wejlminjler, or a Matter in Chancery Or- of the Wimeifes before dinary or Extraordinary, be brought with the faid Memorial to the faid Clerk of the Peace, one of the Judges at Town Clerk, or other Officer as aforefaid, wherein one of the Witnefles to the Execution of Weflmmfler.oraMaiter fuch Grant or Affignment (hall fwear that he or (lie faw the fame executed; and the fame >n chancery. ^j ^ a f u fg c ie n t Authority to the Clerk of the Peace, Town Ckrk, or other Officer, or their Deputies, to give the Party that brings fuch Memorial a Certificate of the Regiftering fuch Memorial ; which Certificate, figned by the faid Clerk of the Peace, Town Clerk, or other Officer as aforefaid, or their Deputies, fhall be taken and allowed as Evidence of the Regiftry of , i the