Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 9.djvu/150

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IOO but the fame to be a Debt on him C. 2. Anno quarto Georgii III. A. D. 1763. for which Diftrefs fha'l or may be made, being fiift thereout fatisfied and paid) to keep in his or their Hands, to and for his and their own Ulb, fo much Money as the Commiffioners, or any two or more of them (who ordered, or (hall order, fuch Diftrefs) ftiall in their Difcretion judge reafonablc for making fuch Diftrefs, as alio for the Charges in keeping thereof, or otherwife relating thereto, rendering the Overplus (if any be) to the Owner. ' ClX. And whereas fome Receivers of former LnndTaxss have neglected or delayed the palling their ' Accounts in the Exchequer in due Time, and have, after feveral Years elapfed, fet infuper fome Coun- ' ties, Divifions or Places, for Monies which were there raifed, and for the anfwering whereof due Proof might have been made, in cafe fuch Receivers had accounted fooner, whereby feveral Counties, Divi- ' fions and Places have been put to unreafonable Charge and Vexation ;' it is therefore hereby provided, Mo Receiver to declared and enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That no Receiver whatfoever of any Monies granted by ITp'orTany Coun" tn ' s 4 1 ?' to ^ e ra >f eu > n England, Wales, or the Town of Berwick upon Tweed, or any Heirs, Executors or tv, sic. after 3 Adminiftrators of fuch Receiver, {hall, in any Accounts of the Monies wherewith fuch Receive* {hall be Years, for Mo- chargeable (unlefs fuch Account be declared and paffed in the Exchequer within three Years at the farther! nics in Arrear ; after the twenty-fourth Day of March one thoufand feven hundred and fixy-four) be allowed or admitted to fet infuper, or charge any County, Divifion or Place in England, Wales, or the Town of Berwick upon Tweed, for any Monies granted by this Act, which mall be in Arrear, and unpaid ; but that the fame fhall an<i his Sscuri- r f ma i n a Debt upon every fuch Receiver, to be anfwered by him and his Securities, his and their Heirs, ties. Executors or Adminiftrators, Lands, Tenements, Goods and Chattels refpectively ; any Thing herein con- tained to the contrary notwithftanding. ' CX. And whereas the ufual and proper Method of compelling the Payment of Sums fet infuper, is by ' Procefs of Dijlringas : And whereas divers Sheriffs, or their Under Sheriffs, or other Officers, who have c had the Execution of fuch Procefs, favouring Inhabitants, or Collectors, have returned IfTues upon the ' Writs to them directed, fo fmall and inconfiderable, that in many Inftar.ces fuch Method of Proceeding ' hath been found inefficient to compel the Payment of Arrears, whereby great Lofs hath happened to the ' Publick, and further LofTes may hereafter happen by the like Proceedings, unlefs fome Remedy be pro- S f n'tr' " WrtS ' v, '^ e( ^ »' For the Prevention thereof, Be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That upon every fuch Writ return irtbeTafter °f Di/lringas hereafter to be iffued upon any fuch Infuper, the Sheriff or other Officer, to whom the fame theRateof 5 1. ft la " be directed, fhall return IfTues after the Rate of five Pounds at leaft, for every hundred Pounds of the per Cent, of the Sum fet infuper; which IfTues fo returned fhall be forthwith drawn down into the great Roll of the Pipe; Sum fet infuper; and Procefs, according to the Courfe of the Exchequer, fhall ifTue for levying the fame at the firft General Y' d ^h° CefSt ° ^" unl o of Procefs for his Majefty, his Heirs and Succeffors, out of and under the Seal of the faid Exche- ^ ' quer, unlefs the Lord Treafurer, or Commiffioners of the Treafury, or Chancellor of the Exchequer, or the Barons of the Exchequer, or any two of them, fhall, upon juft Caufe, think fit to order the drawing . down fuch IfTues into the Pipe, or the ifTuing fuch Procefs, to be refpited till a further Day. Shrewftur '" CXI. And be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the refpective Perfons who have received or ihaigeabief collected, or fhall receive or collect, the yearly Profits of the Water- works within the Town of Shreivf- bury, fhall be and are hereby charged and chargeable with the Payment of the Tax that fhall be affeffed on the faid Profits by this Act, to be levied in fuch manner as other Aids and AfTeflinents in and by this Act are directed ; and the refpective Perfons fo charged as aforefaid, and paying the fame, fhall be allowed the fame on their Accounts, by the Proprietors thereof for the Time being; any Thing herein contained to the contrary notwithftanding. ' CXII. And whereas by and in purfuance of certain Claufes, which are contained in the feveral Acts of ' Parliament for Land Taxes, which paffed in the Reign of their late Majefties Queen Anne, king George ' the Firft, King George the Second, and in the firft, fecond and third Years of his prefent Majefty 's ' Reign, feveral Parifhes and Piaces have been difcharged by the Barons of the Exchequer of certain Over- ' plus Sums, wherewith they were refpsctively overburdened, by reafon of double Taxes formerly charged e upon them ; and the like Overplus Sums are not comprehended in the Proportions by this Act charged ' upon the Counties, Cities, or other Places, wherein the faid Parifhes or Places formerly overburdened as ■Who Ihall have ' aforefaid were fituate :' It is hereby declared and enacted, That the Eafe fo given fhall accrue only to the the Benefit only^ j-efp^ive Parifhes or Places formerly overburdened as aforefaid, and fliall not be conftrued or taken to lefTen, uncharged! "^ abate or difcharge any of the Sums or Proportions to be raifed in any other City, Borough, Parifh, Town or Place whatfoever. ciaufe for the ' CXIII. And whereas the Sums that were affefTed by virtue of the Act for the former Aid of four Shil- Eafeof Prcte- c ]j n gs In the Pound, which was made and paffed in the fourth Year of the Reign of their late Majefties Lands' &c! have ' King William and Queen Mary, do not only govern the Proportions fet upon every County, City, come, which ' Riding, Town, or other Place hereby charged with a certain Sum in this Act fet down and expreffed; have been doubly ' but are alfo to regulate the Proportions thereof in every Hundred or Divifion refpectively, towards the of one million nine hundred eighty-nine thoufand nine hundred Pounds eighteen Shillings and nine Pence : And whereas towards the Affeffments which were made by virtue of the faid Ait of the fourth Year of their faid late Majefties Reign, feveral Lands, Tenements, Rents, or other Hereditaments of Papifts, and other Perfons, refufing or neglecting to take the Oaths therein contained, were affeffed to pay double the Rates therein expreffed ; and lince the making thofe Affefifnents feveral of the faid Papifts, and other Perfons, which were fo doubly taxed, have taken the faid Oaths, or their Lands are come to Proteftants, whereby their Eftates will be charged on this Act only to fuch an equal Pound-rate, as is to be borne by their Proteftant Neighbours ; and feveral of the faid Papifts, and other Perfons, formerly doubly taxed as aforefaid, are fince dead, or have bona fide fold their Eftates, and the Eftates which be- longed to fuch Perfons do now belong to Perfons not liable to the faid double AlMments ; and by occa- ' fion u " d - * faid Sum