Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 9.djvu/215

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A. D. 1763. Anno quarto Georgii III. C. 18. 165 portion as the refpe&ive Quotas paid to the Land Tax by each refpective County or Riding, and by Quotas paid to the Land each fuch refpective City, Town, and Place, bear to each other, and the refpective Sum and Sums Tax bear to each other ; fo afcertained and apportioned fhall be rated, levied, and paid out of the Rates for the Relief of the and 'he Sums fo a Pp0 r- Poor, to be collected within each fuch refpective City, Town, and Place, not rated to the faid Rate, ^^tt Poors Rate c° T- called the County Rate, by fuch Ways and Means, and with fuch Powers and Regulations for levy- ] e £t ed ; n f uc h city by" ing, collecting, and keeping the fame diftinct, as are prefcribed in the faid Act parTed in the fecond the Churchwardens and Year of the Reign of his prefent Majefty, for each refpective County or Riding ; and the Church- Overfeers of the Poor, wardens and Ov'erfeers of the Poor of each fuch refpective City, Town, and Place, _ {hall, from c^, T ^ e r VVim Time to Time, pay over the fameto the Treafurer or Treafurers of every County or Riding within p a °d n to y 'the Receiver Ge- which any fuch City, Town, and Place as aforefaid lies, in order that the faid Treafurer or Trea- neral, together with ths furers may pay over the fame to the Receiver General of the faid County or Riding, together with Proportion of the laid the Proportion of the faid Sum of five Pounds per Man, directed to be rated, levied, and paid, by ? v ™° f 5 1 - tobe P aid b ? each County or Riding, by the faid Act paffed in the fecond Year of the Reign of his prefent uc cunty " x! And be it further enafled, That in fuch Cities, Towns, and Places, as are Counties of them- JS!!^fedSta!S felves, and yet have no fuch Rate or Affeffment as is called the County Rate, nor any Powers or Di- are Counties of them, rections for rating, levying, or collecting the Proportion of the faid Sum of five Pounds per Man, felves. to be raifed by the County to which the faid Cities, Towns, or Places are, by the faid Act paffed in the fecond Year of the Reign of his prefent Majefty, united for the Purpofes of the faid Act, the Directions herein before given for rating, levying, and collecting the Proportion of the faid Sum of five founds per Man, within fuch Cities, Towns, and Places, as do not contribute to the County Rate, fhall be purfued and followed in all fuch Cities, Towns, or Places, as are Counties of them- felves. ' XL And whereas, in fome Parts of this Kingdom there are Towns which lie in two Counties,

  • and Doubts have arifen, whether fuch Towns are obliged to pay to both Counties the Sum of five w , - .. .
  • Pounds in lieu of every private Militia Man which fhall not be raifed by fuch Counties;' Be it two counties they are t»

therefore enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That where any Town lies in two Counties, it fhall be contribute their Quota, lawful for the faid Town to contribute their Quota, for and in lieu of raifing the Militia, for thati nlie u° f raifing the Mi- County only where the Church of the faid Town is fituate ; and the Deficiencies of the other County V 3 '/ ! ^ch" " h ty "* Rate, which the faid Town would have paid, fhall be made up by the County in general, and not by ^ a ^ s . ^l the'Defta- the Divifion or Hundred where the faid Town is fituated. encies of the other Coun- ty Rates, are to be made C A P. XVIII. uP r bytheCount y i„G S - An Aft for charging on the Sinking Fund certain Annuities granted by an Act: palTed in the firft Year of the Reign of his prefent Majefty •, and for carrying the Duties there- in mentioned, to the faid Fund ; and alfo for confolidating fuch of the faid Annui- ties as are granted for a certain Term of Years, irredeemable, with other Annuities granted by an Act paffed in the fecond Year of his prefent Majefty's Reign. WHEREAS, in purfuance of an Act. of Parliament made in the firft Year of the Reign ofP^mble,recitiivgC!au. his prefent Majefty, intituled, An Ail for granting to his Majefty an additional Duty, upon iei lnA£llGeo - 3' c - 7». Strong Beer and Ale ; and for raifing the Sum of tivelve millions, by way of Annuities and a Lottery, to be charged on the faid Duty ; and for further encouraging the Exportation of Strong Beer and Ale; feveral Perfons, Bodies Politick or Corporate, have advanced and lent the Sum of twelve millions upon the Credit of the feveral Duties upon Strong Beer and Ale by the faid Act granted, for the Pur- chafe of Annuities transferrable at the Bank of England, after the Rate of three Pounds per Centum per Annum, upon the faid Sum of twelve millions ; and alfo of an Annuity after the Rate of one Pound two Shillings and fix Pence, per Annum, for every hundred Pounds of the Sum of eleven millions four hundred thoufand Pounds, Part of the faid Sum of twelve millions fo fubfcribed as aforefaid, for a certain Term of ninety-nine Years, to be computed from the fifth Day of January one thoufand feven hundred and fixty-one : And whereas in purfuance of an Act of Parliament made in the fecond Year of the Reign of his prefent Majefty, intituled, An a Geo. 3. t, io* Ail for rai/ing by Annuities, in manner therein mentioned, the Sum of twelve ?nill':dns to be charged on the Sinking Fund ; and for applying the Surplus of certain Duties on Spirituous Li- quors, and alfo the Monies arifingfrom Duties on fpirituous Liquors, granted by an A Si of this Sejfion of Parliament; feveral Perfons, Bodies Politick or Corporate, have advanced and lent the Sum of twelve millions upon the Credit of the Surplus of the feveral Duties on Spirituous Liquors, granted by two Acts of Parliament of the twenty-fourth and thirty-third Years of the Reign of his late Majefty '-ing George the Second, and on the Credit of the feveral Duties on Spirituous Liquors, granted by an Act of the fecond Year of his prefent Majefty, forthePtirchafe of Annuities tranf- ferrable at the Bank of England, at the Rates following; that is to fay, For every Sum of eighty Pounds by them advanced towards the Sum of nine millions fix hundred thoufand Pounds, Part of the faid twelve millions, to be intitled to one hundred Pounds Capital, being an Intereft of four Pounds/w Centum per Annum, during the Term of nineteen Years ; and after the Expira- tion thereof, to an Annuity of three Pounds per Centum per Annum, on every hundred Pounds of fuch Capital, redeemable by Parliament ) and for every twenty Pounds of the Sum of two millions

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